Social Question

[NSFW] Are you uptight about being tight?
Finally, the TGIF version of the tightness question! Too loose? Too tight? Just right, but afraid that will lead you to being too loose or too tight with it? Feel free to explore the physical and/or metaphysical side of this question. Straight men; fell free to chime in on your moral up-tightness, or regarding your concerns about “her” physical tightness, or lack thereof. And yes, there is such a thing as too tight. The technical word for it is vaginismus. There are also some who literally are tight-assed, having a very tight rear opening. They honestly cannot comfortably accommodate an ordinary male back there, regardless of ample lubrication and relaxation.
Opinions presented here and in the original “Are you tight?” [SFW] version are not necessarily those of the author/s. I specifically disclaim any responsibility for opinions offered by others; or by myself, for that matter. Also, “Your mileage may vary.” (YMMV) and “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.” (OIMACTTA). Possibly tighter too.