Social Question

What's the worst you've ever stuck your foot in your mouth?
I teach HS courses to adults who didn’t graduate from HS for whatever reason. One of my students is on the Vietnam war. The lessons can all be completed at the computer…but I don’t work that way. I’m a hands-on, “let’s talk about it! Let’s make something!” kind of teacher.
So my brain is popping with Vietnam ideas. One is to find the book “Tunnels of Cu Chi.” The best horrible book one could ever read.
ANYWAY, I was at the hosp this A.M. for a follow-up X-ray and blood work, and there was this 80-something year old lady there. Boy, was she feisty! She had all her marbles and wasn’t afraid to use them! Rick and I have been complaining about how inept our local hospital is. I first ran into the woman in a waiting room with about 8 other people. She had a hard time moving around and she asked Rick to give the check in lady her paperwork. The check-in lady asked her what she was there for. The Momma said, “Well, what does it say on the paperwork??”
I turned toward her and grinned because we both knew it didn’t SAY on the paperwork, and it damn sure should have! Momma returned a big sassy grin my way!
So, she left for her procedure before me. (BTW, she had a walker, one with wheels on the front. As she left the room she said, to the internist, “Me and Doris don’t get along so well. Her wheels keep going cock-eyed.” I just laughed so hard! She named her walker “Doris!”)
Anyway, I ran into her again in the X-ray room. Just her and me. We struck up a little conversation. I mentioned that I was a teacher, and was getting ready to teach a student about the Vietnam war (which Nixon ended when I was 13.)
I said, “You remember the Vietnam war?” thinking she might have some personal insight for me to pass on. Which…she sure as hell did….. This feisty lady paused, then said, “I had a son who was there.” She suddenly chocked up and said, “He never came back.”....I felt leveled. I felt tears come to my eyes and all I could say was “Oh, Momma….I’m so, so sorry.” I felt like an ass and I just wanted to cry.
Have you ever stepped in it that bad?