Care to share your favorite comfort food or drink that makes you warm and cozy inside?
I adore dark toast soaked in real butter sliced into long “fingers” served on a warm plate along with a hot cup of good, black tea. There’s nothing better for warming the cockles of my heart on a blustery, cold day.
What food or drink do you think of when you need to warm yourself?
Recipes are welcome.
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29 Answers
Home-made Shepherd’s Pie, cooked to my mum’s recipe. We were poor so she would make a little meat go further by adding a can of baked beans (with sauce). The sauce makes the gravy delicious.
Grilled cheese on white bread with Velveeta instead of real cheese. And yes, I have lived in a mobile home.
Grilled cheese sandwiches are perhaps America’s greatest gift to world cuisine, and I have also lived in a mobile home once upon a time.
Food: macaroni and cheese.
Drink: Hot tea.
Campbells tomato soup, grilled cheese (also with Velveeta) and hot chocolate.
Coffee. and lots of it
For food I would say an open-faced turkey sandwich. I’ve been craving one for over a month now. I need to find a little diner that serves this.
@jonsblond With real turkey, right? Not deli turkey.
@FreshlyBaked: I beg to differ. That’s chili.
Well I do feel much warmer with my whiskey jacket on…
I am a big fan of soup. I just found a great recipe for broccoli cheddar soup that has lots of rosemary in it.
Hot chocolate made with a really fine chocolatty cocoa. Mmm. I need some now. Pancakes would be nice, too. Real maple syrup.
Grilled cheese and tomato soup, with ginger ale. When I was growing up, that was my meal when I was home sick. (We used American cheese, which is nearly as bad, and saved the Velveeta for the pimento cheese mix.)
I too like tomato soup with grilled cheese and cream of mushroom soup.
Last night I made toast with peanut butter and spun honey. Oh man, I haven’t had toast and spun honey for YEARS! It was amazing!
I am a tea girl, and I drink tea at least once a day, a huge cup with milk and some artificial sweetener.
I like chicken soup and I made some last night, with pasta, carrots, onions, celery and parsnips.
I like the traditional things, like mac and cheese, beef stew, grilled cheese.
For dessert, comfort foods to me are homemade apple pie or pumpkin pie. I don’t like apple pie that is store or bakery made, it really has to be homemade. For a storebought pumpkin pie, Costco makes an excellent one.
Tomato soup with cheese dumplings, poured over a grilled Cheez Whiz sandwich.
Drink is hot chocolate with a tablespoonful of vanilla ice cream on top.
Thanks to this thread, I had a grilled cheese on whole wheat for breakfast today :)
A cup of milky, sweet tea
A bowl of Chicken & Dumplings with a side of hot cornbread and ending with a slice of apple pie.
(I love these eating posts, everything sounds soooo good!)
A turkey pot pie with a glass of milk.
@AmWiser : Me too, it’s like the erotica of food porn!
@marinelife Yes. Real turkey on top of toast, mashed potatoes and plenty of gravy. yum!
Tequilla !
What’s that ? ... “Cozy?” I thought it was warm and crazy….;-)
On a cold day? I like making this breakfast dish my mom made when I was little, that I just call “egg and crackers”. Soft boil 2 eggs, peel them and smush them down on top of 1 tablespoon of butter, then crush in some saltine crackers after the butter is melted. You can eat it just like that, or sprinkle in a pinch of salt and a dash of garlic powder. Add some finely chopped parsley if you want to. It’s delicious.
Sometimes, I also like to eat vegetable soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, on a cold rainy night.
Grilled swiss on rye, with tomato, and a side of french fries.
During this time of the year I opt for chili and beer.
During the warmer months my tastes veer toward beer and beer.
Hot, buttered popcorn with a glass of frosty orange juice.
Ooooh…it’s almost dinner time, what to make, what to make? :-p
Pretty much anything at “Dennys”
Hash browns! Oh yeah ! Breakfast of the gods.
But they must be properly made, not gloppy or oily and must be cooked enough cooked enough and have that portion that’s toasted just so….. sigh.
I am not a big drinker (but will partake on occasion, perhaps at a party or sometimes at someone’s house) but I recently saw online recipes for “Gingerbread Martini.” Looks like a good holiday drink!
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