Meta Question

poisonedantidote's avatar

How vague, metaphorical and 'poetic' can a question get on Fluther before it is moderated?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) November 28th, 2012

I was just wondering where the line is in a kind of gray area question.

If a user had put together a diary entry of sorts, that talked about their real genuine experiences throughout the day, would be it ok to post the diary entry in the details section of a question, that is asking people how their day was.

If the diary entry was long, very vulgar, with obscene visuals, cynical observations, and just generally horrible and dark, but still was interesting and had curious perspectives and opinions mixed in, would that be ok?

Note: I am talking about a diary entry / article that I have typed up. So you can imagine just how strange, vulgar and cynical it could potentially get.

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7 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

I think there are no guarantees on this. You have to try and see what happens. I think if your title question is actually a question, it won’t matter much what happens in the details.

poisonedantidote's avatar

(Very NSFW – Rantings Of A Mad Man) What do you think of my day, and how was yours?

Details: Diary entry / Article.

So… How was your day?

Coloma's avatar

Well lately there has been “Why?” “If?”
I think “Why?” is about as vague and poetic as it gets. lol

downtide's avatar

The question part needs to be an actual question, and if the details are NSFW you need to say so in the question. And it should go in Social.

Unbroken's avatar

You could ask how is your day NSFW and then post your “answer” as a reply.

augustlan's avatar

The “why/if/when/how” questions were a bit of a special case, kind of like a contest to ask the shortest question.

The main thing is, it has to be a genuine question. Not just an excuse to post your writing, if you see what I’m saying. Give it a shot, and we’ll see how it goes. :)

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