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Brian1946's avatar

What would be an example of a sentence with phonetic spelling?

Asked by Brian1946 (32776points) December 5th, 2012

What I’m mostly interested in are sentences containing words and/or names that are spelled phonetically (or according to how you pronounce them), as opposed to how they’re actually spelled.

For example: Sigmind Froid new a lot about sykology.

Sentences where all the words and/or names are already spelled phonetically are also welcome.

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6 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Wat wood indeed be an example of fonetiks?

Sigmund Froyd new a lot about sigars to. So did Feedel Castroh.

RandomGirl's avatar

The only context in which I’ve seen a phonetic spellings used is scriptural. In that case, the syllables are also separated and emphasis is indicated. It helps with old testament names and places. Would that be included in this context, as well?

Jeruba's avatar

Are you speaking of sentences found in published literature? I’ve seen it done for effect now and then—for instance, to indicate in dialogue that a character is speaking an unfamiliar name or word, something like this: “In Amrika they call this noodle mah-kah-ro-nee.” But more than a little of this sort of thing would grow annoying very quickly, so I’m glad to say I don’t see much of it.

Or are you just looking for any kind of made-up example? Informal “phonetic” spelling depends, of course, on shared conventions for the spelling you do use. In the example you gave, we know how you intend us to say “sykology” because we know the word it stands for, thanks to the ample context. But there’s nothing inherent in that series of letters that tells us how to render the y or where to put the emphasis. It isn’t really phonetic—it’s just a somewhat simplified spelling of a known word. If I wrote, for instance, “sinekdukey” and told you it was a phonetic spelling, how would you say it? and what would you have to do to come up with the intended word?

If you’re just looking for misspellings based on how a heard expression is rendered by someone who doesn’t actually know what words are being used, they’re all over the Internet, including right here on Fluther. Unless they use a set of formal symbols for rendering sounds (a phonetic alphabet) with a one-to-one correspondence between sound and symbol, they still depend on a set of shared conventions for pronouncing letter combinations.

Bellatrix's avatar

Trainspotting is partially written as per the Scottish accent. I can’t read it.

Ah feel a queasy shifting taking place, an ominous thaw in ma long period of constipation. Ah try tae pull masel together at Forrester’s door. ...While ah would put up wi any crap, any abuse fae Forrester tae get what ah need, ah don’t see the sense in advertising it tae him any mair than ah can help.

I just find it so annoying (I know you love this book @Symbeline) that I am going to listen to an audio book rather than read it.

Jeruba's avatar

Ah, ok, dialect—that’s a different matter. Is that what you wanted, @Brian1946?

susanc's avatar

I am Sam.

That’s an example.
So is this: Hop on Pop.

But this is probably not what you’re looking for. Is it?

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