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When you read a book for the second time, do you imagine it the same as when you first read it?
Well, that’s pretty much all the explanation that I really need to give out…some slight elaboration, either way.
Book readers, you all know how, when reading a story, it all happens in your mind as you read. You can imagine what everything is like, and sounds like, based on what is described and all that. But when you read a book for the second time, do you imagine it the same as when you first read it? Or is it different? What causes it to either be different, or the same? I read a lot of books more than once, so I thought this would be easy to answer, but frankly, I’ve never really thought about this before. While in many books, certain parts stand out and I remember them quite well, I’m not entirely sure if it’s the same the next time around. I think it is, more or less…I don’t mean how one approaches the book again, and understanding stuff you may have missed the first time. Just how you imagine everything in your head. I’m thinking that as time goes on, probably a lot of factors make it so that the book does change in your head, even if only a little? Anything to share?
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