1) Can you control or affect your destiny no matter the circumstances? Are you the master of your destiny?
The answer to both questions is no. Events may overwhelm the rational aspects of the mind and can (and usually do) elicit impulsive actions, behaviors determined by instinct that experience has modified.
2) Do you believe you have control over your own destiny? Are you working towards it? If so, are you sure of touching it one day?
Yes one can control their own destiny, to a degree. One can shape the probabilities of their destiny by identifying and understanding the natures that their goals entail, and by developing those qualities necessary for their achievement, such as acquiring skills required to realize this goal. However, one’s intentions are a small part of the forces that converge and define the moment. The further one imagines the future, the more likely it will be different from one’s expectations.
3) Has God already determined your destiny?
Yes, in that in the beginning of one’s life a combination of genes from our parents determines the framework upon which our character is built, the pre innate individual. However, before one’s zygote has reached the womb the physical aspects in which it flows creates cords of expression and repression of their genes, shaping their emerging character. Innumerable factors arise from one’s physical and social environment creating a web of potential realities, each a part of the creator’s consciousness.
4) Can we change our destiny, or will destiny change us? Do we have complete control over our lives?
We do not have complete control over our lives. The reality of one’s moment is in constant flux. While we may assert a will generated by our disciplined efforts toward fulfilling projected potential realities, unforeseen factors may thwart it. However, we influence destiny daily.
5) How do you accept your destiny? Do you think your destiny is something you choose yourself?
When reality of the moment is as we would have it, we are likely to take it for granted. It is when an outcome exceeds or is contrary to our desires that we experience an emotion such as elation or frustration. Choice is a factor in one’s destiny.
6) Can you change fate?
Fate is a fiction. Almost every moment is an opportunity for one to choose to act on impulse or rationally intercede. Opportunities increase when after reflection and understanding of the source of your impulses and the consequences of the actions they direct. Your fate is determined by the moment to moment, conscious and unconscious choices as whether to serve one’s self or serve others.
7) Is life already written or do you think you make your own destiny? Do you think destiny is pre-written?
We are not the music that our physical reality, acting as a phonograph needle, produces from the undulating spiraling groove in a record of life.
8) Do you think there is such a thing as destiny? Does fate exist do you believe?
I do not believe that a single destiny awaits us, instead believing that a broad variety of potential destinies exist as realities that one can work toward fulfilling. I imagine fate to be analogous with karma, a spiritual momentum in the direction of the choices one makes that determines the destiny of the moment.
9) Is your future set in stone?
10) Do you think fate will come into your life in a way like any other?
Life paths cross, and that what each individual brings the encounter will change the other.
11) Are you okay with the future and your own destiny?
Having found myself often in the grips of neurotic responses, I am not satisfied with my personal level of spiritual development. However, believing that because I work to expand my consciousness by seeking to keep an open mind and an open heart, and along with a willingness to act on what I think and feel, that in the long run the future will be fine.
12) Do you trust in destiny? Do you believe that good things will happen in your future?
I cannot trust in destiny, if that means living passively in the moment. The future will bring things both desirable and not, joy and sorrow will embrace me and I will respond out of the goodness of my heart or not.
13) Do you believe that destiny plays a great part in what happens in your life? How do you explain free will while still believing in destiny?
Looking back over three-score and thirteen, serendipitous coincidences have repeatedly occurred in my life. This road traveled seems to be milestone to milestone logically linked, though moment by moment the journey seemed to be more the drunkard’s walk, a succession of random events. I believe that for the most part we are unable to use free will at the instant an act is required. Behavior is largely a reflexive reflex resulting from genetic predilections or by cognitive programing arising from having given prior thought to similar situations had or heard about.
14) Is your destiny being decided by yourself or by others around you?
Both. All aspects of momentary experiences have the power to strengthen or weaken elements of our character. Through honest introspection, however, we acquire the ability to identify which elements should be and how they may be improved.
15) Do you think our death is predestined or we control when we die?
A confluence of forces converges at the moment of death. The path that lead to that end was but one of many possible paths.
16) Do you believe your life is already planned for you? Who is best, you or your destiny?
The day to day aspects of life are not planned, though the product of our choices is determined by the nature of those choices. My physical being exists only in the moment. Here it is fixed, a fait accompli. But the myriad of destinies exists as a cloud of possibilities that grows increasingly complex as time extends further into the future. Unable to know what my destiny might be at the end of my time, how can I judge what is best, me now or me then?
17) Do you believe in astrology and how far is it true in everyone’s life?
As a young man I was surprised at how well my astrological charts reflected my history up to the moment. However the older I became, the more my reality diverged from what my horoscope predicted. In as much as everything is connected, my materialization in the physical universe followed from the forces governing the cosmos. If sentience permits a glimpse of the spiritual universe and offers the potential for the expression of free will, then it seems reasonable that my choices would free me from the course the charted in the stars.
18) Is it better to know your destiny but have no control over it or else live out your destiny?
I believe that one cannot know their destiny, but only work to perfect their character with the expectation that whatever will be will be for the best.
19) Does living as though you control your own destiny lead to a more powerful life? What’s your take on that?
I think that believing one controlled their own destiny would be a delusion. At best, one can only influence the nature of their character, as determine by whether one mostly serves self or others.
20) Do you believe God has planned your life as soon as your birth? What is the difference between our fate and our destiny? How do you know you are following your destiny or your fate, can we know the difference if there is any? Do you believe?
These questions have been answered above. I see God as the author of life, but not as the author of my life. Each individual in every form of life exists according to its nature and its environ. Those creatures with sentient ability have the potential to add to their awareness a spiritual dimension to the other four dimensions that form reality. Hopefully, at the end of life an individual’s consciousness is compatible with that of the creator’s consciousness.