Social Question

Do you agree or disagree with the statement, "the worst thing about the police is their lack of understanding about the law", why or why not?
After spending a few days doing some research on law, I am currently of the idea that most police officers either understand very little about the law, or choose to act as if that is the case.
If you have ever been stopped by the police in Spain, you would know that they always ask for ID, and if you tell them you don’t have any, they say that they will “let you off this time, but next time you don’t have ID on you it is €60.00 fine”. However, the official law states that you do not need to carry ID, and there is no such fine.
Also, if you decide to take your pitbull for a walk, the police will usually stop you, and ask to see the dog’s insurance papers. If you tell them the dog is insured, but that you don’t have the papers on you, they will tell you the same thing. However, the law clearly states that as long as the dog is chipped and has a muzzle on, that there is no problem.
I will keep this short, and finish by saying, that over the last few days, I have seen at least 10 laws conflicting with lies and misinformation on part of the police, as well as at least 50 videos of police in Spain and the UK, who obviously did not know the law, or seemed to be making things up as they went along.
Does this fit with your experiences with the police in your area?
Do you agree or disagree with the statement in general? and why?