What will get blood stains out of carpet?
Asked by
chyna (
December 30th, 2012
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22 Answers
You should have just gotten the red carpet like I told you.
Have you been dating again?
Hydrogen peroxide is great for removing blood stains.
Possibly if you get to the stain really quickly, some hydrogen peroxide. I know it works well on cotton sheets; the dense pile of a rug may make it more difficult.
Soap and cold water perhaps, and lots of blotting.
(Just what have you been up to, anyway?)
Wouldn’t peroxide bleach the carpet? It’s a light green.
@gailcalled Jessie cut her paw outside and walked all around the kitchen and living room before I noticed.
nothing to see here folks, move along
Try a test spot somewhere safe like under a piece of furniture that you are never planning on moving.
Try a mild soap and cold water and lots of blotting with towels that have a thick nap. (Of course, you then have to get the blood stains out of the towels.)
If it’s fresh I’d try dishwashing soap and water. It might take some scrubbing but it should work.
Oxy clean or hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide not Oxy-Clean. Oxy-clean will have other things leftover and may not be good for Jessie.
—-Hope Jesse is okay, poor puppy!—
Thanks all, the cold water and dishwashing soap seems to be working.
@Coloma Jessie seems fine now, thanks.
It depends how serious a problem you are having, but if necessary, and you absolutely have to get rid of the evidence blood, you can burn the place down. ;-)
I just used a lysol wipe and it got it out without a problem, however it was fresh blood
Glad your pup is okay! Kind of disappointed this wasn’t some nefarious situation. :p
Shampoo. It’s great at stripping oils & other agents off hair. It’s great with blood. How much blood are we talking?
Repeated soakings with cold water and dryings with absorbant material is best.
@chyna: You expect us to believe your unlikely story? Shame on you, making Jessie be the fall guy.
@gailcalled It’s called “preparing your story in advance.” Shhh.
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