Social Question

What will the "History" Channel talk about when the World doesn't end on Dec. 21, 2012?
The so-called “History” Channel, which once actually covered factual events, but recently has been relentless in its coverage of misinformation about the Mayan “prophecies”, has staked its reputation, such as it is, on the world ending tomorrow. This has led to some interesting, and often tongue-in-cheek end of the world sex parties. But when the world is still here on 12/22/2012, what new doomsday event will the “History” Channel use to replace its Mayan Prophecy brouhaha? And if we can believe the real experts?, the world stands no more chance of ending tomorrow than any other given day.
Sure, the “History” Channel has alternatives. In its quest for ratings, it has turned into a venue for Ancient Astronaut theorists. Then there are the New World Order conspiracists sure the Builderbergers and/or Illuminati are sending the UN Army (that doesn’t exist) to enslave us in the FEMA prison camps (that do not exist). But leaving the fertile ground of Mayan Doomsayers behind will leave quite a hole in the network’s programming. Could it be that what Nostradamus and the Mayan astrologers actually foresaw was the end of the “History” Channel?