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XOIIO's avatar

I need sound effects for time slowing down and speeding up?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) December 17th, 2012

I’m looking for a couple good sound clips of time slowing down, and then speeding up, like the way it sounds in the game dishonored. I can’t get into the game files so I’m looking for something simmilar.

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7 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

The sound of a Federation Starship going to and dropping out of Warp.

ucme's avatar

slowing down & yes you’ve guessed it, speeding up

XOIIO's avatar

@ucme Boy that’s helpfull.

@ragingloli Hmm, I don’t remember star trek looking that cook XD That sound is close but a bit too electronic sounding, just need that sort of thrummm sound i guess it would be

@poisonedantidote I’ll take a look.

ucme's avatar

I’m not a boy & no it wasn’t, stop lying.

gasman's avatar

Here’s a clip of what’s called Risset Rhythm (click the play button), a clever effect which sounds like drums endlessly speeding up. It can be done in reverse, slowing down, but I don’t have a link for that.

XOIIO's avatar

@gasman hmm not quite it.

I’m looking for that bass-y sound

you can hear it a bit here.

that sort of sound ( the first time it occurs, but a longer/slower version of the other ones would work.)

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