@Coloma Where the neutral zone would be is a big problem.
Perhaps we could use dredger ships like they used in Dubai to build a big island, or buy some land that could be used, maybe in another country.
My problem is the taking away of freedom. Obviously banishing is a form of prison, that is one of the holes in my argument, but prisons are so regulated with routine and so small, that I think it is wrong to put anyone there, specially if it is national level government that puts people there, at least if they are banished they can roam about.
The big problem as I see it, is that there is no neutral zone, everywhere on the planet is taken by some jackass and his precious made up rules and imaginary lines in the dirt, you are forced to be part of society, and when you don’t comply, you get prison, and that is what I don’t like.
You could even keep the prisons, if you just set up a neutral zone for people to opt out. Like that when they do commit a crime, you can say “hey if you did not like it why did you not go to the neutral zone, you have no excuse” and then lock them up. But while you force people who are born in random places, to automatically form part of the society they was born in to, you can’t really complain if they start robbing your banks and not complying with your society.
It is like if you have a zoo run by the animals, and in one enclosure you have deer, in the other sheep, in the other pigs, and in the other cows. One day a deer gives birth to a lion, and all the deer start telling the lion that it has to be a deer. One day they catch the lion eating some meat, and they lock it up, and take away its freedom until it agrees to be a deer. The deer are to blame, they should have provided a neutral zone for the lion, rather than insist it be a deer and live with them. Who are deer to tell a lion how to live.
At the moment, there are massive economic problems in the world, I would like it if I could just go up in to the mountains some place, or off to some island, where I can just be self reliant and independent. As it is, I can’t. I am forced to remain in this system, or another system, I can’t go anywhere neutral. So if I’m forced to stay, and the system fails me, how can I be blamed for robbing a bank or something else?
Set up an artificial island, or allocate a place in your own country as a neutral zone, some rural place, or make a deal with some starving country, their land in exchange for the right to go live in your country and collect welfare. Failing that, at least make prisons much much much bigger, so the inmates can wander off and be alone or do as they please. No forced lights out or cell times, make it more free.
Some people do need to be removed from society, but don’t remove them at the cost of taking their freedom away from them. Many would rather be executed than have their freedom taken from them.
Forget execution by victims being inhumane, removal of freedom by government is dehumanizing and far worse in my opinion. They are after all, a bunch of strangers to both the criminal and the criminal’s victims.
The problem is, we originally come from the wild. Our cities and countries are in the neutral zone, because that is where they sprouted up. The neutral zone is full of places that claim to be a country and claim to have a society and culture and rules. When someone goes crazy and starts acting wild, it is really the fault of the countries for setting up their society in the middle of what used to be the wild neutral zone, while never allocating an alternative for those who want out.
I never agreed to be a deer, I never agreed that I would not rob a bank, I never agreed that I wont kill people, I was just born here at random, and people assumed I agree. Some thing I do agree with, others I do not. It is wrong for anyone to treat me or anyone else, as if they agreed to obey these rules and laws when they never did. The government is at fault, for assuming all lions agree to the laws of deer.
Anyway, this is getting long and off track of the topic of prisons, so I will end it by saying, that if we really must keep prisons, and keep assuming everyone agrees, to at least make prisons big places the size of a small city, that you can roam about in.