Christmas gifts for mom and dad?
I need some ideas on what to get for my parents for Christmas. My brother, sister and I have decided just to get a few things for each of them and give them as one present from all of us.
My dad loves to bike ride (trails and road), and has already shown me a jersey he wants. Is there any other bike-related thing I could get him? He also says he needs good glasses to keep the cold wind out of his eyes, but I don’t know where to get them.
We have already gotten my mom a duster, since it takes hours to wipe down the shelves with a washcloth. Over the past years we’ve given her enough chocolate for ten years, so no sweets. She has a ton of cookbooks, and doesn’t really need anything kitchen related. I really don’t know what to get her. Any ideas?
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7 Answers
Everyone appreciates new, pretty dishtowels and potholders. They get greasy, soiled and burned. I replace mine all the time and use new ones instead of wrapping paper. But they stand alone.
Ask your dad about ski goggles. Skiers use them to protect their eyes from glare, snow, grit and wind.
For your dad, a hydration system, such as a camel back will be appreciated. Or a cycling jacket to match his new jersey. REI and VeloNews both have lots of cycling gee gaws to fill stockings.
Get some cycling glasses from Bolle or from Rudy Project. Cyclists like changeable lenses: clear or yellow for rainy drizzly days, dark green UV protection for sunny days. Lightweight and comfortable under a helmet. These companies also make corrective inserts.
Does your mom have a cookbook holder? one of those clear plastic stands to keep the book clean while cooking. Does she have a food processor? And what other things does she like to do besides cook?
Safety gear for Dad. I’ve seen too many bike crashes this year… If he doesn’t already have a plethora of those blinky-lights for his bike, or a bike headlight, get him one. I second the Camelbak as well. It’s safer to sip from a straw than take his eyes off the road in order to dislodge a bottle from a frame holster.
I know we all think Mom has no greater hobby than cooking and cleaning, but for serious – she’d probably really appreciate something not at all domestic responsibility related. Perhaps a gift certificate for a massage and mani-pedi at a local privately owned spa? Pamper your mama and support small business all at the same time. Put out some feelers on Facebook and see if any friends or coworkers have a favourite masseuse or manicurist they like to visit.
Does your Mom read a lot? A certain type of book? Or listen to music? What does she do for herself? Maybe sho would like some bubble bath.
For a bike, depending on price range you could do a lot. If he doesn’t have a wedge bag, which is a small bag that fits under the seat, that can be handy to store keys and wallet, etc. If you live in an at all rainy area, a drybag version is also great. As was also mentioned, lights are great if he does any riding in dark or low-light times. Also, if he’s at all geeky, these would be fantastic, though they’re a bit pricy. Also a bike pump, especially one that attaches to the bike, is very useful if he doesn’t already have one as well. I also second the REI recommendation, but also if you have any local bike stores those can be great, too. I recommend going there and wandering around some, too, there’s lots of little gadgets and things that can be useful.
As for your mom, flowers are always good. And gift certificates to favorite restaurants or the spa/other pampering type place above is a good one, too. I also second the music or book (or movies or games, video or otherwise) suggestion, I’m sure there’s things of that sort you could get her, too.
Well, my parents have everything they want, and then some. They are actively getting rid of knick-knacks, clothes and clutter. However, I did notice that they skimp on the groceries – won’t treat themselves to a steak or a nice piece of pork tenderloin. So, I have started sending them orders from Omaha Steak. Their meats come in nice freezer packages that last for years (I literally had some burgers in the freezer for 5 years and they were still just fine). Also can add easy-to-prepare side dishes. It works for me, and they like that better than anything.
If they are the sentimental type?
A letter amoung a gift package that includes your appreciation for sharing their life with you, since life is so precious.
Once they have passed on,it seems that is the only time tht people think on these things?
Tell them and show them now while they are alive and in your life.
I am sure tht they would cherish that more, above all material gifts?
A portrait session with you and your parents and other relatives that is if your inclined to add them, would make a special gift.
Another than that , a bike membership,magazine membership etc for your father ,if he does not have presently.
For your mother a certificate for learning something new tht she may have wanted to do for a long time?
Find out what they had planned on doing once the kids are all grown up..that would give you a clue to what matters to them deeply.
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