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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - When is it better to have eaten something, before or after lovemaking?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29377points) January 3rd, 2013

Just wondering. : )

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26 Answers

Blondesjon's avatar



mazingerz88's avatar

Do you take sugar or whipped cream?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Chocolate syrup.

laurenkem's avatar

I’d vote for after, just because after I have a nice meal, the last thing I feel like doing is engaging in very energetic sex. I’d rather have sex, sammich, sleep, lol.

bookish1's avatar

If you’re diabetic, you gotta eat before exercising vigorously…

livelaughlove21's avatar

Another vote for after. One, because a full belly doesn’t make me feel sexy…or like moving around a lot. And two, because sex never fails to make me really hungry.

wundayatta's avatar

If you’re eating pineapple, you should be eating it over a few days before lovemaking. Or just eat it all the time, if you have sex every day. Hmm. I have a date with a pineapple in a few days—when it ripens. I’ll be good to go after that.

wildpotato's avatar

After. Food turns to poison in my belly, and I can’t be having that when I’m gettin my freak on.

@Blondesjon Channeling George Costanza, eh?

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’ve been told Viagra works best on an empty stomach.

majorrich's avatar

I’ve been told that what I’ve eaten changes the way my .. uh.. semen tastes. Sometimes good, sometimes not so. So I didn’t eat before any session of lovemaking.

Blondesjon's avatar

@wildpotato . . . i leave my context of the term “eaten something” to the reader . . .

wildpotato's avatar

@Blondesjon lol, gotcha. I’m a bit slow tonight…

blueiiznh's avatar

Obvious vote is during.

wildpotato's avatar

@majorrich I have heard about that too – specifically that eating lots of fruits and veggies will make semen taste sweet, and eating fried, heavy foods makes it taste bitter. My experience has been that taste is more of a guy-specific thing than anything else.

burntbonez's avatar

Wish I knew.

Dsg's avatar

Definitely during. You can make things that more special by sharing foods with each other. Strawberries dipped in chocolate or just strawberries plain and feeding them to your lover with your mouth. Don’t forget the whip cream!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Totally after, for me.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I never understood food sex. I mean, I love food – more than I probably should, but I don’t find feeding each other to be sexy. Whipped cream, chocolate sauce…I’d rather not. I’d just feel like I was either in the middle of a porn scene or a cheesy romance novel.

Coloma's avatar


Orgasms are stronger on an empty stomach and with a full bladder. Really!

mazingerz88's avatar

@Coloma Did Marvyn tell you that?

Coloma's avatar

Haha…no, I have read both in my scientific sexual travels.

Only138's avatar

If I’m doing the eatin’, its gonna be before. When I do that, I want to taste the woman….not myself. Yukk. :P

ucme's avatar

The blonde fucker at the top stole the only sensible answer, no-brainer ;¬}

LuckyGuy's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Yep! That’s how I feel about it. Who’s going to clean up the mess? Bleeech.

That is one of those things that sounds better than it is – like having sex on the beach. The romance novels make it sounds so hot! The crashing of the waves, the warmth of the sun, the cushion of the sand – until your hardware falls out, touches the sand, and you quickly try to put it back inside. Ouch!
Not that I would know, of course. ;)

I like ketchup on my Indian Samosas. I love chocolate. While I enjoy both foods, putting them together is definitely less than the sum of the parts.

Coloma's avatar

When I was 17 I appalled my boyfriend by swiping a container of Cool Whip out of the family fridge for a little dipping action.
He flipped out and exclaimed ” WHAT are you doing, my family eats out of that!”
Oh jeez…as if I was going to put it BACK after our tainted love.

Just tell mom you polished it off with your big banana split! lol

Dsg's avatar

@Coloma You made me laugh thinking about those innocent days as a teen. Exploring and having fun as a young adult.

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