Social Question

mowens's avatar

What is an item that you want badly, or could not live without?

Asked by mowens (8410points) December 19th, 2012

Anything. Is it a boat? Is it a blender? A pan? a lazyboy?

What item does everyone think they need? What item makes your life easier, or fun?

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16 Answers

janbb's avatar

A bath tub. Hot baths are almost a necessity for my relaxation regime.

philosopher's avatar

I have wanted a cure for autism but I can not buy it. I hope one day in my lifetime I will have it for my son.
Curing my son would make my life fulfilled.

JenniferP's avatar

My purses. I am partial to Coach purses but buy a lot of different kinds. A world without purses would be a sad place for me. But I would rather see a cure for autism for @philosopher‘s son. I would give up my purses for that. I am not that superficial.

Bellatrix's avatar

I have to pick one thing, my computer. I use it all the time for work, fun and just practical things. Of course in reality, I don’t need this. I can survive without anything but the basics of life and many people do.

jonsblond's avatar

Lots of pillows.

josie's avatar


philosopher's avatar

Thank you and God bless you for caring. Happy Holidays to you and everyone.
I have been buying nice bags on line at I like Piazza. I hope I spelled it correctly. They are made in Italy.
I know my husband ordered me a new one. I already received a Kindle HD Firer tablet but I prefer my computer. I can type fast on here. The tablet is going take some getting use too.

JLeslie's avatar

Could not live without my DVR and tampons.

I want a guest house or a little apartment for guests.

ETpro's avatar

I am very, very partial to oxygen. I honestly can’t live without it.

Now, high on the nice to have list is surgery to repair a hernia. I’m due for a surgeon’s evaluation on that at Mass. General Hospital Jan. 2. Not a day too soon. It hurts when I walk any distance.

Rarebear's avatar

Astro-Physics Mach 1 GTO German equatorial mount.

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Berserker's avatar

Pillows here too! ^_^

ucme's avatar

My Tinky Winky bed friend…i’m gonna hug him & squeeze him & love him, dawww!!

augustlan's avatar

Pain killers and other medicines. I’d die without some of them, and live a miserable life without the others.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

My laptop.
I would say my iPod because I love music that much, but since my laptop includes my iTunes library, I would rather have it.

picante's avatar

And champagne

(not necessarily in that order)

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