Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do you ride the bus? How do you feel about having your conversations recorded every day?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33635points) December 12th, 2012

There was a news report over the weekend that Homeland Security has given a number of grants to public transportation systems around the country to install real-time (wireless internet) voice monitoring systems on city buses.

Aside from the privacy implications of this (does the government really need to know that I am stopping on the way home to buy milk because my daughter called?), is it likely that potential terrorists are discussing their plans while riding the commuter shuttle bus in Athens, GA (and Baltimore. And San Francisco… And so on…)

Seems like a waste of money and a huge intrusion.

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4 Answers

McCool's avatar

No, I don’t ride the bus. I do agree with you about it being a waste of money, though. Seems rather silly to pay for such a thing when it could be used for something more beneficial.

flutherother's avatar

I couldn’t believe this was true but I checked and apparently it is. They are also installing video and listening equipment with wireless connectivity in lamposts across the USA. It seems ridiculous, and goes way beyond any necessary security measure.

Berserker's avatar

Not that I’m some kind of maniac or something, but say I was a terrorist; I’d be careful how and where I plan my attacks. I think most terrorists, unfortunately, are a little more careful when it comes to bringing a plan to growth, and won’t carelessly talk about anything on the freakin’ bus. No, somehow this seems directed at the citizen for some reason, and frankly I don’t see the point at all. It’s indeed a big waste of cash.

YARNLADY's avatar

Ha, ha; bring it on. There’s nothing more interesting or important for HS to do than listen in on my conversation, “Sit down JJ. Get your mouth of the filthy rail. Use a tissue when you sneeze. Mr X, stop kicking the seat in front of us, Look out the window, see the dog”.

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