Social Question

How to start a fundraiser?
Hello I’m trying to start an Indiegogo fund for my mom and step dad. My step dad has Frederich’s ataxia which means the the cerebellum thins, and he looses motor skills. It’s been rapidly declining these past few years. he has always wanted to go to Ireland but saves all his money in trust funds, so when he dies my mom can still support herself. So anyways, Im trying to raise the money to send them on a vacation of a life time. So they can have 1 last good time together before his condition worsens and he won’t be able to go places. I also really want to offer gifts and prizes to big donors how would i go about that? what should I offer? I appreciate any suggestions. If you want the whole story of what happened click the link below :)
Thank you so much. and if you have anytime feel free to share the indiegogo link on face book or twitter :) I will be so appreciative.