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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - What makes intimacy during these nine months sexy?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) November 17th, 2012

Sex during pregnancy. Why a soon to be mom does it is obvious. But do all of them have the same idea-? And what about guys? How many of them find sex with a pregnant woman desirable-? Really that arousing-? What is so stimulating with this kind of sex when it seems too counter intuitive-?

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11 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Many men find pregnant women sexy. There’s something about full breasts and sensitive bodies that’s inviting. And women do “glow” when pregnant. And all those hormones making her more nesting and affectionate.

Plus, having sex makes the man more protective, so there are some instinctual motives.

This is not universal, many women have difficult pregnancies that makes sex the last thing on their mind.

jca's avatar

I remember when I was pregnant I was horny out of my mind. When I say out of my mind, I mean out of my mind.

ragingloli's avatar

Pregger porn is an obscure fetish. Personally I find it horrible and repulsive.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

If I love my lady and she’s horny out of her mind, I guess I can take one for the team. :)

Brenna_o's avatar

I’m newly pregnant and it plays with your hormones and I feel a greater need to close with my husband. Plus sex makes me calm down when I feel stressed about something.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Brenna_o You’re most likely stressed, I can see why you want hubby to hold you and be close with you.

Brenna_o's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe yes very stressed, and having blood pressure issues so any hubby touch is welcomed right now lol.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Brenna_o Have you talked with hubby about this? BP issues are not good.

Brenna_o's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe yes I have. We’re discussing BP meds with my ob but she said its too soon. I’m really worried that I’ll lose my baby from too high BP.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Brenna_o Okay, try meditation, relaxation therapy, aroma therapy, and lots and lots of loving. Anything that works.

harple's avatar

My fella loves me and my body, and that hasn’t changed because I’m pregnant. I’m carrying his child for goodness sake – that’s an incredible thing I’m doing for us. If he didn’t find that attractive and if he went off sex I’d be really disappointed.

@ragingloli I know you like to say stuff to get a reaction, but there is nothing repulsive about my fella and me making love whilst I’m pregnant, and I take offence that you would imply there would be. It’s very rare for me to voice upset at another jelly like this, so please don’t underestimate how upset I feel by your careless provoking words. Congratulations.

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