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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - What would make you sleep with someone within an hour of meeting this person?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29375points) December 7th, 2012

Or 30 minutes or less. Feel free to set your own time, whether it’s less than hour or more. Just hoping to get some funny answers and also maybe some really insightful ones too. Really. : )

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23 Answers

SomeoneElse's avatar

Let’s see . . .
A cheque for £1,000,000 made out to me, the man doesn’t look/sound too well, but he looks clean and tidy and smells expensive.
About the time it takes for the oysters to be eaten and the electric blanket to work at warming the bed as it is a very cold-blooded experiment this!

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Um, boobs and a vagina I imagine.

zenvelo's avatar

For me it took about three drinks in me, and a couple in her, and we both became quite attractive and oh so funny.. And she was a woman.

AshlynM's avatar

If he had a beautiful singing voice and sang a song just for me. I’m a sucker for men who can sing.

Shippy's avatar

I “slept” with someone in one minute flat. Giving away my secrets but in the new days of cyber, I entered a chat room and said anyone want to cyber. A few said yes. So I chose this one particular guy. We been together since. That was nearly nine years ago.


augustlan's avatar

Nothing could get me to do it now…I’m married. Maybe on threat of my life or something.

In the past, all it took was feeling that spark. I doubt it was ever less than 30 minutes, but I might have managed it in under an hour a time or two.

Unbroken's avatar

A near death experience. Almost drown me save me smell great and kaboom body heat.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have never had sex with someone I didn’t love. I don’t plan to change that.
Since I don’t believe in love at first sight, this wouldn’t happen.
Unless it’s Jim Sturgess. He doesn’t count.
Jim Sturgess = way too much sexy.

ucme's avatar

Kelly Brook’s going to get humped as soon as she gives me the green light, she better hurry up though, i’m losing patience with that girl.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Being Gale Harold would be a great start.

laurenkem's avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever done it quite that soon, but definately did it with someone I had met within the previous 24 hours. The sexual tension was amazing and so we finally just got down to it! We were together almost 2 years after that.

bookish1's avatar

Being able to laugh together, having a similar sense of humor that is immediately apparent. Intellectual sexiness helps but is not necessary. Being both non-fetishizing and non-dismissive/condescending/fearful once he finds out I am trans is a dealbreaker.

fremen_warrior's avatar

Impending doom; great looks, and meets the criteria @Imadethisupwithnoforethought ‘listed’.

majorrich's avatar

Demonstrating your priapism. Or trying it out. one or the other.

Sunny2's avatar

A knife at my throat threatening death. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so impetuous. I don’t fuck with strangers.

flutherother's avatar

Extreme tiredness probably.

Blackberry's avatar


burntbonez's avatar

I’ve never done it, but I think if I felt this sense of recognition, and the conversation confirmed that really quickly, that it could happen. But I can’t imagine this ever actually happening.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I’m a guy, it doesnt take much…..

bookish1's avatar

@uberbatman : Handy excuse for all sorts of things.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@bookish1 for sure, I have no shame admitting my weaknesses as a man :P

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If I married them 45 minute before the hour was up.
Other than that, it would have to be a fully paid for Lamborghini Avantardo, I might be persuaded to sin for that… would still be “iffy”.

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