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skfinkel's avatar

What are the common phrases you are tired of?

Asked by skfinkel (13542points) December 22nd, 2012

One of my least favorites is: “out of the box thinking,” which for me has become an oxymoron.

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84 Answers

augustlan's avatar

YOLO, mostly used by the young.

Tachys's avatar

“It is what it is.”

So stupid.

ucme's avatar

Sorry for your loss & that was like totally awesome.

ragingloli's avatar

“It begs the question”. That one always drives me mad, because it should be “It raises the question”, not “beg”. Nails on a blackboard, I tell you.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

denial and error
gorilla see, gorilla do
rocket appliance
a catch 23 situation
who makes the pants here
peach of cake
getting two birds stoned at once
what comes around is all around
supply and command
diamond a dozen
it’s a doggy dog world
mating name

DominicX's avatar

I’m not a big fan of “the proof is in the pudding”. I get that it’s used differently than the original “the proof of the pudding is in the eating”, but I’m not a big fan of corrupted phrases :)

JenniferP's avatar

I hate it when people say “Are you keeping it real?” I also hate it when people say “This is true.”

FutureMemory's avatar

Anything involving the term Douche.

“That was a very douche-like thing to say”, etc.


Kardamom's avatar

No problem

syz's avatar

“I could care less”, which is the opposite of what they are trying to portray.

And “That’s so gay”. So casually derogatory.

jonsblond's avatar

Shoo-bee-do-whap doo-wah…bee bop ba baah…

Someone needs a babysitter and a night out with the hubby if they are sayin’ that.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m incredibly sick of “YOLO” and “that’s gay.”

cookieman's avatar

So-and-so “reached out to me” when what really happened is that they sent you an eMail or called you on the phone.

JenniferP's avatar

I hate it when people say “call me” and do the finger gesture along with it, where they make it look like they are talking on a phone.

RandomGirl's avatar

-The use of the words gay or retarded as casual words along the lines of stupid drives me insane. These are not words to be used casually.
-The careless like, totally, yeah, so… bit exhibited by my peers.
-I could care less instead of I couldn’t care less

You get the idea. :)

Unbroken's avatar

Anything overtly poltically correct. As in I am actually really uncomfortable with these topics so I will adhere to a strict overly careful eggshell stance and be proud of myself all at once.

Live like you are dying
Same shit different day
I’m so old
Are you married yet
It could be better it could be worse
Wait til you have kids.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Let’s see…

“I’m here”, in response to being asked “how are you?”

“A minute” or “a little minute” to describe the last time you experienced or did something.

“I did” sounds so pretentious when you can simply say “yes”.

Berserker's avatar

I hate that saying, which is presented as a question; if someone jumped off a bridge, would you?

Uh no. You sack cigarette.

It’s like, you’re told this in school, or by your parents, when you went about something because other people did, or because, perhaps, you were convinced by someone to do so. The saying, which denotes jumping off a bridge, like as if any asshole who isn’t trying to end their life would just do that for the goddamn lol, is way too simple for the complexity which usually arises in the real life situation in which you goofed up by doing something lame because someone else did. It’s not, at all, a good way to help someone with low self esteem, or help someone who doesn’t quite know how to fit in or whatever…because it’s such a stupid saying. It’s like, if you did something lame because you wanted to be accepted, how is being asked if you’d hop off a bridge supposed to make you feel? Doesn’t that insult someone’s intelligence, even if it’s hypothetical? I mean even if it didn’t come with some social problem and you just made some bad decision, it’s still a lame ass saying. Would I jump off a bridge. What the fuck.

No, I wouldn’t jump of a blasted bridge. You ass butt. Or rob a bank. Let’s deal with reality here, homesplice.

Another one I hate is, they’re more afraid of you than you are of them. So how the fuck is knowing that my main school bully, who kicks my ass everyday or name calls me at every street corner just because I exist, is actually some weak, petty individual I should not fear going to save my lunch money, or not stamp my pride or my budding sense of self in the schoolyard? (hey sym, wanna buy a comma before I kick your @¢¢?) I feel it’s such a cop out to not actually want to help someone deal with the bully. What am I supposed to do then? Just put up? Learn Muy Thai Kickboxing? Do something extreme when realizing that they’re more afraid of me than I am of them, doesn’t, in actuality, help me? Call the school, or the parents, or just tell me to suck it up and be a man, man. But don’t tell me something that’s bullshit and, anyways, that I’ll only understand once I’m all done with school.

Bung hole.

Bellatrix's avatar

Okay, what the heck does yolo mean? Just so I know when it reaches my country. I haven’t heard this one before.

Berserker's avatar

@Bellatrix I was a gangster about 67 years ago, and that’s what you say when the cops start shootin’ at you. Yo, low! Then you duck.

I did not make this up. :D

Brian1946's avatar


Okay, what the heck does yolo mean?


Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you @Brian1946! I missed @augustlan‘s hyperlink. Well I guess it is here already in its long version.

JenniferP's avatar

I clean for a living in hospital. It annoys me when people say “Are you working hard or hardly working.” I also hate it when people say “Will you come to my place and clean.”

FutureMemory's avatar

The obligatory “Hi, how are you?” when beginning an interaction with individuals, especially strangers.

bob_'s avatar

“No offense, but…”

ucme's avatar

Just sayin, whatever, whenever a sentence ends with “right now.”

JenniferP's avatar

@ucme I don’t like it when people say, “Just sayin.”

ucme's avatar

@JenniferP Whatever, you’re just copying right now…just sayin ;¬}

Berserker's avatar

know wut I’m sayin’ foo

ucme's avatar

Fuck me, Mr.T is in da house!

cookieman's avatar

@JenniferP: I also dislike “Just saying” – as if it excuses the ignorant, rude, or short-sighted words that just fell out of their mouth. And yes, I know you’re “just saying”, I can see your lips move you bozo.

sorry, rant over

Kardamom's avatar

Here’s another one I just thought of. It’s usually young males in their 20’s that say this: Nome Sane Do you know what I’m saying? After every other sentence or phrase that they utter, nome sane? Usually followed by the young man grabbing his penis, nome sane?

ucme's avatar

@Kardamom To which i’d reply, “Actually no I fucking don’t, try again, only this time speak properly cuz!”

Earthgirl's avatar

I am starting to hate the phrase “get closure”.
Someone at work the other day was going on about how the man who sheltered children in his house at Newton, Connecticut after the shooting needed to know who the children were and how they were doing so he could “get closure”. If only life were so neatly packaged. You get closure, you move on. Seeing the children again and knowing who they are, and seeing that they are doing ok, I’m sure he wants that. Of course he would. But I doubt very much that he will have “closure” any time soon. Why do people have to use psychobabble phrases when plain English would suit the job perfectly well?

JenniferP's avatar

@ucme You said “Whatever, you’re just copying me now…” That is another thing I don’t like people saying-“whatever.” Sorry for picking on you. Nothing personal.

Unbroken's avatar

@Earthgurl I agree life isn’t tidily packaged for us.
The inappropriate/overuse of any terminology can be wearing. But why do label it psychobabble. Any field has their own terminology is it all babble?

trailsillustrated's avatar

I love all these answers!! I think the ‘box’ one, ‘outside the box’ thing is the one I hate most. I am not American, so, the friendly ‘have a nice day’ and ‘how are you’ s, I think are really nice, but yeah

RandomGirl's avatar

@trailsillustrated: I find “have a nice day” and “how are you” very awkward and plain, too. What would you suggest as an alternative? I need to come up with something to comfortably say over and over again at work (a small-town, old-fashioned drug store). I’d love some suggestions :)

SABOTEUR's avatar

@RandomGirl You could probably get away with just saying “Good morning” or “good afternoon” as a greeting. Dropping “how are you” seems a tad more difficult since it’s such a familiar and universally acceptable conversation starter.

(God forbid someone tell you how they really feel…especially if they like to talk. Or talk and complain.)

My solution to that is to simply not ask…if I can do so without being rude. Depends on who it is.

What about, “how may I assist you”? Seems the perfect greeting for a store…old-fashioned or otherwise.

Which brings to mind a phrase that may be annoying to some, but offers a tidbit of sound advice:

Be careful what you ask for…
…you just might get it.

This especially applies to seeking answers to questions you want no answers for.

ucme's avatar

@JenniferP Err, I was quoting my own examples already clearly stated..not rocket science dear.

cookieman's avatar

How about “Tap the Collective”. I am so sick of tha…. um, waitaminute.


ucme's avatar


JenniferP's avatar

@ucme I don’t like it when people say “err.” That isn’t even a word in the English dictionary.

ucme's avatar

@Idon’tlikeit Your point being?

Kardamom's avatar

@JenniferP In case you aren’t joking:




1.Be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake: “the judge erred in so ruling”.
2.Sin; do wrong.


mistake – sin – make a mistake – be mistaken – slip

ucme's avatar

@Kardamom The scary thing is, she doesn’t appear to be joking.
The funny thing is, she believes she may be picking on me!?!

Berserker's avatar

@ucme I don’t like it when people post a ? in between two !

know wuttam sayin homesplice? :D

ucme's avatar

See, I know when @Symbeline is pullin ma chain, weev nown eech otha fore ayjus XD

DominicX's avatar

So…it’s not a phrase, but I truly hate the word “indoctrination” (or the phrase “a product of X indoctrination”)—its only function is for one “side” to say what they think the other “side” does. It’s completely useless as an effective term most of the time. :)

Berserker's avatar

@ucme we should start our own language

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline I know a little viking, his name is Vicky ;¬}

Kardamom's avatar

@Symbeline like twin speak?

JenniferP's avatar

I think he was saying err like one would say um. Not in the sense of the actual word. But I could be mistaken. I don’t like the expression “Your point being.”

SABOTEUR's avatar


Never mind the unnecessary abbreviation…sportscasters use it to death.

Bellatrix's avatar

Err… I dislike the tendency to shorten words too @SABOTEUR. I have noticed TV stations talking about Eps here instead of episodes. Really? We are now too lazy to even say complete words?

Berserker's avatar

@JenniferP You doing it on purpose or what lol?

ucme's avatar

A phrase my mother used to send us off to bed as kids, “it’s up the wooden hill to bedfordshire for you lot.”
Not a very common one I know, but I remember it fondly so there :p

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline I fear she’s hitting on me, wait for it…“I don’t like it when people say hitting on!”

Kardamom's avatar

@ucme I love British colloquialisms!

Can you tell me some more? Clean ones!

Bellatrix's avatar

Up the apples and pears… my dad said.

ucme's avatar

@Kardamom I could, but I can’t be bothered XD
@Bellatrix Your lot cockney’s then?

Bellatrix's avatar

And now you insult me! You know I’m a Mancunian. Far out @ucme. Calling a Northerner a cockney… shocked and stunned I am.

ucme's avatar

Oh shit, that’s forgive me @Bellatrix & i’m not even drunk…yet ;¬}
It’s just the apples & pears thing, maybe your dad was a fan of Alf Garnett…

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s possible :D Or a bit of cross pollination of dialects and expressions occurring.

JenniferP's avatar

I just like to give people a hard time and he hadn’t had his turn yet. Next time it will be someone else. I do it light heartedly though.

Paradox25's avatar

Basically any statement that starts with a we or us where the person doing this claims that they’re speaking for we or us as robotic conglomeration. Statements that start off with we men, we women, we Christians, we atheists, just drive me up a wall. I hate it when people act like they’re speakng for me, or for others based off of their own personal preferences.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m just being honest.

To me, that phrase is just a sorry excuse for being a dick.

cookieman's avatar

^^ Agreed.

“I’m just being honest.”
“Just saying.”
“No offense, but…”
“Not to be mean, but…”

= Sorry excuse for being a dick.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

God, that @jonsblond, what a dick! Hey, I’m just being honest…

Hahaha, I lurve you, girlie.

Berserker's avatar

I have nothing against gays, but…

I’m not racist, but…

I’m not, but…shut the fuck up. Lol. I hate when people start off a point in such a fashion.

augustlan's avatar

I use “just sayin’” when I’m joking. Just sayin’. :p

Berserker's avatar

@augustlan So wait up bonesplice, you mean now that you’re joking about saying that when you’re joking or…OH MAN I’M ALL FONCUSED XD

jess sayin’

mangeons's avatar

My favorite response for when someone says “just saying” is “well don’t just say!” It usually does the trick.

Though I have been known to use “just saying” myself on some occasions, I’ll admit. :P

ucme's avatar

Now she thinks she was giving me a hard time, ever more amusing.

Berserker's avatar

…you said hard.

ucme's avatar

…yeah, wanna make sumfink of it ya horny biatch!!

Berserker's avatar

st0p makin meh laff

ucme's avatar

Okay, hey…you think this guy is boyfriend material or what? XD

Berserker's avatar

Lol. He needs more beard. that is a cool helmet though

ucme's avatar

Indeed, I fear he comes across a little twattish for a viking though, the clan leaders would most likely rip his weedy fucking head off & shit down the hole in his neck for the sheer audacity of demeaning the helmet in such a fashion. A little harsh but examples must be made.

Berserker's avatar

Nah that’s not harsh, that’s Viking.

And Vikings don’t need special effects…especially not to portray beards. or wtv that was

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