Given the many responses, I will not even try to deal with every post but will at least deal with every poster. If you jumped into a debate downstream, I’ll leave you on your own on that for tonight.
@syz What a great answer. Let me just note that not all us old white guys belong on that list of sins.
@Adirondackwannabe It’s always safe to blame the “librul” media. Never mind that most media now is owned by 6 uber-corporation.
@Skaggfacemutt Spot on. Boehner and McConnell are already falsely claiming that the election demonstrates a mandate for ensuring that programs for the poor get cut, but not the Bush tax breaks for millionaires.
@JLeslie Thanks. I saw the referenced question early on. Responded to it, in fact. But I appreciated seeing all the additional input.
Regarding their delusional analysis of what went wrong, why am I feeling so singularly sanguine about that? :-)
@rojo Oh wow do I ever hope that’s their final answer. Get way more extreme next election.
@SpatzieLover I heartily concur with your conclusion of their party. I keep holding out hope they will wake up and reshape the party into a force for good in the 21st century. But if they are determined to play 19th century politics, then they will eventually be replaced. Single party rule is not something I view nearly as positively as the fascist wing of the Republican Party does.
@tom_g Cruel. Dance on their grave. :-)
@Lightlyseared Ha! Shows what you get when you hire programmers who don’t believe in math or science. But hey, they did at least try.
@gailcalled When you are dealing with someone who has danced on the graves of so many you admired, a little gallows humor is to be expected.
@josie Charisma may be just what it takes for the coming 4 years.
@Qingu Correction. Karl Rove’s job is to make sure billionaires like Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers will give his PACs hundreds of millions of dollars again in the next election cycle. That is literally his job. He takes a nice little chunk of those “charitable” donations from billionaires trying to buy a government to do favors for themselves, and keeps it for himself.
@bolwerk Well put. GA.
@ucme Well, we have Bill O’Reilly linked in the OP claiming the problem was whites (now just a scant 72% of the electorate) are now a minority.
@zenvelo GA. Yes, never mind that including the superPACs, Republicans outspent Democrats 3 to 1. The danger is we will conclude that this means money is unimportant in politics and give up on efforts to fix the travesty of Citizens United. Think of where Democrats in the Senate and Congressional races, and state legislatures would have been if the playing field had been level. The Citizens United decision stinks and the smell of it must be buried.
@rebbel Yes, I guess declaring elections null and void—not a part of democracy—would give them the hegemony they dream of.
@DrBill Way wrong! Even Mitt Romney knew that 47% of Americans are making so little they currently are not hit with the Federal Income Tax. I’m pretty sure that 100% minus 47% comes out to 53%, which should be plenty to win an election, no?
This lie about no taxes is particularly disgusting. It shows how out-of-touch Republican defend-our-poor-millionaires efforts have gotten. The 47% who earn so little they are exempt from federal taxes still pay Payroll Withholding Tax, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, property taxes and on and on. In fact, most of them pay a greater percentage of their total income in taxes then Mitt Romney did, even in the two tax returns he was willing to release.
@mazingerz88 Yes, there’s a link to that clip in the OP.
@ragingloli I think @DrBill has photoshopped in a giant cat on his extended arms. Either the photoshopping extended to aging his face artificially, or he isn’t all that much younger than me.
@Brian1946 Is that a cardboard cutout. I just assumed it was photoshopped in, because that’s what I would do.
@KNOWITALL Thanks for the feedback from the Republican side.
@Seek_Kolinahr You are very right. Thanks.
@DrBill Are you sure there are still generational welfare recipients? Bill Clinton signed the “workfare” requirements in as Welfare Reform. Now, each state it to see that all who are not disabled get training if needed and return to the workforce withing 5 years.
@Linda_Owl Thanks. You’re quite right it was policies, and not having a black guy and a Hispanic on stage. But I see them planning to fix the demographic problem by recruiting a few token people of color, much like Alan West.
@YARNLADY That couldn’t have helped, particularly in a time when the economy has been hit so hard by outsourcing.
@tom_g Thanks for sharing those numbers. It really puts the tax issue in perspective.
@glacial Copy that. So true.