Meta Question

flo's avatar

How can I get the title questions of my answers to be displayed?

Asked by flo (13313points) November 26th, 2012

The same way the questions I asked are displayed on my page, I would like the questions I answered to be displayed too. Is there a way of doing that?

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14 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Go to activity for you, below the messages for you.

flo's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe You mean my page? I mean without the first part of my answers, just the way the questions are.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@flo Go to one of the four sections, General, Social, etc. In the right corner, above your mini avatar are three lines, Questions, Messages, and Activities for you. I’ll send you a PM. Watch.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Is that what you meant?

flo's avatar

But I think you mean click on my avatar? Takes me to my page. Overview, Topics, Questions, Responses. etc. My list of Responses are not like my list of Questions. I just want the title of the questions I answered, without the first part of my answers (many posts per question by the way) One of the questions I answered takes up half the page for example.

I still haven’t gotten a PM, by the way.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Go to General. A green button should be showing on the upper right side next to messages for you.There’s two in there.

glacial's avatar

I don’t think it’s possible to do that, @flo. There is a way to allow only certain people to see your responses (the choices are: “everyone”, “only people you follow”, and “no one”). You do this by clicking on “My Account” next to your avatar, then clicking “Privacy settings” under “Account settings”.

There is also a way to hide individual responses, so that they don’t show up on your profile. You do this by going to your responses on your page, then clicking “Hide on Profile”.

But it looks like hiding the responses is the only thing we can change about how they are displayed. I don’t see any options for only showing the questions we responded to.

Brian1946's avatar

The closest thing that I can of is My Account > Activity you’re following.

That will show the questions you’ve answered without showing your answers. However, it will also show questions that you’re following but haven’t answered, and it won’t show questions that you answered but are no longer following.

augustlan's avatar

There isn’t any way to make them appear on your profile page (visible to others), but you can see them all by doing what @Brian1946 suggests.

flo's avatar

@Brian1946 that gives me not only the questions I answered but my questions as well, right?
@Adirondackwannabe I only see two avatars on the whole screen, and they are the same size. The one to the left of my OP, and the one next to “my account”
Re. “Go to General. A green button should be showing on the upper right side next to messages for you.”
Between my OP and the Fluther logo on the left side of the screen, I see:
“general, I don’t see a green button.
“just for you” with the treasure box icon
“meta”, with the fish icon
I don’t see any other “general”.

By the way, no PM yet.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@flo I go to your home page and I see your avatar in the center, and mine to the upper right.

flo's avatar

BTW, I see the earlier message you sent “That is where it shows” but there was no notification for it.

My homepage, of course. I see the mini avatar on the far left of the screen. But still I don’t see “A green button should be showing on the upper right side next to messages for you.There’s two in there.”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@flo Does my last message tonight show?

flo's avatar

Yes @Adirondackwannabe. It is just the notification feature I guess that is hit or miss.

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