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metadog's avatar

How can I stop someone from sending spam using my domain?

Asked by metadog (381points) January 4th, 2013

Hi! I have been getting bounced emails that appear to have been sent to the recipient from my domain. I use Google Apps to manage my email and my account doesn’t appear to have been compromised. Neither does my registrar account. The emails appear to be sent by a nonsense email address ” kEuHqXwrc@<myDomainName>.com.” So far, there have been 4 email addresses that have bounced, each are from nonsense email accounts. Any idea how I can shut this down? Is it some kind of scam to get me to click on some of the links? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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5 Answers

anartist's avatar

That happened to me, too. Contact your ISP or if you can change it yourself, change all domain access passwords and all email access passwords especially the generic one [], increase your email spam protection,

anartist's avatar

With some ISPs you can configure the settings for SpamAssassin yourself

Also if you get NOWHERE with your ISP consider moving your site to another provider.

for a while I collected some of the really odd incoming emails I was getting—which seemed like notifications, maybe green-light signals, for spammers to go ahead. very odd short coded things just a couple of gibberish letters in the subject and a few more in the body.

anartist's avatar

I just found the Q I posted when I had this problem. It even has screen grab samples of the spam.

anartist's avatar

I was going to do something recommended at the end of the previous thread – use gmail’s “show original” to see all the header code, both for the emails with the letters and numbers and for the emails from people at my address, but alas, too late, I got rid of all that stuff a year ago and set up my SpamAssassin. I don’t think I even saved any of those email from myself. If I find any I will show them . . .

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