I had a pretty horrific bout of constipation about 8 years ago, as I was entering my 40’s. I literally thought I was going to die, or I probably would’ve comitted suicide if it didin’t stop soon. My mom gave me a stool softener that worked in about 6 hours. The suppositories should also work, but my backside has a sign reading: exit only do not back up, so the idea of putting something in there from that end threw me into hysterics.
Since that day, I have taken fiber supplements (even though I am a vegetarian and have a pretty high intake of fiber anyway, but apparently it wasn’t enough). So I either take Metamucil Clear Flavorless Fiber Supplement, actually I use Target’s own brand, it’s the same stuff, but it’s about $6.99 as opposed to $10.99. This stuff is great, because it’s clear and flavorless, you can put it into any kind of drink that you normally like, milk, tea, soda, juice etc. My Dad actually sprinkles it on top of his cereal each morning. I usually have my fiber with dinner and it works over night.
I alternate between that and Ground Flax Seed which only costs about $2.79. Unground flax seed is OK too, but the ground flax seed has the added benefit of giving me needed essential fatty acids (which most people would get from eating seafood, but I’m a vegetarian). The whole seeds work fine for keeping you regular, but you don’t absorb the fatty acids, they just go right through you.
I’ve found that eating a small bowl of Grapenuts, which I happen to love, with a cup of coffee in the morning will get me going very quickly add some delicious chopped prunes, even better. Hence my answer on another Q from today about what you cannot tolerate while staying as a guest in someone else’s home. My answer was that I find it hard to stay with people who only have one bathroom and you have to go through your host’s bedroom to get to it. When I gotta go, I gotta GO NOW!
Each of these products, with me taking 2 Tablespoons per day with food or a glass of water, lasts about 2 months. Note: with the flax seeds (ground or un-ground) you need to keep them in the fridge or freezer, because they tend to go rancid if you don’t do that (I actually do that with all of my nuts and grains).
Here’s some info on what to eat, and what to avoid eating, to Prevent Constipation
Also, if you find yourself becoming constipated more often, you should probably get a check up with your doctor, to make sure you don’t have some other type of problem in your digestive system.