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About Anorexia and related illness: do you remember the first time you heard about it?
I remember watching a movie and one of the characters was anorexic. I was very young, maybe 10, and it was confusing to me. I didn’t understand not eating on purpose. The character was an adult person, so I didn’t really identify in any way with her. A few years later I saw a movie about a teenager who was more of a bulimic, she did watch what she ate, but also would make herself throw-up and did excessive amounts of exercise, also binged sometimes. I still found that rather odd and too much work.
Anyway, I was wondering if those of you who were anorexic or bulimic at a young age, if it popped into your head to do some of these things, and later you found out there was a name for it? Or, if you saw a movie or maybe a friend told you about how people do it, and then you started to do it?
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