@all, thanks for your input. I wish I had more time but I’m going to try to respond to everybody.
@bookish1 I am 20, my boyfriend is 20, my friend with the apartment is probably 21, maybe 22. My boyfriend knows everything I have been through in life and understands that drinking is, for me, something new and exciting and that it’s honestly wonderful that I can behave in a suboptimally healthy manner and still be okay, which is completely different from my past. I used to have to be so uptight about everything… The other friend knows less. Maybe if the subject comes up again (I feel it would just seem overly defensive to just bring it up) I will talk about that with him. Thanks for the advice.
@Coloma Oh, I know the emotions were concerning. My life has a very painful component to it that I have learned how to seal away. I am not bottling it up by any means, but I have learned how to not let it affect me as badly in my daily life. Mainly through a lot of therapy (which yes, I am still getting). Apparently those coping skills wash away when I’m drunk and it all comes out. Many of my friends here still don’t know my medical history, and what often happens is I end up telling them when I’m drunk. It’s okay – I am not trying to keep it secret or anything. But that’s where the upset is coming from for sure. I always have it in me, but I guess when I drink the locks on that chamber fall off. But only if I get too drunk. Usually I am a very happy, fun drunk.
@hearkat I am very small and thin which makes it harder to not overdo it, definitely. I’ve learned now that a single drink can be the difference between fine and crying. So I know now to go a bit slower. I do know to drink a lot of water (I always drink a lot of water because of my health problems) and I think that might have something to do with how immune to hangovers I am.
@LuckyGuy I know my friends are wonderful. I came off really bitter in my writing here, but truly I love the hell out of them. I think my one friend who called me an alcoholic may have been projecting a bit. He confided that he got addicted to gambling after trying it only twice. I’m sure everybody is just concerned like you said…I just don’t like being told what to or to not do, even if the adviser is just looking out for my well-being.
@JLeslie I’ve been drunk 5 times in the year since I quit my medication. Most (3) of those times being pretty recently. For the entire first quarter of school I didn’t party because I know my boyfriend doesn’t want to and I felt weird about getting drunk without him. And I assumed he wouldn’t want to be around me drunk. But this quarter after telling him how silly I am drunk, he made the “mistake” (I guess) of telling me he actually did want to see me tipsy, and I realized that things were different than what I had thought. So since then I have gotten drunk three times, which means I guess about every other weekend this quarter. And yeah…being skinny makes things harder for sure. I’ll just go slower next time.
@gailcalled Admittedly, if I know drinking will be happening in the coming weekend, I do find myself looking forward to it. I feel like that is the natural reaction to anything somebody finds fun though?
Thanks @Sunny2. I don’t want to harm my brain either, which is why I have no interest in going overboard. This most recent time happened accidentally (I know I should have been more careful) and now that I understand that is my limit I have no desire to do it again.
Hiiii @DominicX :) It was a weird reaction for sure. Probably because I have things to worry about pretty much constantly in my life. I am quite good at suppressing worries these days but apparently less good when I’m too drunk. I’ll stick to happy-level of drunk in the future.
@marinelife It really is very fun, what should I say? I don’t know why, but it is. It doesn’t bother me that my boyfriend doesn’t get drunk too, it’s his choice, but drinking is also mine and I don’t feel I have to conform my life choices to his. As long as he doesn’t seem annoyed that I’m drunk (and he usually doesn’t – obviously he was when he had to take care of me the other night), then it doesn’t bother me.
@zenvelo 1. But I worry about everything always, to a pretty ridiculous degree. I think it’s expected of me to worry about becoming addicted as soon as I start drinking. That’s just how my brain works. 2. No, I did not have a full on blackout during the latest episode. I remember all the crying and whatnot. I suppose I have had some brownouts, but I forget details when I’m sober too, so I dunno. 3. I am really skinny so the last drink pushed me from pretty damn okay to not okay. I didn’t realize a single drink was going to make such a huge difference, I guess from my lack of experience. 4. “A hundred” was obviously an exaggeration, but he just keeps bringing it up, and I don’t understand why since I already did tell him during each previous talk that I have no plans or desire to drink that much ever again.
@LuckyGuy So what, I’m supposed to make my life choices based on what it will make other people think of me? I understand your point, I don’t want to invite disrespect, but this is my life. If I made all my decisions based on how it would affect my reputation, I wouldn’t love eigenvectors as much as I do.
@nikipedia @tups I don’t know if it’s just me getting defensive, but I honestly agree with you.
@ninjacolin I don’t think that’s what my friends are doing, but I do think they are overreacting.
@flutherother I will.
@hug_of_war No that is not what is happening. I have been told by quite a few people that I am a super fun drunk, and even during the other night my one friend was keeping a list of hilarious me-isms that we later read over and laughed about. I am 20, and yes I am sure other people are way past finding it as exciting. I was unable to partake for so long because of my health.