Hi, to introduce myself: I am a friend of the owner, of this site and I have helped on the coding side. The site is a local business directory for the UK, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Greece, Germany, Malta and Cyprus. The site is translated (not google) into 8 languages.
The initial aims of the site, was to give ex pats somewhere to find services and suppliers, in their area, in their language. As the site was being built, it became more apparent the even the locals didn’t know the closest suppliers or services.
Also, affordable advertising is very hard to find, making the site a valuable tool in these days of crisis. With this site, anyone can afford to advertise and to do so in 8 languages.
There is a very special search system, that will only show results of what is actually listed, so that people don’t waste their time and end up with a “Sorry, we don’t have anything for your search criteria”. To make this system work, There must be adverts to search through. This is the catch 22, without populating the database of adverts, there is little to find (as mentioned by (wundayatta).
Being technical minded, my artistic design is not the best. I have tried to make everything as user friendly, as possible, but obviously without honest and sensible suggestions, it’s hard for me to know what the general public would like.
So please, give any constructive criticism that you have, throw it at me.
Thanks for listening.