NSFW What do you do when you really want to be sexy?
How do you prepare? Do you have any “tricks” or “moves” that you always use? Do you have a physical attribute that you think is your best sexy attribute and do you work to show that off? Do you use some patter? Is it your face? Your body? How do you show you want to be sexy and are sexy? How do you get your partner all riled up?
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24 Answers
All I got to do is ask. I don’t think I ever got a no, or a not tonight, I got a headache. LOL
Kiss him a little longer, a little deeper than usual. Kiss him on the neck. Touch him. Score!
It just takes a look – he knows exactly what that look means. On occasions I have sent him a text in the middle of the day asking him if he feels like going home from work early – he knows what that means too.
At my age? I think taking strong hallucinogenic drugs would be the only way.
I dress in a leopard skin body thong and swing from the Chandelier while flick flacking my legs.
Alone, or with someone else?
I get & sustain an erection.
I clean the kitchen. And if I want anal, I do the laundry.
@johnpowell – that smacks of prostitution… selling favors for things of value…
I go for slinky little satin nighties and uber grooming, and of course, the perfect perfume. The scent of a woman you know. My all time favorite lingerie was a short little white satin and lace nighty and another gorgeous plum colored, crushed velvet and satin number. Those 2 items seduced many a man in their day. lol
I’m not a big fan of perfume. So I’ve never been involved with a woman who insisted on wearing it. It was probably easy enough to figure out who they were, since they weren’t wearing it in the first place.
When I want to be sexy, I play Svengali. I read a woman’s mind. For some reason that seems to blow their minds and leave them open to anything I might desire. And oddly, that’s pretty much all I want—to have someone be open to me. I don’t actually have to do anything with them. Just get them to that place where they are completely open and comfortable and willing to share anything. Anything could happen then. Anything I want. But that’s where it stops. How odd.
@wundayatta Soooo, you get off on emotionally manipulating woman? Hmmm.
I like jumping up on a table in my studlies and dancing my ass off.
Not that I’ve ever done it.
@Coloma The only woman I ever wanted to manipulate was you. But it wasn’t your soul I wanted to manipulate. Come on baby. Where’s my invitation to the hot tub? Preferably sans geese. ;-)
It literally takes nothing to get my husband in the mood. He could be exhausted after a long, horrendous, maddening day at work with a migraine, but if I suggested a trip to the bedroom, he’d be there before I even got up the stairs, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
Me, on the other hand, it takes quite a bit if I’m not already in the mood. Poor guy. :(
@wundayatta Better CYA, it’s damn cold over here right now. I wouldn’t want to see your continents split apart from shrinkage. lol
I said hot tub. Dontcha got a heater? Come on. It’s Cali, baby. I’ve only been in hot tubs in Cali, and all outdoors, and one in the middle of the snow. I ain’t afraid of a little cold!
@wundayatta Haha, actually I drained it a few days ago and have yet to refill it and fire it up again. It is covered with snowy frost right now and I have to to bail the last few frigid gallons out. Brrr…..maybe later today. Wanna be the bale boy?
Only if you need hay for some reason. But I do know a bail bondsman, if you need to bail it out. Why your tub would be in jail, only you could explain.
It depends on who I’m trying to be sexy for – are they a hetero guy or a femme lesbian, are they interested in things I am or are they, for example, someone I met at Tango? Things really really depend. It also depends on why I am being sexy. Is it to flirt only or to sleep with them? Am interested in a one night thing or a long term relationship? Then, of course, I decide what to wear, what to accentuate, how to gender myself, I suppose. Do I reveal how ‘crazy’ I am all at the same time or keep ‘em guessing? Today, I was sexy on purpose with someone…not going to get into it but it’s not the most legit situation…I had to find a balance where I seduced them without being upfront so that anyone listening in wouldn’t really notice what’s going on. Therefore, there was a lot of innuendo language but vague and lots and lots of slight body language, mostly facial expressions and laughter. It was a fun time.
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