This church has some position papers on its website, including one on marriage, divorce and remarriage, which states:
It is in marriage only that a man and a woman legitimately become united as one flesh. Apart from marriage, sexual union is illegitimate and contrary to God’s purposes for His people (1 Cor. 6:16–20)—and this illegitimacy applies to non-Christians as well, for marriage is God’s design and oversight. For Christians, however, a husband and wife’s sexual union seals the covenant a marrying man and woman enter into before God (Mal. 2:14; 1 Cor. 7:1–5).
Thus, in Christian marriage vows, the man and woman solemnly swear fidelity to one another for life, depicting the covenant Christ has unconditionally made with His bride, the church (Eph. 5:31–32). The covenant is made by vow and sealed (consummated) by sexual union. God’s standard is chastity before marriage and fidelity afterwards.
Christian marriage is a union of two believers professing faith alone in Jesus Christ alone by grace alone (1 Cor. 7:39, 2 Cor. 6:14–15). Therefore marriage at its best exists first and foremost to glorify God.
Ephesians 5.21 states that Christians “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” This mutual submission in marriage means that Christian husbands and wives must respect and honor one another, acknowledge one another’s gifts, and mobilize one another’s strengths to each other’s edification.
Just as the emergence of sin despoiled Eden, requiring the subsequent banishment of Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:23–24), God’s design for marriage is despoiled by sin. Divorce is an evidence of this despoilment in both Christian and non-Christian marriages. We believe that the prevalence of divorce does not nullify God’s good design and purposes for marriage. Divorce has taken a withering toll on Western culture as we know it, and the evangelical church’s complicity in and frequency of divorce has sinfully demeaned what God intended to be hallowed by His people.
As Paul indicated in Second Timothy 3:2–4, an increasingly amoral society lives for itself and thus accepts the unacceptable as normative.
As elders we are troubled by society’s high divorce rates, the commonness of cohabitation, and reinterpretations of marriage in our time.
So, I think the minister’s point, while rather pedestrian in its wording was consistent with these positions—that Christians of this ilk are beset on all sides by the moral decay of Western Civilization/society-at-large and its “normative” influence on sexual perversions (i.e. sex outside of marriage and/or non-heteronormative sex). So, from that standpoint, what these kids were doing was taking the road less traveled. They’re “submitting themselves to God” instead of “living for themselves” like all the cool kids are doing.
Also, FYI, this particular church was founded in 1935 as an independent Christian church.