Are there certain, specific, fluther members on here you try to avoid?
You don’t have to give names. Unless you want to. But if your answer is yes, what about them makes you try to avoid them?
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83 Answers
No, regardless of how much of a conceited prick they may be i’ll answer any-fucking-thing.
The oxygen of the site is after all it’s questions, pretty trite to harbour grudges to the point where their questions are rendered invalid.
Yes, me. But every time I turn around, there I am.
@cookieman Turn around again and i’ll take a bite out of you.
Not at all. I might not agree with all that is asked or answered. But I don’t hold grudges or avoid people.
There may be certain members that I’d rather not encounter, but I do encounter them all the time in the questions. I just do my best to ignore them.
Heck no. Diversity is the spice of Fluther.
No. I can’t keep track of most folks. I might choose to avoid responding to questions or comments that appear to be baiting, though.
Of current members, only one guy. He has this “project” to make Fluther less Americanly anthropocentric and insists on applying his lens of belief (presumably, that a post stems from an assumption of American-oriented info and values) to most everything he sees. It’s tiresome, and he runs away from the debate if you engage him on the issue. So I plan avoid participating in direct conversations with him in the future. I’ll still answer his questions though.
There were a few people over the years that have drove me mad to the point of just avoiding any question they asked and not reading any of their responses. There isn’t really anyone right now for me though. A few people I constantly don’t agree with, but no one that actually pisses me off so thats nice :)
I usually try to avoid jumping into arguments, and there is one Jelly who asks very few questions but when this person does, they appear to be “baiting” as @marinelife puts it. When I see that, I avoid.
If I see an debate going on and I see it’s a topic that I feel strongly about, I may postpone answering for half a day and think about my side. I really try to avoid arguing, I don’t like getting into arguments, but sometimes I can’t help it. When I find myself involved in an argument or heated debate, I sometimes just end up walking away. Life is too short to argue with people on the internet, even though I do love the Fluther community!
Yes, there are a couple. Several that have actually requested I don’t answer any of their questions. I comply and just laugh at the sheer childishness of those on a public forum that take such grave offense at having some of their stuff challenged. Ridiculous and infantile.
I’m the type that can engage in heated discussion and do not hold grudges.
I can spar a bit and move on without a backwards glance, but not everyone has this ability.
One or two, yes. I try to avoid jerks irl and I do the same here. I like to surround myself with positive people who are kind. Anyone else I try to ignore.
No. I treat part of my experience here as a study in sociology, and I find myself also perversely interested in how some people view and use this site.
@Coloma You’ve been asked not to answer their questions?
I’d say “no, make me fucker!!”
That’s taking pretentious bullshit to a whole new level.
@ucme My husband has been asked (in a not so polite way) to not answer questions from a certain member here. This person would flip out and start with the name calling and personal attacks whenever he answered her questions. It was quite humorous. :D
I’m with @marinelife on this one. I don’t consider it holding a grudge, rather that I don’t like being attacked for having differing views or personal experiences. But what you going to do, life goes on. (I was going to say whatcha gonna do, but I thought I better not.)
@jonsblond I’m only whispering this because I want to tickle your ear ;¬}
I’m now jealous, i’m begging this user to do likewise with me & i’ll put on my cleverdick head just for the lulz
@ucme Isn’t it though?
Yes, one person made the request themselves, the other had the mods relay their request.
I don’t care, really, it’s just humorous, albeit pathetic.
@Coloma – and what happens if you ignore the mods and answer a question? do you get banned or barred or otherwise publicly shamed???
@Coloma I can kind of understand if someone is answering like me…..I mean, like a dick, never showing any genuine interest in their questions, but still…
@rooeytoo I was banned for about two years from this site.
No. But, there is one I am careful not to respond to directly because she got annoyed when I would challenge something she said. I just try to respect what she asked me to do. But, I look forward to her answers generally, she usually has a lot of good information in her answers.
@Coloma I’m glad you are a strong person, you are one of the reasons why I stay at fluther. What a cheek.
@rooeytoo I’d imagine I would get a warning, or maybe not, depending on who is cracking the whip. It’s all so kindergarten, who cares? If anything I worry I will overlook the person (s) in question by accident. I like participating here but I’m not going to shrivel up and die if I don’t.
@Shippy Awww…thanks for the compliment, back at’cha!
Over the past six years, I have had two people PM me privately and forbid me to ever answer them again in what seemed to be an hysterical tone.
@gailcalled Haha…yes, gotta love the hysteria. OMG! That evil @gailcalled I will not rest a wink until I forbid her from answering my questions. I’ll show HER!
I’m so amused by these “revelations” I may just eat some ice-cream.
^^^Sounds like a good plan to me.
Well…I think fluther ought to issue some new awards.
The Sea Pacifier….for outstanding tantrums by a select few
The Double Huggie Anchor…for those that carry an extra heavy load of crap
The Captain Gerber… for spitting pureed peas at other members while sucking on a silver spoon
The Desitin jelly…for extreme rashness and acidic defecation
It’s a funny world, politics everywhere you go!
I am never ever going to answer my own questions again! <asshole> *comma. </asshole>
(I am going to have to save that so I can reuse it when it disappears from my clipboard! It’s appropriate albeit a tad crude, for so many occasions, and it is on the right side of the line so useable!)
I just received a PM, imagine my excitement when I clicked on, only to see the usual friendly banter…we remain ever hopeful :¬)
Maybe we should open a PM thread where these can be posted! just joking, checks all my latest PM’s I sent
Yes, there are several people I have on my ignore list.
It’s usually because their answers are always nonsense attempts at being funny or offbeat.
There are some I engage with more than others but I don’t try to avoid anyone. Asking someone not to respond to your questions is not nice behaviour and I hope the Mods don’t encourage it.
I try to avoid intereracting with anyone who agrees with me. Fortunately, that’s a pretty small group.
I do sometimes on occasion, periodically avoid myself.
Most people here are absolutely great. It’s this fact that keeps me coming here. The exceptions I try to ignore. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I do not. A fact of life is whenever you engage with others, you are going to come across some truly ridiculous people.
I avoid questions that are worded a certain way, but not users.
The worst are the ones who are so self engrossed that they don’t or won’t acknowledge that they have been rude, hurtful and bullying. That is the ones to watch out for!
There is only one Jelly I do not like. I don’t go out of my way to avoid them. We’ve had a few arguments, because they’re always trying to boss me around.
I don’t like bossy people. i hate people whi areconstantly trying to act like they have authority over me, when they clearly don’t.
@Coloma and @gailcalled, I bow down before your greater annoyingness. To have actually been requested not to answer specific users questions both by the user and the mods—oooo, that would so burn me up. I think I would burst a blood vessel if someone asked me to do that. That is so wrong!
I was once asked to stop interacting with someone, but that was because of me teeing off on them in a pm after they refused to stop harassing me in public. I thought they were asking for it. But they went running to the mods to hide behind their skirts, and I was told to stop interacting with them. Fortunately, they stopped appearing. Perhaps they came back under a new identity, but they haven’t been harassing me since.
Unless they are the one other jelly who is guaranteed to make me see red, no matter what they say. I don’t know what it is, but they see things the opposite from me on just about any issue imaginable. It’s actually kind of funny. The only problem is that there is really nothing to do but to tell them what an idiot they are, but you can’t do that here.
To go over the arguments I’ve given time after time without making a dent in their consciousness would be pointless. So at this point, I tell myself they are just damaged by a rather unfortunate history and that’s why their thinking is so addled. The irony is that we should be on exactly the same side on just about everything. We share an awful lot of similar background.
No, I don’t try to avoid anyone here. Sure there are a few I don’t like mainly because they are rude and I have a problem with that. I don’t respond well to people who do not care how they come across to other people. There is one in particular that manipulates and twists things to serve his purpose of being always right or have the last word. He is the typical person that cannot accept other people to disagree with his views and god forbid if you challenge anything he says. Another thing with people like that is that sometimes if you stand up to them…bam!! you get modded. So yeah, I can fight my own battles, but here you can’t sometimes because there is always a mod in the way.
There was a thread long ago that I tried to find but can’t remember the exact question. It had to do with how people handle disagreement and if it is very important for you that people agree with you.
@wundayetta: Speaking for myself only, I was never asked by a mod to cease and deist, only by two OPs.
Yeah, I ignore the dickheads. It’s like the old proverb; Don’t try to teach a pig to sing. It annoys the pig and wastes your time. Dickheads do the same.
good one @Adirondackwannabe I get your point! – but I am going to look on Youtube for singing pigs, just out of curiosity, I bet there are some!
@wundayatta Yes, getting the mods involved is so passive aggressive and childish.
In almost 3 years of participating here I have NEVER felt the need to whine to a mod about anyone else, and certainly I am capable of fighting my own battles, if you even want to call it that. haha
As ridiculous as it remains to try and control who answers what on a public forum, period, it is amazingly sophomoric to actually ask a mod to be the messenger.
Jeez…how DO you EVER manage in the real world without a playground monitor to run to? lol
Sometimes there can be things going on in the background that aren’t visible to the whole community and people feel they need to say ‘can you step in here’. I think that’s fair enough. Also, if two people really dislike each other, the manager (not a mod), might step in and suggest the two parties avoid each other’s questions and answers. Better that than potentially lose two valuable members because they just aren’t getting on. With time even the most antagonistic relationship tends to calm down. Plus we all handle things differently. If someone feels they need to ask for help, I would rather they do that than leave.
The worst is gone. Was an evangelical atheist and very irritating. There’s one new one that I steer a little clear of now too.
@judi Evangelical atheist. I love that. I will be using that term.
There are jellies I don’t care for much, but others like them, so I wouldn’t think of complaining about them. Nobody likes everyone except people who are completely colorless themselves. I find that the people I tend not to like, when I analyze it, are those who have traits I also have and don’t like having. I won’t go into details.
Nah man, it’s all cool. But there’s some hobo hanging around in the closet and he peeks at me every time I’m not looking. I can see his reflection in my monitor. I kinda wish he would go away.
Yes, about four of them, and two of them are quite popular on here. Concerning the other two I’d noticed they havn’t been active on here for a while, but still have accounts.
There’s definitely a handful of people that have proven over the years beyond a shadow of a doubt to be utterly full of shit, so their answers are generally ignored. I might read the first few sentences of their posts because of some small streak of masochism (or is it my silly hope that they’ll finally wake up/discover those long lost brain cells, who’s to say?).
There was one particular cry baby on here that actually asked Auggie to make me “leave him alone” or whatever. He usually ruins his reputation after a few months and needs to reinvent himself…he’s had like 5 different Fluther names, lol. For some strange reason his latest alias has stuck. Everyone grows up eventually, I guess.
I don’t actively avoid particular users, but there are a few on here that ask questions in such a way that make it seem like they are baiting us, or simply making some type of a political statement, rather than asking a question. For those, I might observe, but not react or answer.
There is one user, who I’m not sure is still active who used to ask very provacative questions and give lots of incorrect information in the details. After reading a few of those Q’s, I stopped looking at their stuff, only because it seemed stupid and not worth bothering with. So not exactly avoiding, but just not bothering.
There’s another member who seems to like to ask questions that are just kind of boring and useless. I say useless, because I don’t think any of our answers would actually help/amuse/educate the asker or anyone else who bothered to answer. I’ve noticed quite a few other Jellies avoiding that person’s questions.
I actively avoid questions (not users) about technical stuff, simply because I’m useless and clueless when it comes to technology.
I don’t know, depends on the day. I forget people on here quickly and can’t remember if they’ve bothered me in the past or not. I am far better at remembering people I like. There are some I dislike as I find them boring and predictable. I’m sure they feel the same about me.
On another note, I am surprised to learn that people PM others and ask them not to answer their questions.
“I am surprised to learn that people PM others and ask them not to answer their questions.”
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I know, right? I’d make much different requests through PM.
* innocent look *
@bob_ Yeah, exactly. Most of my PMs are like this ‘we are flirting, funny, i like it, kind of…oh wait, they’re mega drunk or high…sigh, why do people do this an fluther?’
Someone asking me not to answer their questions anymore would encourage me to go answer every single one with the most ridiculous answer I can possibly come up with.
Based on that logic, @AshLeigh, I think I could name about a half-dozen people on Fluther who have taken that exact attitude, and have been requested by everyone who ever wrote a question, “Please don’t answer mine.”
Don’t worry, I didn’t put you in that group.
The funny thing is that so few people understand that if you don’t react when someone flames you or says something mean or ridiculous, they are much less likely to reply again. When you ask people to not reply, that almost guarantees that not only will they reply to this question, but they will also harass you on every other question of you they can find, simply because they know it annoys you.
People are so counter-intuitive.
Oh, I avoid that @ucme like the plague. I mean, what a cleverdick head! :D
There are actually a couple of jellies that I try like hell to ignore, simply because I think they’re pretentious assholes, but in a “family” community like this, it’s impossible to actually stay away from someone all the time.
Someone asking me not to answer their questions anymore would encourage me to go answer every single one with the most ridiculous answer I can possibly come up with.
Please don’t answer any of these questions, hah! ;-)
Yes. All of you.
What in the name of Susan B. Anthony are you all doing here?
Looking for you and Blonde. We are in chat too.
Response moderated (Obscene)
You weren’t supposed to tell anyone about that…
The kitty and the Britty….get a room you guys! lol
Perhaps the longer one is around, the more one would avoid certain people. I can kind of see that now. More importantly avoiding certain questions. Maybe I am guilty too, but my most “Hmm OK?” moments come when you ask a question like “Have you sailed in a pink Yacht before, what was it like?” and the person answers “Can’t say I have no”
oh well.
No sailor in his mind would own a pink yacht. And anyway, it’s “yacht”, not “Yacht”.
Like that, you mean?
@CWOTUS sailors might not drive pink yachts, but the Big Pink Unicorn in the Sky might. But does that make TBPUITS a sailor? That’s a toughie ; )
Well in all fairness you don’t drive yachts, YACHTS, pink or other, like you know that right? Just saying
On occasion, people do refer to certain cars as yachts. It is not a compliment. To the car, I mean.
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