Social Question

Do you do anything to inconvenience or make life hard for the police?
Recently, since police started abusing protesters more and more often, I have noticed that a lot of people have started to boycott the police, and make life hard for those who work as police.
I was called out today to fix a computer for someone at their house. When I went round, I sat at the computer, and started to see what was wrong with it, when I noticed a photo of my client wearing a police officers hat.
I asked him if it was a Halloween photo or something, he replied no, that he is a plain clothes police man, and it was a photo of him with some other officers.
At this point I told him I could not fix his computer. When he asked why, I told him it was because he is a police man, and that I refused to do anything to help police. I told him I would not help him install a pirate version of windows on his computer, so that he could be a hypocrite who comes home and uses illegal things after he is finished beating up innocent protesters. I called him a bastard, a whore of the state, and left to the sound of him yelling angry things at me.
There is also a shop here, that refuses to sell goods to people who are known police officers. They have a big sign saying they reserve the right to not serve people if they chose to.
Also, since the local taxi drivers were assaulted by police for protesting new heavy taxation on cab drivers, the police officers in my town have found it hard to get a taxi to show up.
Finally, I also know lots of people, who just refuse to be friends with anyone who becomes a police officer, or shows interest in that kind of thing.
I think this is a good thing, that it is a good way to discourage people from earning a living as thugs and whores for the state, and would like to see more things like this happening.
I think this is an interesting way of legally fighting the system they protect, and think it is a good and peaceful way of discouraging people from taking that kind of path in life.
So I was wondering, if there is anything you do to make it hard for people to be police officers? Such as refusing to be friends with them, or help them with their day to day life, or anything else?