Smile at others,make direct eye contact, challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone and attempt to make small talk if someone seems interesting to you as a friend or potential lover. Research and take a personality test to determine your particular style of relating and what is “normal” for your specific temperament style.
Baby steps and fake it til you make it.
Challenge yourself to do something once a day, every day, even if it is as simple as approaching a stranger to pet their dog and make 30 seconds of contact.
” Oh, what a beautiful dog, is he/she friendly, may I pet them?”
” Oh what a cute baby, how old is he/she, what’s his/her name?”
Give compliments!
“Oh,I really like your fill in the blanks hair, shoes, dress, shirt etc.”
” You have beautiful… eyes, hair, skin, nails, smile, teeth, baby, dog, purse..”
Pay attention to your body language.
Notice if you are avoiding eye contact, not smiling, arms folded tightly across your chest, which signifies self protection and closed off-ness.
Celebrate the tiny victories!
I am on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, an extrovert to the 10th power, not loud or obnoxious but very gregarious. I do make friends easily and am very approachable,but…the downside is I can be a little too assertive at times. haha
We all have our challenges.
Good Luck!