What do you want for Christmas?
For those who celebrate the holiday Christmas, it’s common to exchange gifts. What would you like this year?
A Rolls Royce? World peace or just whirled peas?
Some fresh fruit from one of those fancy catalogues?
New socks?
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38 Answers
I asked my mom for a mannequin, but I was mostly kidding.
I kind of want a banjo, but I’m waiting to ask for it for my birthday.
So, mainly, I’m trying to convince my mom to let me have a kitten.
A new pair of shoes. Other than that, the only thing I need is money!
I would like a compact digital camera. Something I can carry about in my bag and is less obtrusive if I want to take street shots. I think I’m dreaming though :D Other than that… nothing particularly. Just a nice day with my kiddles and husband.
In my fantasy world, I’d love to get a GPS.
I also would like a new pair of shoes. I actually had to put tape on the bottom of my right shoe the other day to keep my toes from getting wet. After the tape didn’t work I decided to break out an old pair of shoes that I had retired before the current pair – except that I can only find the right one. Yes, this means I’m walking around with mismatched shoes.
My bathroom redone. Yes, I know that sounds like a huge request, but it needs it so bad. It needed it 7 years ago when we moved in here, now it’s just even worse.
I would want to be home with my family in the states, no Christmas in this part of the world.
I too could use a couple pairs of shoes. one dress, one sneakers
And there’s a book about the history of Marvel Comics I’d like.
Same as for the last 20 years, but wont get my Barrett again. But I keep asking Santa.
I really want a fancy fountain pen for calligraphy and perhaps a new journal.
A nice big gift card to Sephora would be lovely. Plain ole money would be just as great.
I would like to celebrate Christmas.
(Illegal, where I live now.)
I would like snow.
(Unlikely where I live now.)
I want my family.
(This will happen, for sure. :-) )
To spend it with someone.
I want to go home….because, this place here? It freaking sucks.
I want to feel happy, joy and be at peace.
I’m really hoping for a sewing machine this year… doesn’t need to be anything fancy, just one that sews!
I would like a blow job and some beer. (in no particular order) :)
A blowjob before my feet even touch the floor.
@bookish1 When you say “someone”, do you mean family, friends, or a ‘special’ someone? If it’s friends, you are cordially invited to spend Christmas with my gang. :)
All my children under the same roof for a few days.
Absolutely nothing material – but a more peaceful and joyous year for myself next year.
My family to be able to spend the festivities together peacefully.
QSI 683 Astronomical CCD camera with autoguiding chip and 7 position filter wheel, complete with lrgb and narrow band filters.
You did ask.
I would like to see my underemployed family members find full time jobs.
Actually, I can’t think of anything that I want for Christmas. I would have said fresh fruit but that’s going to be delivered by a local school a few days before Christmas. I guess I could say world peace or an end to famines but I always thought Christmas wishes should be something that could be achieved.
Sewing machine
Probably won’t get them for Christmas, but those will most likely be my next big material purchases eventually. Actually, I am on the fence about whether to buy a sewing machine, and I might just use my husband’s computer. We’ll see.
My parents are visiting now so they are treating me to dinners out and buying groceries and will probably buy me a thing or two of clothing maybe if we go shopping, and a little money. It’s not really a Christmas thing, just what they do when they visit, and they usually visit this time of year.
@JLeslie if you don’t know if you want to commit to a sewing machine, you can buy cheap but decent machines for $40—$50. I have a nice machine, but I use my cheapie all the time for smaller/light duty projects, and it has never let me down.
@DigitalBlue Thanks for the info. I did not know they can be found for such an inexpensive price. I might consider that.
I want a new TV for my room and a sewing machine. Someone is buying me a TV and I think I will buy myself the sewing machine. I am going today to Costco and Walmart to look at TV’s and I think I will buy a Janome sewing machine on Amazon (my gift to myself).
Usually, if I want something, I buy it myself. Thankfully, my “wants” are not too expensive.
Other than that, a larger house would be nice! :)
(Interesting that that’s 3 of us wanting a sewing machine this year…)
And I just bought an overlocker. Something in the air…
It’s like a real life Stepford Wives, except I’m not a wife LOL.
@harple My 8 yr old daughter wants a sewing machine for Christmas. She wants to make clothes for her American Girl dolls. She’s already making some things on her own, but she could do so much more with a machine. I love that she’s interested in sewing. My mom tried teaching me a few things when I was young, but I wasn’t interested at the time. Looks like my daughter and I get to learn together. :)
I want to give a surprising gift for my brother.
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