I love horror movies, but for me that goes way beyond the violence. There are many very tame horror flicks that show barely any violence or gore, sometimes none at all. And I love those as much as the overly violent ones. Horror is my nature. Lol.
That said, I like violence in horror, too. Kinda feels satisfying, but I’m not entirely sure why. It’s just fun, I guess. Mind you, I’m actually really weak stomached when it comes to real footage of people getting fucked up. You can find that shit on the net everywhere and I’ve watched my share, but I don’t like it. Real violence as opposed to fictional violence is VERY different, and the real form is disturbing, sad and depressing. Some movies do a good job of making it look pretty real, but when I know it isn’t, I’m not affected. (what affects me more about real life violence are the sounds that come out of people, rather than what I see; horror exaggerates to no ends when it comes to how much blood people actually have in them)
My guess is that watching violence in movies, whether it’s fights in an action flick or murder in horror, can somehow cater to the sick, twisted savage in me, which for many of us is a facet which has been hidden since like, prehistoric days are whatever. Horror movies are often said to be a safe way to explore fear and the more animal like side of our nature, without actually having to feel or experience anything that might screw us up severely. Maybe for me, that’s why. When I’m angry or frustrated, I love seeing Michael Myers or Leatherface fuck shit up. If I’m sad, I might like to watch a more classy horror movie, something with romance, like Dracula or Sleepy Hollow. My answer as a horror movie fan, I denno if it really counts though, because whatever I feel at a certain moment under some amplified emotion, or just when I feel normal, it all relates back to some horror oriented thing, anyway. or Vikings
As a horror fan, I’ve never really been able to clearly say why I love them as a whole, so never mind one aspect of them, but there you have it.
’‘saws someone in half’’