NSFW Ok, can you squirt?
Asked by
Shippy (
December 27th, 2012
Inspired by this question.
And some of the answers! Most of the porn stars are said to be just urinating? Can you squirt? How can one learn to squirt (note I said ‘one’) not me!! How far can you squirt? How did you learn to squirt. OK, I wanna squirt!! Men can relay their favorite squirting story.
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60 Answers
Yep. I could tell you how, but then I’d have to kill you. ~
No, I can’t. Not alone or with the husband. I’ve even tried all the tricks – nothing. Honestly? It just sounds unnecessarily messy.
Some of the porn stars are peeing, some are really squirting, and you can usually tell the difference. I’m fairly certain Cytherea is the real deal and it’s pretty shocking to see. She can shoot it across the room.
With most women that ejaculate, it’s a gush od fluid rather than a big squirt. I’m told it takes a lot if preparation unless it comes (pun intended) naturally.
@livelaughlove21 I’m on the right track then, I can get that gush of fluid, now I have to learn how to shoot it across the room!
@Shippy I get nothing. I’ve never had a g-spot orgasm before, which is the type that potentially results in squirting. I just have plain old clitoral orgasms.
I don’t think I learned how to do it, it just happens. I’ve never attempted to gauge how far it goes, but it does feel different from urinating. It only happens from penetrative stimulation, never with a clitoral orgasm. For me, anyhow, I don’t know if that’s how it works universally.
I will say, though, that those are the best orgasms that I have. Usually they come in rapid waves and I can barely move afterward.
@DigitalBlue it definately is a different type of orgasm. Screaming sometimes ensues!!
Do you need to have a full bladder for this to happen?
It sounds like another mess to clean.
I’ve never done it but then I have never tried!
If ever a pan catches fire the wife can do a handstand &...viola, as the dyslexic french musician would say.
A few times. I haven’t done it myself, though. Someone else had to do it.
Nope. And I have no desire to. I don’t get the appeal.
Speaking as the guy who gave a woman a knee-buckling, eyes-rolling-back-in-her-head orgasm in the dairy aisle on a Saturday afternoon at Waldbaum’s supermarket in West Hartford by touching her elbow, I know where the G-spot is*, and found it (on the same woman) pretty much by accident. Until that time, both of us had thought it was a myth, and not even worth reading about. (I had read about the squirting thing, though, which saved me a little bit of surprise.)
At the instant I found it, I could tell from her immediate reaction that we were onto (and into) something extraordinary; yes, some light screaming and heavy squirting was involved. I think she may have also passed out briefly (she definitely couldn’t speak for a few moments afterward). We never made love after that time without a towel in the bed.
* It’s nowhere near the elbow.
@Shippy I don’t know how, is there a special technique?!
@Leanne1986 Yes would you like me to give you detailed pointers?
With all of this talk of squirting it makes me think that Santa could have delivered some wetsuits this Christmas.
@Shippy is this demo a private thing or can anybody join in? I promise you that my screen is waterproof.
@Shippy Would popcorn be inappropriate at this point?
Squirting popcorn really would be a new thing.
I have, yes, but only with a once in a lifetime lover, whose physicality and mine were beyond a custom fit.
These days I prefer to squirt the neighbors sheep from my hot tub with my aquazooka turbo squirt guns. lol
I had never heard of it until it’s been mentioned on here so I guess the answer is no. (My life is passing me by.)
Or maybe penguins just don’t. But you can see them poop from space so it’s a trade-off.
If you can squirt, I’m willing to watch (and I have my own umbrella).
@janbb Hey! life is just starting for both you and me, and squirting needs the bucket list, also maybe the bucket not sure.
I never have “squirted.” I’m laughing so freaking hard right now at this question! I love it!
Here you go, ladies.
This is more or less PG-13 rated, and (I haven’t watched the whole bit) seems pretty accurate.
Good luck with it.
So according to Oprah, there are people who teach you how to squirt. I wonder if that’s like being a sexual surrogate, only for men? I think I may have a retirement career all lined up, now!
@wundayatta I saw something like that on Strange Sex. A man fingers deep in a woman lying on a wooden table at the front of a room filled with people. I found nothing remotely sexy about the lesson. And, unfortunately, not all women are capable of squirting, no matter how talented the guy (or girl) is.
Good lord! Who would want to do that in front of a room full of people? Hell no! I would offer an exclusive a private service, and one of the first preconditions, is that the woman must be relaxed. That’s not going to happen in a room full of people. But also it seems you need to be willing to pee, and a lot of women can’t let that happen. So there’s a lot of hurdles to get over. I don’t know if I could be successful at being a squirt coach, but I’d love to try. I admit, though, that it would be a lot easier to do for women I actually liked.
Anyway, didn’t we have an unlikely career thread a little while ago? This could go there.
I have been a squirter. it wasn’t intentional only one partner of mine could achieve it consistently.
It was always penetrative and no I didn’t have a full bladder. We never did discuss correct angles there were a few positions that would achieve this.
And why do it? Well because it takes orgasming for women to the next level. La petit morte, turned into a bigger orgasm mind bending completely body absorbing then I have ever had.
And since I have a good orgasmer. It is hard for me to imagine anyone who can’t we all have the same parts.
Maybe I am just sad for the people missing out. Everybody should have the joy.
That said it is a mess, towels are a good idea. But remember as kids the most fun we had involved making messes. Good to stay young.
Is this real reason hitch hikers need to know where their towel is all the time?
^ Nah they just use their hair.
@rosehips Hmm. I really can’t see my orgasms getting any better because I have no complaints. They are already out of this world without squirting. I really don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. Is there science behind your claim? just wondering
I’d never heard of this “squirting” thing until now. To be honest, I really don’t know what’s being discussed. Could someone explain this without being too graphic (or pornographic)?
@rosehips Nevermind. It looks like what I may be experiencing is retrograde ejaculate. Some studies suggest that all women ejaculate when they reach orgasm, but instead of the fluid being released from the vagina, it is pushed back up into the bladder when the muscles are tightened post-climax. Hence, some women might experience retrograde ejaculate, while others ejaculate outside the body. I got my science. source
I get the same outcome, without the mess. ;)
@amujinx There’s a frood who knows where his towel is.
@wundayatta I think a room full of people could be good?!
I was wondering what all the hullabaloo was on this.
After much research, I found out it will be an Olympic Event in 2020.
Happy training!!!!
@Shippy I just have this thing about loving a person I’m making love to. That kind of love is not a team sport, in my opinion. It would only work if everyone in the room loved each other equally. That would be incredible! Also incredibly unlikely.
@wundayatta Aw, so if she loved being watched, you wouldn’t love her enough, to let her loved being watched?
^^what she said. I completely agree.
Interesting topic! I don’t know if i’d be able to relax enough to have that kind of big O. For me, i would try it with someone i had strong feelings of love with because it would be a trust and comfort issue. Happy exploring!
@Shippy Oh I would love her enough. And if she loved me enough, we’d work our way through this. But there is no way I could be aroused in front of an audience. So it would be kind of pointless. Love really has nothing to do with it. When you love someone you don’t force them to do things they really don’t want to do. And sometimes you even agree not to do things you love to do if they make your lover uncomfortable. If that’s how she measured love, then we wouldn’t be together in the first place.
I’ve never tried it or even gave it a second thought. It’s not a cool party trick you can do… like flickin’ beer bottle caps across the room into a hat. Wait… will it get me free beer?
@Ela Do you even need to ask?
@wundayatta Hey, free beer ain’t always a gimmie ya know.
I guess I’m easy. You do that, and I’ll buy you beer all night long. Hell, I’ll even spring for the expensive stuff, if you’re into that.
LOL @wundayatta I’m not a beer snob. Set me up with some budlite and i’ll be good to go (or should i say “here we go!”)
Oh @Ela I am so totally stoked! I mean, I would totally do this for real! That’s how perverted I am. You can tell I’m excited when I start talking like a valley girl.
LOL @wundayatta Why would you be gettin all stoked over bottle caps? ..... j/k ; )
@jonsblond interesting. That is pretty lucky if it is minus the mess.
Thanks for the info.
@Ela Oh boy. Didn’t get the joke. Not really. Are you saying you can squirt bottle caps?!?!?
…..... @wundayatta no… ow!! tha’d hurt like friggin hell!
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