General Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Whoa, Is There No More Twinkies?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31629points) November 15th, 2012

Three or more bakeries in the USA that make Twinkies are closing, Hostess bakeries is closing several of the Twinkies bakeries during a strike. Maybe I will have to eat imported Twinkies. There might not be any deep fat fried Twinkies at the State Fair.

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90 Answers

josie's avatar

I didn’t think anybody actually ate those things. I figured their presence on on the shelf at the 7–11 was for advertising.

chyna's avatar

That was my first thought, no more deep fried Twinkies. An era gone by.

kimchi's avatar

No More Twinkies?! Impossible!

WestRiverrat's avatar

They will probably sell the recipe and name to someone else. Still, Kraft Twinkies just doesn’t sound right.

YARNLADY's avatar

The company has announced that if the employees do not return to work under company terms they will go out of business.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Hostess is already in chapter 11, so a judge has to approve any contracts Hostess offers. The judge probably gave the employees the best deal he could that would keep the company running.

wundayatta's avatar

If they go out of business, they will liquidate the assets, including recipes. This is not to say that anyone else might make twinkies properly, since I’m sure it has to do with the equipment and the fats used and the workers and whatnot.

On the other hand, Twinkies are vile concoctions, and it’s hard for me to imagine very many people truly ruing their loss. Especially, the heart attack in waiting that is a deep friend Twinkie. Dig. Dig.

Crashsequence2012's avatar

It’s all a plot by Mayor Bloomberg.

YARNLADY's avatar

They probably already have their new factory ready to go in Mexico. pure speculation

JLeslie's avatar

Whaaaat? I had not heard such a thing. I don’t eat Twinkies, but I just can’t imagine there isn’t still a market for them. You should see some of the crap they eat down here. Hostess is a step up. I can’t even get an Entemann’s chocolate chip cookie where I live, when I first moved here and asked if there was an Entemman’s section they had no idea what I was talking about, blank stare, it’s a travesty. But, I am off on a tangent…just the twinkie thing triggered my frustration over the Entemann’s problem. Personally, I prefer a good Hoho to a twinkie.

gailcalled's avatar

@sccrowell; Is that really you?

Sherry; Check your PM“s

sccrowell's avatar

I read a book a few years ago, where one or two of the main charactors had found a box of these delightful (well at least they are delightful to some people) Ahhhh… Yes, tis I and how are you? It is good to see you… I hope all is well!

sccrowell's avatar

Off topic, I wish there was an area we could talk or chat

XOIIO's avatar

@sccrowell how about… the chat room or pms?

This sucks lol, sometimes they were a nice treat, but hey, I live in canada, and these things here are made by hostess and another company and they are named finger cakes, but basically….

nah..nah nah naaaah naaah wee got twinkies yoooouuuu dooonn’t

jonsblond's avatar

We live right off a state route and a Hostess truck passes by twice a week. I can’t take it over alone. Anyone want to help me takeover the last remaining Twinkies?

@sccrowell so good to see you! I sent a pm. :)

XOIIO's avatar

@jonsblond operation twinkie takeover is underway!

gailcalled's avatar

@jonsblond: I was under the impression that you lived with a seriously villainous brigand. Is he not available for nefarious activities?

trailsillustrated's avatar

? I just sent a whole box of twinkies to my kids. I know I shouldn’t be sending them that rubbish but they love them. Glad I got them before there’s no more!

Kardamom's avatar

Twinkies are horrifiying and disgusting. My best friend in elementary school used to place Fritos in their sides and declare them whales. We did a test at work and left a twinkie out for at least 4 years. The thing is still sitting there, out in the open, un-perturbed. That scares me a bit. Twinkies and cockroaches can apparently outlive just about anything. Who wants to live in a Brave New World with cockroaches and twinkies?

I’m a little concerned that my brother (who loves these products) may need to stock up on cupcakes and ding-dongs, lest he never experience their (icky IMO) flavor ever again.

I’ve never enjoyed Hostess anything, so maybe they’ll come back as vegetarian friendly, gelatin-less yum yums!

XOIIO's avatar

Heeeeeey, I just had an idea.

If you guys would like me to export some twikies from Canada, I would be glad to be of service… for an increased price of course…


gailcalled's avatar

I grew up with a Hostess chocolate cupcake with the white squiggly cream filling as part of the lunch I carried to school in my metal lunchbox from fourth to sixth grade. I loved them.

jonsblond's avatar

@gailcalled hmm, Mr. Fox? He will be the decoy that will distract the Hostess driver.

Haleth's avatar

I heard a crackpot theory that twinkies are self-baking. They put chemicals in the dough which heat up and bake the cake while leaving the marshmallow fluff in the middle undamaged. Can anyone confirm or deny?

rojo's avatar

Yet another sign that the Mayans were probably right and that we only have a little over a month to make our peace with whatever diety we are presently worshiping.

Haleth's avatar

Also, I would totally live in a world where the dominant life forms are cockroaches and twinkes. Can there be zombies, too?

rojo's avatar

@Haleth What do you mean? Where do you live?
Zombies and Cockroaches and Twinkies, Oh MY.

XOIIO's avatar

@Haleth Umm, twinkies aren’t filled with marshmallow, and there are clearly holes in the bottom for the cream filling.

Coloma's avatar

Forget Twinkies, but….dare I confess? About every 2 years I just have to buy a package of Snoballs. The pink and white ones. My secret is out.

Haleth's avatar

@XOIIO That’s supposed to be cream?

The more you know.~

XOIIO's avatar

@Haleth Lol you must have had bad luck, I’ve never gotten one that is anything like marshmallow.

LostInParadise's avatar

Does that mean no more Twinkie jokes? I once told someone that they may lead to his early death, but they would help to keep him preserved.

rooeytoo's avatar

I was never a fan of Tinkies but omg do I miss TastyKakes of any variety!!! And Utz chips and Snyders Pretzels and lebanon baloney and on and on. But we do have Lamingtons which are very good and the bakeries are on every corner and have concoctions called Matchsticks and others goodies I don’t know the name of so I just point! But nothing replaces TastyKake Krumpets or Peanut Butter TandyKakes!

wundayatta's avatar

Do not worry. Someone will buy the company in bankruptcy. The union will be broken. The factories will be back in business. Twinkies will double in price and the company will make money again.

One caveat… the twinkies might not be quite the same.

But do not freak, you Twinkie lovers. Seriously. This is only business.

thorninmud's avatar

Dude, just stock up now. They last forever.

glacial's avatar

According to CBC this morning, twinkies will continue to be made in Canada, because Hostess is a separately-owned company here. So, come up and visit, y’all!

bookish1's avatar

Dang, I was hoping to try one after I got my ‘betes cured…

cazzie's avatar

They are a private company being scavenged now by their corporate raiders and vampire bankers. Their headquartered in Texas and this announcement has been timed and written in such a way by the corporate owners to look like it is the Unions and Obama’s fault.

Their brands and possibly their factories and bakeries will be sold off. I am guessing that Nabisco/Tobacco will buy them. What would make better bedfellows than Twinkies and Ciggies?

cazzie's avatar

@XOIIO That stuff isn’t cream or marshmallow. *gags

I don’t know about the ‘truthiness’ of the article though. It states that sorbic acid comes from petroleum, which is rather misleading and rang alarm bells in my organic chemistry brain. You could very easily state that it comes from soy beans.

(of course I meant to type veracity… not voracity….)

glacial's avatar

@cazzie I hope the article isn’t too voracious. :)

Crashsequence2012's avatar

So Hostess is shutting down.

Will this hit home enough for America to realize what they’ve done or will it take Obama shutting down Christmas?

Buttonstc's avatar

I honestly can’t remember the last time I ever ate a Twinkie.

Now, a Ding Dong…that’s a different story :)

jonsblond's avatar

I just read on a local news channel website that 10 route drivers in the area will drive their last routes today. They were notified at 9am this morning that their trucks will not move after today. I also realized that the bread I buy each week will now be gone. Wonder Smart White for Kids

Double :(.

JLeslie's avatar

Wait, what? Wonder bread will go away also?

SpatzieLover's avatar

Karma hits the junk food aisle.

JLeslie's avatar

The loss of jobs is just awful. If the whole company closes there probably won’t be any cobra for the employees, there wasn’t when a company I worked for closed. But, I am guessing @wundayatta is right and the company will be bought up.

ragingloli's avatar

Nonsense. There is a boatload of twinks on the internet. My favourite kind of porn.

janbb's avatar

I won’t miss Twinkies but Hostess cupcakes are still surprisingly good in a Godawful way. I had heard a rumor months ago that Hostess was closing down and started eating the cupcakes again.

woodcutter's avatar

Will there be a “Little Debbie” look-alike now? And is that company union labor? Maybe this kind of junk food has gotten enough bad press over the years that demand just may have gone down.

rooeytoo's avatar

Someone just told me Tasty Kakes are no longer made, is that true, someone on the east coast, please tell me it isn’t true??? If it is I will never bother coming back to the USA again!

Buttonstc's avatar


Re:Tasty Kakes

When last I was in Philly, they were still alive and kicking.

But that was a few years ago so maybe someone local there can provide an update.

cazzie's avatar

Look, people. This is what Corporate Raiders do. This company has been badly managed for years. This is its second time in bankruptcy proceedings. Despite having leading brands selling, well, like hotcakes, with bread and snacks rated in the top 5 for sales around the country, and restructuring and getting its workforce to agree to lower wages and benefits (Yes, they did!) somehow, they couldn’t manage it to make enough profit. It isn’t the reelection of Obama that crushed this company, @Crashsequence2012. Stop watching Faux News.

and don’t fret. Nabisco/Tobacco will pick the bones and bring back the successful brand names you have all stuffed your overfed faces with for years. Frankly, the fact that they are legally allowed to call this ‘food’ or even ‘bread’ disgusts me.

If you Twinkie lovers are really lucky, perhaps this company will by the brand and start producing it:

rooeytoo's avatar

@Buttonstc – thanks for the reassuring words. Some USA friends on Facebook were talking about the Twinkie situation today and somehow I thought they were saying Tasty Kake was in a similar situation. Be still my beating heart! Wouldn’t want to lose two icons at once!

LostInParadise's avatar

I have an uncle who grew up in Philadelphia and moved to California. For a time TastyKakes were not available on the west coast and he had my family ship him a package every year.

I did a search on TastyKakes and found that the company was recently sold

Coloma's avatar

Well…perhaps this will leave a void in the market that only ” Colomas Happy brownies” will fill. I can see the packaging now, hippie farm chick, like the Sunmaid raisen girl, in a gypsy skirt with a basket of “herbs” in her arms, being followed around by geese with a beautiful vineyard of marijuana in the background. From the farm trails of the rugged high foothills of Northern California comes an herbal artisan brownie, unsurpassed in flavor and character.-P

XOIIO's avatar

@Coloma So I’m guessing this will only be available in amsterdam?

“Happy brownies”...

We all know what that means.

rojo's avatar

@XOIIO And Colorado and Washington!

Coloma's avatar

^^^ :-D

Crashsequence2012's avatar




You voted for him? Deal.

rooeytoo's avatar

@LostInParadise – thanks for doing the research, I should have done it myself. That is a sad story. But I have my memories and the memory of the first bite of a Krimpet, soft and warm with that best in the world icing, will linger on and on!

ragingloli's avatar

They also filed for bankruptcy in 2004.
The cause for their demise is their own rubbish management.
Leave it to the righties to blame Obama and the Unions.

“When troops flee, are insubordinate, collapse or are routed in battle, it is the fault of the general.” – Sun Tzu

rooeytoo's avatar

Their sales probably dropped dramatically when I left the country! Now I feel badly I probably contributed to their demise by my defection.

wundayatta's avatar

Tastykakes are fine. They were giving them away on the street last weekend. Except it was some kind of chocolate peanut butter thing, and to me, mixing chocolate and peanut butter, both divine on their own, is one of the great travesties of food-dom. So I could not enjoy a tastykake. But my daughter does.

Twinkies, on the other hand, are losing a manufacturer. But another will appear to take their place, and once again, new Twinkies will be set forth on the ocean’s currents, to travel the seas until the earth falls into the sun.

Crashsequence2012's avatar


@ragingloli Fell for the lefty spin %100!

Also, the strike is a complete slap in the face to the many unemployed.

wundayatta's avatar

@Crashsequence2012 You must live in an alternate universe. A strike helps the unemployed, because it can keep wages high. Otherwise, employers would drive wages down and working conditions down, and the only work the unemployed would get is shit jobs for shit wages. We’d all become slaves.

You’re thinking people should be grateful to have jobs because so many other people want them. Therefore, since others want work, they should be willing to do the job for less…. and less…. and less, until they should be grateful to pay to do the work.

Sorry, but people need and have self respect. They won’t do a job for less than they are willing to do it for. The other unemployed are irrelevant. Management could fire everyone and hire new people if they wanted. If they could break the strike. Many a manager has done so. Now that’s a slap in the face!

Now why don’t you come back from your alternate universe and start living in the real world.

Crashsequence2012's avatar


Tell us about your job @wundayatta.

The unions don’t give a damn about anyone that isn’t paying dues.

We live in a time of economic emergency. A strike now is as harmful as it is in bad taste.

wundayatta's avatar

Well, I’m in the bargaining unit, but not in the union. That’s because my position has been bandied about—horse traded. We’ll give you these jobs for the bu, but we get these out of the bu. I have no idea why mine got moved in. But if I joined the union, I would be taking a 2K cut in take home pay. Still, if I was in trouble, the union would represent me. They have to. I’d be a free rider. I am a free rider. But I never had a choice.

kimchi's avatar

Wow! 70 responses! But, still, Twinkies wouldn’t give up easily when almost everyone loves them.

janbb's avatar

I read that some other companies are looking to buy the recipes.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m not a Twinkie lover, but I have to share what I found. Twinkie Stuffing recipe Some people really do love their Twinkies!

gailcalled's avatar

^^^Thank you for my morning laugh

gailcalled's avatar

Perhaps we should re-instigate the professional mourner to take on the task. The CEO, Gregory Rayburn, can pay them out of pocket or from his stock options; it is a lot cheaper than raising wages of his employees.

Professional mourners

Professional mourning or paid mourning is a mostly historical occupation practiced in Mediterranean and Near Eastern cultures and many other parts of the world. Professional mourners, also called moirologists, are compensated to lament or deliver a eulogy.

bookish1's avatar

I find the title of this question quite amusing. As if “Twinkies” were a singular noun.

janbb's avatar

@bookish1 I wondered at that too.

jca's avatar

As a union member, I am curious now what the union was asking for. I am reading that some are saying the union was too greedy, but I have a feeling all they were looking for was a decent wage and health benefits.

janbb's avatar

@jca From what I have read, Hostess has been in bankruptcy and the union members had made concessions that had allowed it to keep operating until now. It is been blamed on the union by the owners but was not their fault.

jonsblond's avatar

@jca I worked in data entry at a food distribution center about 13 years ago. Only the warehouse employees were union, the remaining office workers were non-union and made up about 75% of the workforce there. The warehouse workers went on strike, asking for better wages. No agreement was made with the warehouse workers, so the company decided to close the entire plant. Over 250 of us lost our job. The warehouse workers made more money than many of us office workers, and they also had great health benefits. I understand the need and want for a better wage, but it did feel a bit greedy to some of us.

XOIIO's avatar

Found this in their email newsletter


glacial's avatar

I kind of feel that people who are willing to bake their own desserts are not the target audience of the Twinkie. Just sayin’.

Crashsequence2012's avatar

There are other factors involved, however:

Obama’s healthcare agenda has made a bad situation worse.

Right or wrong trying to shove Obamacare down the nation’s throat while it’s already in a economic emergency is a mistake.

Obama either has no economic sense or doesn’t care.

wundayatta's avatar

Sure there are losers with the AHA, but there are also many winners you won’t hear about. People whose health insurance bills go down. Companies who will be more profitable because they are no longer covering the asses of companies that don’t insure. The free riders in society. We don’t want to subsidize those inefficient companies any more.

What that means is that some inefficient companies will go out of business. They might blame the ACA, but that’s pure politics. It’s management trying to cover for why it is so bad. Workers will lose jobs, but they will eventually be rehired doing work for better companies.

cazzie's avatar

America doesn’t pay for healthcare. They pay for a HUGE layer of middle-men to become very very rich who withhold healthcare, but taking plenty of money anyway. That system is so broken, it doesn’t even know it. The US pays 3 times the price for their healthcare as nations with socialised healthcare and they recieve HALF as much care and treatment. I hope AHA is only the begining of those reforms.

And the only thing that has to do with Twinkies, is that perhaps the rampant diabetes rate might wane with less crap food to consume.

YARNLADY's avatar

- It’s not over yet.

The bankruptcy judge has ordered them to enter arbitration .

LostInParadise's avatar

It is not the unions that caused the problems at Hostess. It is more inflexible management that failed to adjust to declining sales while giving themselves bonuses out of the paychecks of union workers, aided and abetted by greedy hedge funds and private equities.

rooeytoo's avatar

I am getting a kick out of the closet Twinkers who are protesting much too loudly that they do not eat and never have tasted a Twinkie. Yeah right!!!

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