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Unbroken's avatar

What is your favorite example of cat love?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) December 8th, 2012

I have recently been talking cat pride with a couple of people on Fluther and I thought we could all indulge in a brag off.
So what is it that makes your cat special?

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10 Answers

Mariah's avatar

Cats, right?

Well my big fella waiting for me back home is super friendly, more the personality of a dog than a cat, really. He loves new people and we like to tell the story about how he harassed the piano tuner. Licked his face while he was underneath the piano, and pulled tools out of his belt with his teeth. He’s a weird cat.

I was a lot closer with his sister, but she passed away this summer. She was something special for sure. It sounds cheesy but I swear she knew when I was sick. She was always “there” for me in a way that nobody else could exactly provide. I felt her love so strongly as she was quite different from her brother and was actually pretty picky about her company. It was an honor to have been “chosen” by her – I was her favorite.

She was half abyssinian too, a very pretty type of cat. Here’s an album I put together of her pics soon after she died. I miss her a whole lot.

Unbroken's avatar

My torte will talk to me. She grunts and groans and when disturbed or woke up. She sighs contentedly when she settles in chirps and chatters at laser lights and animals. Greets me with a yowl and tells me all about her day. Responds everytime I say something.

She trusts me when I toss her upside down or twirl her or torture her because it’s all in fun and I have never dropped her.

She cuddles well and loves having her feet warm or stretches her feet out to touch me if I am to active to sit on.

She loves jumping twisting and balancing she can put on a show but she gets all pouty when I laugh at her.

When I start petting her she instantly purrs. If I’m really good she leans into and relaxes all her muscles trusting me to catch her. She also holds or grips my finger in her toes.

She licks my face when I’m not paying attention and sitting on me or yowling isn’t working then she tugs and nibbles on my ear lobe. But never enough to break skin. She is grumpy when she wakes up. And can make a toy out of anything.

Unbroken's avatar

@Mariah Haha Funny about the piano tuner.
Oh that’s beautiful.
I’m sorry about your loss. I haven’t experienced it yet so I have no idea. I know what you mean when your sick your cat is there offering moral support and cuteness.
The album is an awesome tribute. I can tell she was special. Ya’ll got lucky to have each other.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Mine is cute, soft, and purrs when I pet it. :)

filmfann's avatar

What’s not to love about a pussy that licks itself?

Coloma's avatar

My female Siamese is very loving and coy, she runs for her “brushies” and stands up with her paws on the stair railing on top of her cat tree for her grooming. She gives love bites and purrs and purrs. My male Ragdoll is HUGE, he weighs 17 lbs. and is super fluffy. He hogs the bed at night and is a great bed warmer.

He is stunningly beautiful and very laid back and purrs like a freight train and grabs my hand to tell me he wants more “lovies.”
They are a great pair and play and play together and it is so funny because my little siamese is less than half his size but, of course, she is the queen and she will take him down.
She just flat out does that sideways tackle thing and floors him. He is so big the floor shakes when he falls over.haha

ETpro's avatar

Spoony THE Cat does pertty much all the repertoire of behaviors that @rosehips notes. I don’t toss here around, because I know she doesn’t really like it. But my wife does, and she tolerates it, knowing no harm is intended.

I think the neatest thing is she loves the office chair I use at my workstation, particularly when I’ve been sitting in it and left it nice and warm for her. But if she curls up in it for a snooze while I’m just away for a rest-room call or a cup of coffee, I can roll the chair over to a hassock she also loves. Even if she’s snoozing, when I say, “Spoony, I need my chair back.” she’ll get up, stretch, and walk over to the hassock to curl back up even though it isn’t all nice and warm and cozy. Now that’s love.

PeppermintBiscuit's avatar

This is making me miss my last cat.
He was very much a one-person feline. If anybody came in the house he didn’t know, he’d vanish. And I was his favourite companion. Whenever I went on a trip, my mom would tell me when I returned that he had spent the whole time waiting in front of my bedroom door. He’d still eat, and whatever, but right away go back to sitting in front of my door, watching for me.
He had some funny ways of showing affection. He’d knead his claws into me (OW!!!) or head-butt me. But he always purred, and I let him do it because I knew that being rough was just his way of being affectionate.

wundayatta's avatar

I had a cat when I was 17. The best thing about that cat was that he thought he was a dog. You should have seen him trying to herd cattle! About the most memorable thing I’ve ever seen.

Unbroken's avatar

Very pretty stories! Thank you for sharing.

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