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ZEPHYRA's avatar

ROLL CALL- Still here, alive and kicking. Are you all on the surface of earth or still waiting?

Asked by ZEPHYRA (21750points) December 21st, 2012

Is it the end of the world as we know it? Something weird happened in your area?

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37 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m still here. It is totally dark outside and cold water is falling from the sky!!!

hearkat's avatar

I figured if it wasn’t a time-zone event, then maybe the solstice would be the marker, but that has supposedly passed now and I’m still here. Happy Winter everybody!!

DaphneT's avatar

The only weird thing here is the early morning hour and the howling winds of Draco’s last push. Since the world did not end yet, I’ll have to get on with my life and all its mess.

cookieman's avatar

World didn’t end. Guess I am wrapping Christmas gifts after all today. Dammit

Seek's avatar

Well, it rained last night. In Florida. In winter. That doesn’t happen often. And there was no traffic on my way to work. Of course, day before Christmas weekend.

That’s about all the weird happenstance so far.

Less than 2 hours (estimated) until Gangnam-geddon

glacial's avatar

I feel fine.

ragingloli's avatar

Of course. I am here on the bridge of my Mothership overseeing the final preparations for the invasion of your puny planet on the 23rd.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Still on the right side of the grass, but wow the sky is crying. We’re soaked. In December?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I spoke too soon. Snowing like crazy now. Maybe a white christmas.

Seek's avatar

so. jealous.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It’s so beautiful. Visibility is down to about ¼ to ⅓ mile, it’s big flakes, and it looks so so peaceful. No wind, just the snow. I wish I had a camera so I could share it.

marinelife's avatar

Still waiting for nothing to happen. Glad I’m not going to miss Christmas.

Coloma's avatar

Still alive over here in the hills.
6:28 a.m. on the west coast and Coloma is having coffee after a rousing evening of plumbers still trying to figure out my bubbling toilet scene and a happy holiday brownie that had me decorating a carved Japanese screen in my living room with glowing red plum blossom lights, and wrapping gifts in psychedelic cascading ribbons, while my cats enjoyed a romp in the tissue paper.
Most likely an encore tonight.

Silent niiiight, happy brownie night
all is calm
all is bright
round yon kitties covered in string
my living room is oriental bling
sleep in happy brownie laaand, sleep in happy brownie laaand. :-p

ETpro's avatar

Present and still not accounted for. I exist, but why?

Shippy's avatar

As I have been told it is a shift, the end of an era. I am so glad. This era hasn’t been great. I have felt fantastic today, so long live the end of the world!

Coloma's avatar

Man…the sunrise over here is mind blowing this morning, maybe that’s the plan.The final sunrise. Red sky at dawn! lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Coloma You might not want to drive or operate heavy equipment today.

filmfann's avatar


Coloma's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I’ll only be operating scissors and scotch tape.
Of course, I could easily end up sitting on my scissors in happy brownie land tonight. Left handed, right brained blondes under the herbal influence wrapping gifts in a mood lighting wonderland and making wrapping paper tnets for the cats. haha
Hey…where’s my scissors?

wundayatta's avatar

I am still quite dead. Pushing up daisies. Don’t ask me how, as it is the dead of winter.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Coloma Merry Christmas lady.:)

Coloma's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Back at’cha my friend! :-)

livelaughlove21's avatar

No one should still be waiting because it was to supposed to happen at 11:11 UTC, which has come and gone. Unfortunately, I still had to get up for work this morning. Dammit…

wundayatta's avatar

I’m still dead.

cookieman's avatar

^^ Niiicceee ass for a dead guy

Mariah's avatar

I disappeared towards the end of term, was so busy during finals week. I’m on break now and will be around more (unless the world ends~).

Berserker's avatar

Actually it’s pretty creepy that for the so called end of it all, we got a major crazy ass snowstorm last night. But yeah, I’m here. Fluther needs its festering wound, don’t ye know! :D

Shippy's avatar

All still well over here in Africa

Coloma's avatar

I just posted elsewhere it is ending here now.
Red sky at morning, and just had 2 escaped horses charge into my yard in the midst of freezing wind and torrential rain. Death comes on a pale horse. Happy no year. haha

flutherother's avatar

I’m still here but outside there is nothing but darkness and one street light. I think it’s the end.

Kardamom's avatar

I’m here, but it took me 3 days to be able to log onto Fluther, what gives?

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Rumours of my demise have been minimally exaggerated!
I was hoping my chronic pain would have disappeared, but alas, no.

CheshireCatsWit's avatar

Still here. Which means my time spent planning for the zombie apocalypse was useless. I had a chat with my mother about it too.
“So what would you do in the zombie apocalypse?”
“I’d run into the horde and let ‘em eat me! Afterall, I wanna eat brains too!”
“That’s right, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!”

Sunny2's avatar

I looked in the mirror and didn’t see anything. What’s up with that? I think I’m here . . . . but?

bookish1's avatar

Still here. This was one of my best days in a couple months. Didn’t have to learn to swim today, but it’s still a good idea.

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