[NSFW] You would give up which of these for 24 months with compensation [details inside]?
[NSFW] If some eccentric multimillionaire/billionaire said you would get $250,000 and 5,000 gallons of gas if you gave up <A> sex (not even oral sex but self-gratification OK), <B> anything alcoholic above 4%, <C> TV, <D> Any chemical NOT prescribe by a lic. MD, <E> use of a computer (smartphones included) for 24 months could you chose any? You only get 5,000 gallons no matter how many categories you give up, however, if you give up computers and alcohol you would get $500,000 ($250,000 for each); if it is not something you do, you will not get compensated because you don’t do it or won’t start. You have to be open for random testing during that 24 month period by breathalyzer, urine test, lie detector test etc.
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20 Answers
Easy as falling off a log.
D (What’s a “lic. MD”?)
@gailcalled think they meant licensed medical practitioner, or were you being sarcastic?
Ah. So I can take rx meds? Makes it even easier. And if I had access to a non-licenced MD, I’d also be golden.
I would give up alcohol and probably sex (which I have already given up for a long time). So that would be pretty easy. Computer and phone would be very tough. Even for that much money.
I could easily give up all of it, except possibly the computer. Don’t get me wrong, I’d miss a lot of that stuff, but I could do it.
Edit: Oh, wait. “Any chemical not prescribed…”. If that includes nicotine, I’m out on that one.
Noting belatedly that self-grat. is OK, I can give up A also, giving me a clean sweep. Bring on the random testing…
B, C, and D in a snap. I don’t drink, watch little TV, and don’t take any drugs.
I could also do A, but I suspect my wife would not appreciate it.
I’d have real trouble with E as I’m on a computer a lot at work.
All of them. The computer one would be hardest. B and D would be easiest.
By the way, I love that “boinking” is one of the tags here.
B doesn’t count cuz I am already there. C would be next easiest, not sure about chemicals. I mean I take a handful of supplements, eat raw chocolate and drink tea other then prescribed meds. If that doesn’t count we are golden. I mean technically food is chemical and what about what we put on our body. Our skin has large surface area and is porous that is why analgesics work.
A wouldn’t have been a problem last year but I think I am over my break and E would be the hardest.
<A> sex…lic. MD,
I could easily give up sex if I get to lick Maryland.
I’ve heard that Maryland is the chocolate ice cream of states.
I could give up all of them for the right incentive. I’m just old and greedy.
A, B, and C.
It would be sooooo hard for me because I am a binge drinking, tv addicted sex maniac ~
It is ineffably sad that the one I would have the hardest time with is the computer and/or smartphone.
Not if you need the computer to do your job.
I’m curious as to the motivation for this question. Do the answers actually help anyone learn much about others? It’s a hypothetical that is so hypothetical, I don’t think it can be taken seriously. So the answers don’t reflect anything real.
Sure, any of them. I am already there on a couple, you can send my cashier’s check via Fluther.
I didn’t have a computer or the internet or a cell phone for the first forty years I was around, if it weren’t for work and entertainment I could live without one now.
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