Do you do drugs?
Asked by
iCeskate (
June 6th, 2008
from iPhone
just woundering how many flutherers do drugs?I don’t and never will
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73 Answers
I don’t think pot is a drug but u use to smoke it, like 3years ago. I also tried crystal once but I’m clean I hate all that stuff. It took most of my friends to another world…. (they stay home or go to another potheads house to smoke..smoke, smoke, smoke.)
don’t do it, never will, drugs are a byproduct of an unproductive life…
Yah, caffeine and alcohol.
I get high on the misinformation put out by the mass media.
Caffeine and the occasional glass of wine or margarita.
I drink alcohol. I also get high on musical creativeness.:)
Even if they did nobody is going to admit it
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Booze, nicotine and caffein
Nope never have done never will :)
drugs are bad for your health. Never try them.
and your brain, pocket, social life, family…
Only perscription, unless you count tequila, beer and scotch….
I smoke pot. I have done ecstasy, LSD, and mushrooms. With a complete understanding of these “drugs,” they can be and do positive things for you. Monks used to take MDMA (ecstasy) in small doses during meditation. LSD was used in the founding of the DNA structure. As far as mushrooms go, why do you think Hindus think cows are holy? Where do you think the phrase “holy s**t” came from?
I have also experimented with cocaine, ketamine, and prescription pain killers. I do not see much benefit from these drugs.
For those of you that have not taken drugs and believe everything you have been told about drugs, do you drink coffee, drink alcohol, or take medicine “prescribed” by your doctor? How about products that contain Aspartame instead of sugar? I think your perception is a little screwed up.
Drugs are everywhere. I think the worst thing that can happen from drugs, besides ODing, which is mostly caused by not knowing proper doses or if the drug is not what yourdealer says itis, is going to jail for drugs. Alcoholism is treated as a disease, not a legal problem(of course it can by irresponsible use), and the same should be with drugs. Unfortunatally, just like the medical industrial complex taking over pharmaceuticals and health care, the same is being done with the prison industrial complex. There is alot of money to be made in private prisons, so long as you can throw ppl in jail for pot. There is an estimated 800,000 people in jail for marijuana. How does this make sense?
I am not for the govt controlling everything, but if you knew you were getting real MDMA, and knew the precautionary measures that go along with it, instead of just buying it without being educated on it, noone would die from ecstasy. Just a small example.
Bill Hicks said it best about drugs.
If you don’t believe drugs have done good things for us, then go home and burn all your records, all your tapes, and all your CDs because every one of those artists who have made brilliant music and enhanced your lives? RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEAL F’ing high on drugs. The Beatles were so high they let Ringo sing a few songs.” BH
“Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit… unnatural? You know what I mean? It’s nature. How do you make nature against the law?“BH
“They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you’re high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it’s not worth the F’ing effort. There is a difference.“BH
“How about a positive LSD story, that would be newsworthy. Don’t you think? Anybody think that? Just once, to hear a positive LSD story. “Today, a young man on acid, realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves… here’s Tom with the weather.” BH
That last quote is one of the funniest I have heard.
i use alcohol, nicotine, and pot almost daily. ive done pretty much every drug under the sun. i used to be addicted to cocaine and xanax and valiums.ive shot up anything you can put in a syringe. i started smoking crack when i was 16. ive smoked crack in alleys with homeless poeple. ive been robbed at gunpoint and beat down over drugs. ive been to rehab twice. i dont think hard drugs and pills are cool. it sucks my mood is so dependent on them. ive had a lot of fun partying and ive had a lot of friends and family die or otherwise fuck their lives up irreversably from drugs. luckily im still alive because i used to not care whether i lived or died. i feel like ive made it over the hump from where i used to be. i got to be real careful about the situations i put myself in. all it would take would be one line and next thing you know im on a 4-day run. be careful you can get over your head quick and next thing you know 10 years have gone by and all you have done is run from one buzz to the next.
I don’t like being high, it doesn’t feel good. I’m a really mentally healthy person, so I generally like the feeling of existing all the time. When I’m high… Meh. Not so much.
Also, why wouldn’t people admit here that they do drugs?
I’ve smoked weed and salvia (but I refuse to smoke tobacco). I’ve tried Ecstasy and mushrooms. I drink alcohol (quite a bit lately, actually).
If we’re including prescribed meds then I’ve been on Vicodin as well.
i think mushrooms are fine but ecstasy i dont. its related to methamphetamine. when ive done it i always had a fiendy feeling when it wore off much like running out of cocaine.
Thats probably because it was not pure MDMA. I took ecstasy alot when I was younger. I watched the pills go from real good (clean high, no hangover), to being like you said If ecstasy was legalized and controlled, this wouldnt be a problem. You would know that you were getting MDMA and the dosage. I think the same goes for most drugs. You dont know what you are getting, because there is no control over it. And you can say dont do drugs, but fact is people are going to do them, so we should make it as safe as possible.
I also think we need to give a whole bunch of real MDMA to our leaders and drop some in the middle east. You will have a better world instantly!!
Everybody does drugs. Its where people draw the line between the “good” drugs that they do and the “bad” drugs that others do that differs. Caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco are the most horribly abused drugs in our society… just because they are “socially acceptable” for some reason shouldn’t give those people a pass on to look down on others that use other drugs, such as marijuana, mushrooms, and MDMA – which are probably far less destructive. Even aspirin and cold medications are drugs that can be abused. I think if you consider ALL drugs… its almost impossible to believe that there is anyone that doesn’t do at least some of them in modern society.
@chris. ive done pure mdma and that dont make a lick of difference. its speed. it makes you fiend. probably if youve had allready wrecked your head from other dope it will make the craving worse. thats just my personal experience though.
Its not speed. Its a molecule away from speed. How are you so sure it was pure MDMA? I never fiended for ecstasy. I liked it alot. I cant lie about that. But I used it responsibly and knew the risks that went along with it and how to counter those risks. I also owned a testing kit for a very very long time.
I know that drugs can be addictive, but people can also have addictive personalities.
The first time I tried Ecstasy and came down I didn’t have a hangover, but I just wanted to be lazy.
Isn’t it hard to find 100% pure Ecstasy?
its funny and sad how people try to justify their drug use and abuse. i used to sell oxycontins and lortabs and crap. everyone would call me up saying there back hurt or there knee hurt. they didnt need to justify it to me i just wanted their money. but people feel they need an excuse to use.
You may dont believe me, never smoked, never drink even when we went to dancing, so NEVER EVER I would even think on doing drugs! I hate the smell of smokers breath, I hate to deal with drunk people.. Why should I be one of them??
I havent done it in years, so I cant tell you about now. When I started using it (1997–2000). it was almost always pure. Towards the end of 2000, they started becoming DXM. That is my point about why drugs should be regulated. At least you know what you are getting.
There is a big difference between using and abusing drugs. Some people may not be able to do one without the other. Again, I think it goes back to personality. I am not trying to justify anything. I have no regrets. I just make sure I read and educate myself about what I am doing. My Dad was a drug addict while I was growing up, so I know how bad drugs can be. I also know how bad propaganda can be. Look at Reefer Madness. If you tell a kid that pot is as bad a drug as others, and they try it, and see its not so bad, how are they gonna look at heroin and cocaine, and be scared of these drugs?
Also, from your first hand experience selling drugs, you should also understand that applies to pharmaceutical companies. But most people think because they have a prescription, the pills are fine. Next thing you know, you are back at the doctor, getting more pills for the side effects the first one is causing. Like Maverick said, most peoples perception on drugs is messed up.
Salvia Divinorum
Psilocybin Mushrooms
Notorious Oxide
Amanita Muscaria
Various Opioids
@chris6137 i really like your views on these drugs. The problem with most of the drugs mentioned above is that people dont understand them. They just recklessly take them and then are surprised when they have a bad trip. Most of these drugs are so poorly understood by so many people its just sad. I have always read as much possible information i can about something before i take it, and if it doesnt look safe i wont touch it. Thats the very reason you will never ever see crack, coke, or heroin on my list. Anything that needs me to snort it or inject it is a big no no. ^__^
@buster like a couple people already said it probably wasnt pure MDMA because whenever i get good stuff, i never crash.
drug abuse starts with drug use. how its perceived can depend a lot on socioeconomic situations. a successful white guy drinks scotch every night and snorts some blow. noone says crap. a black man on the corner drinks colt 45 and smokes crack and people think thats just terrible.
I agree. Thats where self discipline and education comes in. I have done coke. I knew that it was addictive. As soon as I saw it becoming a problem, I stopped.
My dad was addicted to coke and crack. He found god and is clean now. I am convinced that he didnt find ‘god,” i am convinced that he found himself. He wanted to stop so badly, he didnt know what else to do but pray. So when he stopped, he says his prayers were answered. I think he just wanted his life back so badly, that he took it back. This can open a whole new can of worms here, so Ill end it at that. Please noone go on with the religion conversation. He is clean now and thats all that matters to me, no matter what he thinks did it.
I have before, although through out the years I’ve come to realize nothing good comes out of being on drugs. I just stick to booze and my smokes.
i just hate to see people fall through the cracks and traps of drug abuse. my cousin who was 3 years younger than me and more like a little brother died april 13 2007 from shooting up oxy’s. i feel partially responsible because i introduced him to drugs and used to supply him. only thing ive found good in his death is it has helped me be stronger in my own struggles.
@chris im glad your pops is better and i appreciate your insights.
I agree but disagree about your socioeconomic views. I disagree, bc I dont think it has anything to do with race anymore. It has to do with class. The poor white guy hanging out with the poor black guy, is gonna get in just as much trouble.
I think much of the discrimination is being focused towards poor people not just blacks anymore.
Sorry about your cousin. I think a big misconception about “legal” drugs is that bc they are “legal” they are safe. The truth is most opiates are nothing but synthetic heroin, made by pharmaceutical companies, making a pretty penny.
what about the sentencing differences between the same amount of crack vs powder? doesnt that law discriminate based on the preference that whites tend to use powder more and blacks and hispanics use crack more. i heard the supreme court was trying to equalify the sentencing because it was racist.
America is addicted to caffeine. “I need my morning coffee or my whole day is ruined” But caffeine is legal so its ok….
I dont care if they are rich or poor i think rich people are just as likely to be drug addicts as the poor. If not more likely since they have all that disposable money.
Use doesnt always lead to abuse buster. Its all about discipline You need to know when its ok to use drugs and when its not. IE i will never smoke or take any other mind altering substance before work or anything important like that. Once you just start using all the time and thats all you think about, thats when you have a problem.
I think whites that have money use the powder more. Im interested to know the sentences for white people that live in poor neighborhoods, that may use rock instead, as opposed to blacks. Again, I think its all about money. The poor people cant afford a good defense.
Dont get caught, then you need no defense ^__^
But yea i can definitely agree that based on class you can get off easier on the same crime as say someone in a lower class. A quick and easy example. Look at rockstars. How many times have some of them been arrested for drug charges yet are never sent to jail.
I love how my biggest fear with taking drugs is getting caught—__—Not health or anything like that, because i know what im taking, but getting caught and arrested for some bullshit offense that isnt hurting anyone.
Uberbatman: My fear is being caught too. I was driving with my friend and her car has a headlight out. We were on a drive through Mendocino and got pulled over twice. We had a sack and some pills and the whole time I was thinking “I won’t survive in prison..”
i hate riding dirty. i especially hate when someone else drives and they keep speeding and not using their turnlights. i got some shoes with a hidden pocket in the tongue that said my ass from prison when i got pulled over and searched one time. im always thinking how can i hide this. you need a plan. in your pocket or in the glovebox aint good enough.
@allie as long as you dont give the cop a reason to search your shit, your fine. People forget their rights when in the face of a cop.
Buster & Uberbatman: Yea. Nothing happened. We just smiled and they both gave us a warning and let us go. Also, Uber, nice links.
Its not that people forget their rights. Its that most people dont know their rights. The cops are great at exploiting that. I was just talking with a freind who was down in Seaside Heights over Mem. Weekend. She said cops were stopping kids to make sure they didnt have alcohol in their drinks. If the cops have a good reason, Im all about it, but they are definitely exploiting people who do not know their rights, and probably think its ok for cops to do this.
if you dont consent and they search anyways your lawyer can get a motion to suppress evidence. but if you hide it good you want have to worry about wasting your time and money on court and a lawyer.
Oh also if i cop pats you down for any reason and say you have a bowl in your pocket or something. They cannot take it out. They can ask what it is, just say you dont know or make something up. Cops are only allowed to pat you down for weapons. And just like buster said, if they do take it out of your pocket, it will be thrown out of court.
I just read that. Good to know. Not that I ever have any weed on me or anything. =\
Pot makes me horny. I have very good, very amazing orgasms while a little bit high.
Obviously pot all the time.
LSD once, hopefully again one day.
crack once, never again.
Marryyyyy jjjjaaaaannneeee!
I don’t drink, or smoke cigs. Just good ol’ natural grown weed.
(personally, I think alcohol is worse. I think ive had this discussion before on here many times, I feel like this is dejavu so I’m going to stop!.)
So the song I’m listening to right now is constantly repeating “let’s do drugs” and I’m reading this thread and, wow, I could really use some now. ;)
Yes. For pain relief, opiates. My husband and I had not long ago gotten into a discussion about addictions, it used to be his line of work. I felt really offended when he told me I was addicted.
But the truth is that I can’t live without them. The other truth is that I really can’t live with them, either. At least not the way that I lived before. They make me moody, tired, hallucinations, sweaty, I just don’t like it. It’s kind of a trade off, though. It’s those things (among others) or excruciating pain.
I choose the drugs.
I’ve tried many different drugs and loved almost all I them (except for downers. They’re depressing). That is exactly the reason I don’t do drugs now. My reasoning was all wrong as well. I just wanted to get fucked up. My experiences did teach me some good lessons though.
No drugs for me. I spend my money on a Iphone.
I do Tylenol, panadol alcohol nicotine ambien etc. The only diff beetwen legal and non legal drugs are taxes…
Yea I have done a good bit of drugs: Weed(herb in my opinion), Salvia, E, LSD, and Shrooms. Why do I take drugs? Well for one I love the feeling. Two I feel as though I have become so much more aware and open minded.
Caffeine, I have to have my morning diet coke. But thats it. I’ve never tried any other drug or cigs, and don’t have an interest to. I’ll have wine with dinner, but thats rare.
i am 17 my name is chris i smoke weed every day i drank a lot i have been drinking for almost 2 and a half years maybe. i also enjoy acid. i use coke, acid, mushrooms, E pills, and weed i have learned a lot and i have done so many crazy things and a lot of stupid things. but maybe its time to change depression is a very real part of life and these drugs seem to rid me of my problems so its hard to let them go.
i like acid because it takes me to a new height of perception and makes everything edgy and sketchy and everything is different its crazy. it puts me in the hot seat up in the air wants i drop it i wait the anticipation builds then theres no turning back and you dont know whts ahead. it feels like your dna is breaking and your hanging on to sanity by a thread things can be distorted or clear
i simply like E because when i take it takes over me and makes me feel amazing.
alcohol i only used this as a social thing at first get drunk with my friends but now its like that but different because now i could give a fuck about who im drinking with as long as im drinking
weed is the drug tht i think is harmless but it is outlawed and i recently got charged of posesion
@cmurderdaak45 I think a lot of users start for some of the reasons you did, self medication, and will continue to use it for that reason. It’s a bit tricky, though, because it doesn’t solve your problems and after some years (more or fewer depending on different factors and personalities) it only adds to them. While you’re in this state you’re not dealing with your problems, and that’s what makes it attractive, of course.
What’s most difficult for people who become deeply entrenched in the lifestyle is that leaving the lifestyle behind doesn’t solve your problems. The addiction will then be only part of the problem, and then you’ll have to face the other problems in your life that are secondary to the addiction; e.g., relationship problems, financial problems, work or career issues.
I hope you give changing or addressing it, and wish you a lot of strength if you decide to begin making the change. It’s a process, not just wanting to change, but life itself.
Dont take drugs to escape. Your taking them for all the wrong reasons and will only form a problem like deezerqueue said.
Acid can help fix your problems, but only if used properly. Dont take it to run away, take it to take the problem head on. While your under the influence think about what the problem is and how you can solve it. Then do exactly that. Learn the difference between the real world and altered world and learn when its appropriate to be in each. As long as you know and have the self discipline all of these drugs can be used without a problem. I do recommend you give up drinking though at least heavy drinking. That’ll kill you before any of the other ones you mentioned.
Weed is a drug. Im tired of people saying its not.Drug-“any article, other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of humans or other animals.” Yes, its not really dangerous, but that doesnt change the fact that its still a drug.
Nicotine is a drug, tobacco is not.
THC is a drug, marijuana is not.
Egh way to get technical on me. My point still stands though, people arent smoking weed with no THC in it. Besides marijuana contains THC so its still a drug in my book. Thats like saying magic mushrooms arent considered a drug but rather psilocybin. No one says they are going to go take some psilocybin, they are going to go eat some MUSHROOMS mmmmmm mushrooms.
Salvia Divinorum
Psilocybin Mushrooms
Amanita Muscaria
Various Opioids
@uberbatman ahhaha mushysss dead horse…. XP
Yes, although not nearly as much as I used to. In my past, I did many drugs, and I found the experience quite worthwhile. I also think addiction is an interesting relationship to experience (you + a drug). I think that people who haven’t done drugs have a misconception of exactly how “bad” drugs are for you, and I think that anything in moderation (aside from heroin) can be a positive experience.
It’s all about weed! I’ve tried mushrooms and Salvia too, but weed on pretty much a daily basis.
I guess I’m an occasional coffee drinker too, but in my opinion the whole system is upside down. Coffee, cigarettes and alcohol are way more dangerous than marijuana.
Look for Ram Dass or Terrence McKenna on youtube for some truth…........
@Jess Terrence McKenna is my hero. Have you ever read any of his books? Im about 3 quarters through Food of the Gods right now, and its great.
uberbatman !
Yeah I actually have that book somewhere, though I have to admit I didn’t finish it. He is the reason I decided to try mushrooms in the first place, what a crazy/genius man!
@WakeUp love that site. Ever see DMT Nexus another great site.
Caffeine: I drink a lot of highly caffeinated beverages.
Nicotine: I smoke so obviously every day.
Alcohol: Sometimes, usually at parties, never alone.
Pot: Multiple times every day.
Ecstasy: Love the hell out of it, I normally use it when I’m clubbing.
LSD: Definitely my favorite trip of all, I use it whenever it comes around.
Honestly, the problem with drugs is that people don’t understand them. There are reasons that they are used for that are ok, and there are reasons that aren’t good reasons to do drugs. And to the people that are strongly against drugs, you are just blinded by the governments propaganda.
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