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Did I just overdose on ginko nuts?
I used to love ginko nuts in Japanese custard. There would always be one hiding in the dish as a pleasant ending.
I was recently at an Asian market and bought a 100gm pack of about 50 ginko nuts. About an hour ago I tried eating a few and they were bitter so I decided to try deep frying them. I wihipped up an egg and flour and dropped them into bread crumbs and salt and then into hot canola oil to deep fry them. They were delicious! I ate 1, then 5 more, then 5 more then…. Now the package is gone!!!
I just read that they are toxic and you should never eat more than about 5 in a day! I did not know that.
Am I going to die? Should I have Ipecac at the ready? Will this give me prostate cancer?
Has anyone here ever eaten a full package of ginko nuts – and lived to tell about it?
I promise to check in tonight so you don’t need to worry.
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