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Mama_Cakes's avatar

I've been in a house with smokers for the past 5 days, could that be the reason for my nosebleeds?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) December 28th, 2012 from iPhone

Three chain smokers and we’ve all been hanging out in the same house together. I’m not one to get nosebleeds usually.

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18 Answers

livelaughlove21's avatar

Absolutely. It dries out the nose.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Yeah, definately. Tobacco is a terrible irritant. Especially to a nonsmoker. Plus the dry air in houses during the heating season tends to cause more nosebleeds as it dries out your nose. The combination would be worse than either one alone. Does your nose feel really dry?

janbb's avatar

Makes sense.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@Adiron, yes, very much.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Mama_Cakes You could try flushing it with a saline solution or an over the counter spray. Other than getting away from the smokers I don’t know what else would help.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@jannb, ha! (Forgive me. I am typing this on my partner’s new iPhone 5 and can’t figure out how to have spaces in between sentences. Hence, the two posts).

CWOTUS's avatar

It’s more likely a result of being indoors in winter time. Winter is typically drier anyway (lower humidity), and being indoors means that you have the heat turned up, so the relative humidity is even further lowered.

I agree that the tobacco smoke can be an irritant, but it’s probably not the primary cause of your nosebleeds. If you install and use a humidifier, I expect that your problem will go away (and you’ll be generally more comfortable, anyway).

Coloma's avatar

Yes, and, the second hand smoke might raise your blood pressure too. Nosebleeds can also be a sign of high blood pressure. Most likely it is the combo factor of dry indoor heating in winter and the irritants from the smoke.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I run a humidifier almost all winter to prevent nosebleeds and sinus infections.

jerv's avatar

First-hand smoke never gave me nosebleeds, but dry Winter air has. Electric heat its even worse in that regard.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Oh, most definitely! Do you have access to a netti pot? That would really help you.

JLeslie's avatar


I was going to mention the dry cold winter air and the heaters inside drying out the air even more, but since you live in Ontario and Michigan, I gather you are exposed to that in general.

Buttonstc's avatar

@Mama Cakes

For spacing between sentences on iPhone, hit the space bar twice. This will automatically place a period at the end of the sentence just finished, skip a space and automatically capitalize the next word you type.

When I’m using my Android tablet, it’s so hard for me to remember that this is an IOS-only convenience that I’m so much in the habit of expecting :)

For your nose, in addition to the saline rinse mentioned, afterwards you could try a small bit of Vicks Vaporub spread around the inside of each nostril.

In addition to the smell somewhat combating the annoying cigarette smell, the Vaseline-type gel consistency will help to prevent moisture loss by coating the mucus membrane linings of the nostrils. (...basically a similarity to how lip balm prevents moisture loss from that area)

Personally, I’d so much prefer the smell of Vicks to the smell of burning tobacco :)

jerv's avatar

@Buttonstc Personally, I feel that Vicks is like an acupuncture needle in each nostril :p

@JLeslie Even after 30+ years in New England, I never got used to dry Winter air.

JLeslie's avatar

@jerv You an I both. I am soooo dry. It’s one of the reasons FL agreed with me. The humid air gives my skin and mucous membranes a chance. Everyone talks about how the heat in the southwest doesn’t feel as bad because it is dry, and I personally prefer the humidity. Not at the crazy extreme, but generally.

I didn’t mean @Mama_Cakes would not be affected because she already lives in cold weather. I only meant she would get bloody noses where she lives if that is the culprit. If it is a new thing the smoke might have been the tipping point to cause troubles. Who knows.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I’ve been further South for the last 10 days. Milder temps here, so it’s not the dryness, I dont think.

JLeslie's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Well, 30 degrees is the same no matter what part of North America. Wherever you were the heater would have been on constantly because the south builds with crappy windows for cold weather. Still, I agree you would have trouble where you live also if that was the problem.

jerv's avatar

@JLeslie Orlando didn’t agree with me. While it was damp enough there to keep my sinus cavity from cracking and bleeding, it was also damp enough to make it hard to breathe in general; almost-but-not-quite drowning.

Allergies are always a possibility. I have had various issues since moving from NH to WA despite the similarity in climate. Apparently, most people who used to live in the Northeast who move here have similar issues as well.

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