Social Question

FutureMemory's avatar

Atheists: Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) December 13th, 2012

As asked.

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62 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

No, I like them both.

ragingloli's avatar

Cats as pets, dogs for dinner.

poisonedantidote's avatar

You obviously have no understanding of canines and felines if you are willing to grossly generalize them all as mere “dogs and cats”.

Sure, you may like feeding your terrier and petting your black cat, but I bet you would not enjoy being torn apart by a dingo and a tiger.

Calling them cats and dogs is just a pathetic attempt to simplify the situation, with the hope of giving yourself an easier platform to debate from.

Sadly for you however, there are mountains of evidence and centuries of peer review study showing just how diverse the topic is.

Why are all big cats, such as tigers and lions immune to their version of AIDS? while domesticated versions of feline are usually still vulnerable?

Why don’t Manx cats have tails? are you including them in your over generalized definition too?

Did Shrodinger use a lion? I don’t think so.

There is no point in me trying to tell you what one I prefer, if you are going to force me answer under some kind of generalized false dichotomy of a fallacy, all in an attempt to pin me down and debate me on your uneducated level.

Go read a book.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Dog. Cat meat has a funny taste to it.

Yeahright's avatar

Definitely doogie doos! I’m part of a pack of six (formerly 8).

SuperMouse's avatar

I am not an atheist, and I am so going to answer this question!


Coloma's avatar

I prefer cats & geese, dogs are sloppy , loud and obnoxious creatures. lol

Coloma's avatar

@poisonedantidote Don’t you think you’re kinda taking a fun Q. and analyzing it into the ground? Everyone has a pet preference, it’s really not that deep. lol

glacial's avatar

Neither (that is to say, I like both).

wundayatta's avatar

Dogs. Cats are spawn of the devil. They make you cry and sneeze and be generally miserable. They have sticky stuff on them that feels icky. Their fur makes you itch. I don’t understand how anyone could like them, unless they are masochists of some sort. Hmmmmm.~

psyonicpanda's avatar

hmmmm…..segregated questioning?

Coloma's avatar

Dog and cat discrimination….give geese a chance. haha

janbb's avatar

Fact from fiction: truth from diction. Where are all the sub-questions?

El_Cadejo's avatar

Cats, until mine decides to sleep on my face at night :P

@Coloma All we are saying is give geese a chaaance

Shippy's avatar

I like tigers, but then I am a Christian.

ucme's avatar

I feel we agnostics are the victims of prejudice, no fucking specific questions for us fence sitters now is there, eh?
Anyway yeah, dawgs are where it’s at coz cats are tw@s!

ragingloli's avatar

all dogs should be killed

jonsblond's avatar

@ucme I’m agnostic. I can’t decide if I like dogs or cats. ;)

ucme's avatar

@jonsblond Well that makes you a multiple fence sitter then, bet you’ve had loads of splinters up your bum ;¬}

tinyfaery's avatar

Cats are best, but all of nature’s flora and fauna are awesome. Nature is grand.

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; If pushed, I would have to pick Gail, an indeterminate species, but smart enough to feed, house and heat me.

poisonedantidote's avatar

@Coloma This is a very serious topic, if you don’t stomp it out right away, the next thing you know is they start slipping it in to school, teaching it as science.

I don’t know how you do things, but in our house we teach the difference between canines and felines, and teach it scientifically. Talk of cats and dogs belongs as the vets, or at best a zoo, keep it out of the classroom.

Coloma's avatar

@poisonedantidote I’m one of the biggest animal nuts on the planet and also have vast knowledge about most species. I was only responding to the base Q. of preference for the pets I choose to keep in my life. Actually I would, much prefer to be shredded by a mountain lion over having a Ted Bundy poke a stick up my ass while strangling me. I have come face to face with a mountain lion and it was an amazing, albeit nerve wracking moment. I just fail to see how you connected the dots on what I perceived as a benign and humorous Q.

digitalimpression's avatar

I love how even a question about cats and dogs resorts to a segregation based on beliefs. It’s actually quite deplorable.

tinyfaery's avatar

Don’t you get the joke? Wah wah.

SuperMouse's avatar

@tinyfaery people of faith have notoriously bad senses of humor.~

Coloma's avatar

@digitalimpression LOL man, the collective vibe is really in a pissy state the last few days.

jonsblond's avatar

Oh @Coloma. I do recall you were rather mean to a certain bimbo a few days ago. Your happy go lucky mood slipped that day. Admit it, you are not immune to grumpieness. None of us are. :P

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond Never claimed I was,however, it is quite rare, maybe 3 times in 3 years, not a bad track record IMO. :-p… but honestly, my grumpiness didn’t factor into that at all, just something I normally feel passionate about anyway.
The majority of my grumpiness has unfolded in the last 48 hours from being sick and having a nonstop, 3 day headache. lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Snakes. In trees. Urging me to give men apples.

deni's avatar

I LOVE both but for me a cat is more practical.

Berserker's avatar

Ninja Turtles! Wish I had my own Raphael.

glacial's avatar

@Shippy Welcome back. :)

jonsblond's avatar

@Coloma hope you feel better soon. I know it sucks to have a prolonged illness.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Just so you all know, I was joking. The turning of something simple in to a big debate being the joke, because of “atheists” used in the title. Just in case any of you think I’m actually that nuts.

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond Thanks! Yeah..bah humbug! haha
@poisonedantidote Aaah….okay nut reversed, I get it now. lol

PeppermintBiscuit's avatar

I’m definitely a cat person. They’re the epitome of indifference. Except for Zazzles.

Yeahright's avatar

@ragingloli Is that supposed to be funny?

Bellatrix's avatar

I like both and have a cat and two dogs. I couldn’t choose between them.

Shippy's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Apples are fine but they can never touch me plums

FutureMemory's avatar

Oops, forgot to add “when you’re out of normal meat products”. Sorry.

Bellatrix's avatar

Oh in that case—I prefer furless cats and dogs. Devon and Cornish Rex are pretty good although there isn’t a lot of meat on them. Dogs, again nothing too furry is the key for me. I find cats have a gamier flavour. Cooking them up into a stew – catatouille is nice.

Oops. Why are my pets giving me dismayed looks?

Coloma's avatar

Running and hiding my geese, fear not my faithful feathered friends not a drop of plum sauce shall touch your virgin breasts. lol

rooeytoo's avatar

This question reminds me of a similar one, do you walk to work or carry your lunch?

I like both but my dingo hates cat, so my cat lives in a beach house along with my chicken who is also hated by my dingo. When the dingo dies or the cat and chicken die, the rest of us will probably move back to the beach house.

I am not an atheist I am just anti religion, but I felt like answering the question anyhow.

janbb's avatar

@rooeytoo Did the dingo eat your chicken?

gailcalled's avatar

That’s like the famous puzzle of the fox, the chicken and the cabbage. How do you transport them across a river without the fox eating the chicken and the chicken eating the cabbage? You can take only one entity at a time in the boat.

MIlo here; Having my own beach house with a chicken to amuse me sounds really fine.

rooeytoo's avatar

@janbb – nope the chicken and cat live about 3000k away at the beach house. We want to sell it but we can’t because the cat and chicken live there. The cat is named Bob and the chicken is Chooka. We rent the house to an elderly gentleman, who in turn for a minimal rent, looks after Bob and Chook. The gentleman is a mad fisherman and loves this place because he can walk across the street and fish when the tide is in and when it is out he walks around the corner to fish. It is a beautiful spot! Here is a pic of Chook stealing Bob’s food. And here is Bob walking along the shore when the tide is out.

DigitalBlue's avatar

Cats as pets. Babies for dinner, @ragingloli, what kind of atheist eats dogs? :P

El_Cadejo's avatar

So all this talk of eating dogs has reminded me of a story. My room mate is from South Korea, where it’s not uncommon to eat dog. Evidently in South Korea you can buy dog in a can (like tuna etc). So my friend was telling me about this one time she has relatives visiting from Korea and she came home from school one day and they’re all sitting at the dinner table eating what they believed to be canned dog. Unfortunately they couldn’t read English so they just grabbed a can from the super market that had a picture of a dog on it….yea it was dog food. They’d eaten a couple cans of it before my friend got back to the house too lol

Coloma's avatar

@uberbatman Oh wow…just wow! haha
@rooeytoo Wild Bob of the beach :-)

rooeytoo's avatar

@uberbatman – what a story, I can relate. I have been to the markets in South K and was saddened by the dog meat (in various degrees of dissection) available. But I would also be saddened by cows and sheep if I could see their eyes too. What I don’t get is why folks get so completely upset about whales but not about dogs, cats, cows, sheep, goats, horses, etc. And I don’t buy the “Oh they’re endangered” argument, is that the only factor that makes life important?

But I digress, great story!

Coloma's avatar

@rooeytoo Lots of horsemeat is still consumed all over the place.Ack. That’s a really hard one for me. So many wonderful animals shipped to slaughter.

ragingloli's avatar

Indeed. There are even a lot of videos depicting women “consuming horse meat”. And it is “hard” for them, too.

Coloma's avatar

@ragingloli I knew I could count on you for the oh, so special, contribution.

Katz22's avatar

I am agnostic leaning towards atheism and I like both cats and dogs, but cats are my favorite.

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