Meta Question

Unbroken's avatar

If you could make fluther say anything what would it be?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) November 24th, 2012
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35 Answers

bob_'s avatar

Say my name. Say it!

cookieman's avatar

Make me sammich!

Berserker's avatar

I wish Fluther would say to me; We have now released a patch for Sacred 2 Fallen Angel, which makes it so that YOUR GAME WON’T CRASH BY GOING IN THE WOODS!!

Stupid ass game, don’t nobody test this shit before releasing it?

gravity's avatar

Luke, I am your father.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Say goodnight Gracie.

marinelife's avatar

I love you.

janbb's avatar

You will find a kind lover.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t know. It already warns me when my boss is coming, and when there’s something in my teeth!

ucme's avatar

“That was a fucking shit question, now do better or else you’re toast!”
I’d make such a great mod, the human touch, that’s what counts.

bookish1's avatar

“Lookin dapper today, bookish1.”

bkcunningham's avatar

You might be right. I’ll have to think about that.

Bellatrix's avatar

These are the real first division, winning numbers in Saturday’s Lotto draw.

Berserker's avatar


augustlan's avatar


Berserker's avatar

@augustlan I don’t think anybody really needs to force us to obey you…we get in line to do it.

’‘kicks the shit out of everyone in line’’

Get in line and wait your turn dammit!

ucme's avatar

Ahh, dear @augustlan, she’s the leader of our packVk2ir6UMOjY/TO-mg2HcpvI/AAAAAAAAIDc/-C8PFR8p1jg/s1600/dog%252Bobey%252Bto%252Bmoneky%252Bmonkey%252Band%252Bdog_3.jpg&w=964&h=690&ei=zzOzUIW6EeWW0QW94YDQCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=412&vpy=260&dur=439&hovh=190&hovw=265&tx=114&ty=88&sig=103764168658216949250&page=2&tbnh=146&tbnw=183&start=24&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:34,s:0,i:191 even got the hair colour right XD

Dutchess_III's avatar

I shall stop Fluthering for 5 minutes today and just freaking rest for a minute!!

Unbroken's avatar

Wonderful and colorful!

Brian1946's avatar

You’re the lubricant on our pancakes.

Now hurry up and Log out!

Unbroken's avatar

It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told.

Berserker's avatar

One does not simply
Be as awesome as Symbeline

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ Unless
You’re Dutchess.

bookish1's avatar

@rosehips: I don’t understand what you just said O_o

Brian1946's avatar


Given that her post was next after mine, @rosehips might mean that Fluther’s pancakes rub the lotion (lubricant) on their “skin” when they are told to. ;-o

Outside of that context however, I too don’t have a clue. ;-?

Unbroken's avatar

@augustlan is correct. I am too new to make fluther pancake references : P

more power to augustlan!!!

augustlan's avatar

@rosehips Have a serving of Fluther pancakes. Now you can refer to them all you want! ;)

Unbroken's avatar

Lol… it’s too bad more people didn’t go for the popcorn pants. One way to feed all the hungry children… Guess reduced stress is much more fulfilling then poopcorn..

Dutchess_III's avatar

Fluther: “Where the hell you been??”

Unbroken's avatar

Or Welcome back let’s throw out the red carpet and let me pluck a rose from your hair..

bkcunningham's avatar

@Dutchess_III, where the hell you been?

Dutchess_III's avatar


bkcunningham's avatar

I wondered where you were off to and I just thought perhaps the holidays had you too busy to Fluther. Oh, my. I had no idea you were laid up in a stupid hospital. I started to say I hope it wasn’t serious, but of course, if you were in a hospital that is serious. My sincere get well wishes to you my friend. You were missed. It is nice to see you back.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks @bkcunningham. I’m healing. Slowly. The great news is…about 6 months ago I signed up for a Group Disability program. At the time I really worried that I was just throwing my money away but….my work said not to come back till after Christmas…and after 30 days, the Group thing will pay for ALL the time I’ve been off! While I was in the hospital and the entire time I’ll be recovering here at home. :)

bkcunningham's avatar

Fantastic, @Dutchess_III. That was a true blessing.

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