What are your must-have Android apps?
Asked by
downtide (
December 30th, 2012
I’ve just bought myself a second hand Samsung Galaxy Mini and it’s looking a bit bare at the moment. Aside from the pre-installed apps (email, news and weather, maps, calendar etc), all I have added so far is a Facebook app and a Sudoku game. What are your “must-have” apps that you can’t live without?
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15 Answers
depends on the type of person you are. I have an iPhone, but these apps I have are also Android available: Flixter, Bad Piggies, Spotify
We got our daughter a new tablet for xmas & she loves the ageing/ugly/fatbooths…childish of me to like them too, but hey, at least i’m consistent.
I have temple run which is a fun mindless game. There’s also a kindle app and seamless.
Weather Bug, and Accu weather. I do not put games on my Android. Mine is probably the only one in the country without Angry birds.
@LuckyGuy You are not alone. I also do not have Angry Birds, and in fact, I have no games on my Android phone at all.
Evernote is extremely useful and one of the top ten apps for Android, because you can download it to your Android smartphone and your computer and any tablet, too. Things you put in one will automatically sync with the other. You then have all that information on any device.
I don’t see how folks play angry birds on a phone.
... But on a tablet ! Woohoo
+1 WeatherBug
+1 Evernote (@Hawaii_Jake I did not know Evernote syncs up to other platforms, I’ll have to try that, thanks!)
I don’t get the Angry Birds app. I didn’t find it fun at all.
My essential apps are Facebook, The Weather Channel, my bank’s app, Urbanspoon, and Fandango. As for games, I’m currently into Family Feud.
I despise angry birds, but somehow bad piggies is fun. It took my SO ages to convince me to actually try it.
I don’t think I’ll go any further than sudoku for games. Evernote looks very useful though.
Andoku 2 is the best of the Sudoku apps I’ve found. I have a few other quick games to pass the time (not Angry Birds), but it seems that games are anathema around here; everybody here is too damn serious.
My “serious” apps:
ezPDF Reader
Dolphin Browser Mini
Hackers Keyboard
Waze GPS
Alarm Klock (With a K; it’s the best alarm clock app I’ve found.)
ES File Explorer
QR Droid Private
In the off chance that you decide to be unproductive and do anything involving multimedia or entertainment:
doubleTwist (good for music)
Meridian Player (meh for music, but great for video)
Cover Art Downloader
TuneIn Radio
- Tasker (for all of your automation needs)
– Nova launcher
– DoggCatcher (best Android podcast app)
– Google Reader (this is how I consume the web)
– Flipboard (if you’re not a heavy RSS user)
– Chrome
– Reddit is Fun
– Pocket
– Kindle
– Google+
– Google Voice
– Snapseed (photo editing)
– Calengoo (calendar alternative – and cal widgets)
– GTasks (Google Tasks)
– Curvefish’s settings toggles (wifi, airplane mode, etc)
– Dolphin Browser (some people prefer this to Chrome, although I still love Chrome’s auto-bookmark syncing, etc)
– Starbucks (pay with your phone)
– Roku (if you have a Roku)
– Amazon
– ScreenDimmer (for going lower than allowed brightness setting at night)
– Gentle Alarm
– Insight Timer (if you meditate)
How did I forget LastPass? Of course, it’s really a whole service, but really I could not live without it. Also, it was criminal for me to leave the following off the above list:
– Dropbox
– Drive (Google Drive)
– Google Authenticator (everyone should really have 2-step verification enabled for the Google accounts
– My Tracks
– App Protector (lock certain apps)
In addition to the standard apps (which I may list anyway), I use:
tape machine
gstrings (a tuner)
oishopping (a shopping list)
Super Backup
AppBak (back up your app(s list))
News Republic
SwiftKey (keyboard)
SPB Shell (launcher)
Jorte (my calendar)
Pocket (save articles on my laptop and sync them with my phone, great for saving recipes)
Evernote (for school and projects)
Expense Manager
Tiny Tower (time wasting game)
Shopkick (I’ve redeemed $20 so far)
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