Why do people hate cats?
I know that for some people it’s simply a preference in same way as liking a certain type of car or color more than others, but a lot of people seem to hate cats with a passion.
Then there’s that “cat lady” stereotype and single men with cats are often looked upon as weird or even feminine.
So, what gives?
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100 Answers
Pets are like children without the taking care of me one day return on investment.
I was under the impression people loved cats, but I also frequent the website Reddit. I assume people don’t like cats because they are kind of like teenagers at times: the seem ungrateful and eat your food and expect you to pamper them with no return lol.
They have a good “cute factor”, but people must like dogs more because they reciprocate feelings.
I have never owned a pet so this is an objective view, although I have had roommates with pets so I do like both.
People hate cats? Cats? Never!
<—-this shows I don’t hate them.
Because they crap in the house and they are selfish for the most part. A dog will do what it takes to please you but a cat could give a flip if they please you or not. You are there to please them.
For the same reason some people hate dogs, they have no sense! I can understand hating kids but cats and dogs????? (jk, jk!)
@woodcutter pleasing my cat gives me pleasure in return. In a totally non-sexual way.
@woodcutter I wondered about the stinky/gross factor. I use a fairly cheap scented litter for my cat and it never stinks like cat poop or pee, even in the small room in which the litter box is located. And scooping it every couple of days sure beats picking up warm dog crap with a plastic bag on your hand. And cats are SO much easier to house train. Sit the kitten in a litter box once or twice and your work is done.
Plus, no drool or tramping dirt through your house. They self-cleanse and their breath doesn’t reek. I mean, I love both dogs and cats (and have one of each), but my cat is WAYYY lower maintenance than any dog I’ve ever been around. She sleeps on my lap, will play fetch with a balled up piece of paper for as long as you want her to, and loves getting attention from anyone willing to give it.
The fact that she knows we belong to her instead of the other way around is part of her allure. The whole “dog working for your affection” thing is great if you need an easy confidence booster, but winning the affection of an otherwise “selfish” animal seems more rewarding to me.
@rooeytoo I agree…without the jk, jk. :) Nahh, kids are okay…for about 10 minutes.
The people who hate cats have never had a good one.
@livelaughlove21 I got myself spoilt with my dog who is a damn cat lover. She has never done those dog traits you have there. Why you would want to grapple with dog crap is way over thinking the care part. If you mean in public so you won’t draw the ire of the Martha Stewart types who would recoil at the sight of a perfect big dog swirly on the side walk then ok but I never see people going anywhere away from the house with their cats at their side. It probably occurs but I would guess they are the exception. They are housey types and I pity them sometimes because they never get the outdoor experience a dog gets. Ever see a cat swim in a pond?
Is cold dog squeeze less gross?
@woodcutter I think I got like half of that. I must be tired because the wording confused the hell out of me.
We have to pick up puppy poop from our yard (for obvious reasons – I’d hope all dog owners with yards do this) and it’s horrible compared to the easy scooping of kitty litter. And no, people don’t take walks with their cats generally because there’s no need. Part of the whole low maintenance quality. They’re called house cats for a reason. And yes, actually, I have seen a cat swim in a pond. :)
I get not liking certain cats. They can be mean little shits and they can tear your ass up. But hating all cats is beyond me. Perhaps @gondwanalon is right.
Cats smell bad. They leave hair all over the place, which makes me itch and sneeze. They throw up hairballs everywhere I walk. Their piss smells really weird and somehow they sneak in the house and leave that smell behind. Cats are stupid and evil.
I would be happy to leave cats alone if they would only leave me alone. Unfortunately, when I show up, even the most frightened cats come out to torture me. Cats that people have not seen in years come out of the woodwork to rub my shoulders and ankles when I come to visit. They are pure evil.
Also they act stupid. I had a cat that thought it was a dog. It used to try to herd cows. That was about the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s really weird seeing an animal that can’t be herded try to herd something else.
I don’t understand why people like cats. They are terminally cute, which makes them look stupid. But whatever. You cat lovers can have them. I just won’t go visit you. We’ll all be happy. Except, of course, if you let your cat outdoors. Then it will come over to my house to torture me. Right now, we have a cat that comes by every time I rake the yard. It attacks my rake. How stupid is that?
My cat would always go on our morning walks. You can see him here. He would also wade in the bay with the dogs and catch the little fish in the tidal pools.
I’m just glad I’ve never been around the cats you’ve been around @wundayatta. I’ve had 5 cats in my lifetime and I’ve never seen a hairball or had a problem with pee stench and all of my cats were smarter than the average dog. Less messy and destructive too, even with claws. I guess I’ve gotten lucky with my feline friends.
@rooeytoo “The whole “dog working for your affection” thing is great if you need an easy confidence booster, but winning the affection of an otherwise “selfish” animal seems more rewarding to me.
Thank you for saying it.
I don’t have a pet to make myself feel more loved. I have a pet to love IT. And I also love dogs….and squirrels….and gerbils….and groundhogs…..and all of them!
Is it strange that I say a little “God, please don’t let me hit and kill any of your little furry critters.” when I’m driving up A1A in the dark? People I can see, animals that dart in front of the car, not so much.
Oh yeah, but there is the whole “clean my litter box” thing – hate that part. But at least I don’t have to pick it up while still steaming and put it in my little baggie and carry it around with me.
Wasn’t there someone that said that if aliens finally did show up on this planet, they would presume the cats and dogs were the bosses, because we mere humans follow them around cleaning up their poop?
Are you shitting me, @livelaughlove21? You’ve never seen a hairball? Are you sure? Did you check your cats to see if they are alive? Maybe they are robots?
Or do you live in the country? Maybe the hairballs get lost in the woods or something.
@wundayatta the only time my cat has ever thrown up a hairball was when he was constantly licking himself due to fleas. Sounds like you’re just in denial about how awesome and amazing cats are.
@laurenkem – I can’t take credit for that one, someone else must have said it.
My Arnie has hairballs from time to time, but he’s a longhair. My BobCat has never had a single one.
I’ll swear to it.
@rooeytoo That was me. :)
@wundayatta I’m sure. No woods, as they all lived indoors. I honestly haven’t seen one being coughed up or found any hidden in my house. Then again, I’ve never owned a long-haired cat, so @laurenkem might be onto something.
And I’m pretty sure they’re alive. Robots don’t leave poop in litter boxes for me to clean.
@livelaughlove21 – it must be time for my nap, hehehe, I looked and looked so I could credit it properly and couldn’t find it but there it is in the response where you agreed with my sentiments. And I agree, they are cute for about 10 minutes!
@Pingu I’m not in denial. I categorically deny it. They are awful pitiful, evil creatures and proof that if God exists, he is a nasty trickster. They are the devil incarnate, and somehow they have managed to seduce about half the population. I urge you to repent before it is too late. You can still give up your association with the devil. Do it now. You’ll feel so much better tomorrow!
Hating any creature is a sign of devolution, hey, we ARE all One, just have our DNA arranged a little differently.
All life forms deserve to be respected even if not revered.
Cats RULE!
My two are play fighting by the fire on my persian rug right now as I type.
Myles, my monster 18 lb. Ragdoll AKA ” 2 tons of fun” and “The Monster Man” is being tackled by my petite little 7 lb. female Siamese ” Mia.” They are endlessly entertaining, affectionate, beautiful and great companions.
Now…lets talk about how awesome geese are! lol
Edit by me: Okay, totally misread your comment. My apologies. I think I would like Mr. “2 Tons of Fun” and I think my boys would too.
I love kittens, but I can’t stand cats. Kittens are cute, cuddly, sweet things. Once they grow up, though, they seem to get mean, or at least never do what you want them to. Plus, if I touch a feline, I get all teary-eyed and blubbery (allergies). It makes me miserable for approximately 24 hours.
Some reasons:
They hiss and growl at you;
They have sharp claws and may use them to scratch you or destroy your furniture;
They may be very standoffish unless you train them to be loving;
Fur balls;
They may bring live animals into the house;
They can be difficult to train;
They may cause allergic reactions in some people.
That said, they can be very loving pets and I’m sorry for people who haven’t experienced that.
@wundayatta alright, my gloves are off. Do you want to do this here or out back?
Cats smell bad? Not in the universe I inhabit. Even when MIlo and I are cheek to cheek in the AM, I am the only one with morning breath. His smells like a York peppermint patty.
Our kitty is using our brand new leather love seat as a scratching post. It looks awful now. This is the first piece of new furniture we have owned in 10 years.
Our dogs chewed $20 shoes when they were puppies.
guess which animal is on our shit list
Really? Cats smell bad? Yeah, a lot worse than a steaming pile of dogshit that you have to stand there and watch them expel.
Yep, way worse.
Sorry about that, @jonsblond – I learned the hard way, cats and leather furniture don’t mix well. :(
Because they can’t control cats. If a person just isn’t into animals or pets that’s one thing, but people who hate cats and love dogs either never were around cats or want a pet that will run to them when they come home and be obedient to the owners commands. They say that is why men tend to prefer dogs.
Or, if they had a very bad experience they might hate cats, like having been bitten.
@Pingu LOL…lets kick some of that ass! haha
I will never be without a cat, ever, until I am too damn old or sick to care for one.
None of my cats have ever destroyed my furniture, ever.
Once in a great while they stretch and claw the carpet, slightly, no damage.
I also have a huge cat tree for them inside and another one on the landing in my garage.
I have also never had any house soiling issues.
Compared to the high maintenance of dogs and all the obnoxious dog traits like drooling, barking, panting in your face, whining, jumping up on you, running off, chasing other animals, cats are much easier and better pets IMO.
I wish no harm to dogs, but they are my least favorite of all animals.
They will pry my cats from my cold, dead hands. Not gonna happen. My boys are my favorite people.
I do love my kitties, but I am amazed by the amount of Fluther peeps who have only had perfect kitties. I’ve never known a person irl who never had a cat that didn’t cause some sort of trouble. And before you start blaming Midwest cats for being ignorant and scrappy, the people I know irl are scattered about the US. ;)
@jonsblond The only issues I have had are when the cats get old and demented the last year or so of their lives. lol
I made a couple of those scratching posts from scrap stuff I got from construction sites even though the cats still like wailing on the chairs whenever they feel like it. They know we don’t like it because we will yell at them and they bolt away.
@Coloma You are lucky. Our oldest cat (2 years old at the time) displayed signs of sexual agression. We caught him attacking our female cat, Princess, many times. I can’t remember how many times we had to pull him off Princess. She disappeared after one of those attacks. Haven’t seen her since this past spring.
Because as a human, we want to feel we are in charge of our hosehold, but with a [NSFW]cat we realize they are in charge.
I don’t hate cats, I’m just deathly allergic to them. I can’t even be in a room where a cat has been. If you have cat fur on your clothes, I can’t even stand near you for long. I’ve had friends I can’t visit because they have cats.
So I don’t hate cats. I just wish they would all disappear. ;^)
@jonsblond It’s all about how you raise them that determines how good they are. First of all, there’s no reason not to neuter a cat. Cats in heat are psychotic animals, and they’ll spray everywhere. THAT’S the only time I’ve ever had a cat stink up a house (thankfully it wasn’t mine). Second, cats scratch naturally. They should always have a tall sturdy cat tree to use and, if taught young, they won’t ruin your furniture.
Dogs can be vicious animals and they can, unlike cats, actually kill people. However, if trained right, they’re loyal companions. Owners make dogs bad, just like owners make cats bad.
@JLeslie I think you’re right, especially the part about men. They don’t take kindly to being owned, especially by something smaller than they are. But if my husband is any indication, they can get used to the idea. :)
@cookieman – Wow. This is exactly what I was going to say.
I have lost the ability to visit certain friends and family because they now have a cat. When I – or even my kids – visit my mother, we have to immediately wash all of our clothes and shower when we get home.
So, in a way, I resent cats and see the addition of a cat to a household as an antisocial behavior. It also doesn’t help my impression that the cat people I know are also the people with the least sense of social responsibility. ** And yes, this is probably the most ridiculous sentence that I have every typed.
Because one of them insists on posting answers here & more often than not makes more fucking sense than half of his human counterparts…milo should really be a mod, that would be a purr-fect role for him :¬)
@tom_g: Exactly. My nieces told me they got a cat for Christmas. I thought, well I guess I won’t be coming to your house anymore.
@ucme: Let’s start a seaweed-roots campaign:
Choose the Cat God
Choose the Cat God
As i’ve pointed out before, an anagram of his name is what he’d arrive to work in, posh pussy that he is.
@ucme: MIlo here; If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve. (How did you know about the stretch sittiing in the drive?)
@livelaughlove21 I’m not a bad cat owner. You don’t know me. (and I never said anything about having problems with the smell) I do know a thing or two about cats, thankyouverymuch
leaving thread now
@jonsblond Did I say you were a bad cat owner? No, I don’t believe I did.
Thanks for your notice of departure. Now I don’t have to sit by my computer waiting for a response. :)
Well at least cats don’t kill and disfigure children
Serious and fatal dog attacks often occur to family members, by the family dog and within the home. It is hoped that archiving these stories can help prevent a future tragedy here
@JLeslie So does mine. That was actually my attempt at a joke implying that I own my husband. :)
@ucme:At present, the limo is just another large lump under tons of snow.
@gailcalled Ahh, I must have found out by some other means…dun, dun, dun!!
Here is a high-falutin’ book review in Slate.com about a high-falutin’ memoir about cats.
Peter TRachtenberg wrote “Another Insane Devotion’
Troy Patterson wrote the review.
If you want to see some elegant and truly amusing writing, check this out.
Paragraph one of the review (breaks provided by me):
“Peter Trachtenberg’s Another Insane Devotion is a discursive essay on personal growth, a public exercise in private exorcism, and a collection of notes toward a philosophy of love. Pondering morality and memory, the author addresses Sappho, Homer, Aristotle, Descartes, Michelangelo, Proust, Ruskin, and the Gnostic gospels.
He argues with the universe, anatomizes exes, dons a hairshirt or two, and by-the-by sketches Hopper-esque scenes of small-town strangeness and urban alienation. The book inspired many thoughts in me, foremost that I need to clean the litter box.
Another Insane Devotion is a cat memoir.”
Well…just take a gander at me and my beautiful guy “Gadwicke” that passed away in 2010.
How could anyone not see the beauty in this guy? ;-)
^^^Did PETA know that you let him wear that fur coat publicly?
@Coloma: “How could anyone not see the beauty in this guy? ;-)”
I had to take my asthma inhaler after looking at that photo.
I’m actually going to answer the question now, I know…fancy that!
I don’t hate anything, much less cats, I don’t even fear them, it’s just that I don’t trust them.
You know where you stand with a dog, they either take to you or they don’t, but a cat.
They look as if they toy with you, completely on their terms, then scratch your bloody eyes out just when you least expect it.
^^^ There is always a gentle pre-scratch-your-eyes-out warning. Here it consists of Milo putting his jaws around my arm and pressing only briefly and moderately hard. That gives me a change to change my behavior, attitude or location (or possibly all three).
So long as he knows he’s in charge, yeah I know.
@tom_g Haha…here have a hit of albuterol on me.
@gailcalled A fancy man he was.
“Gad” was amazing, he actually would jump on my shoulder while I was in the pool swimming and would float around on a raft with me. He kicked some serious doggy a$$ in his day and even though he looked like the gay man of the forest he was one tough guy! I miss my Gad ever so much!
Not sure why some people would hate a cat, I know some have phobias of cats. Some just don’t have the energy for any pet even a cat.
I think the most irritating human beings I have met are cat ladies/men. (Which can include menageries of dogs, cats, birds monkeys, whatever). Why they have given their life up for 15 cats a 12 dogs is beyond me.
Or maybe not, humans are not that great either, and should be crated whenever possible.
Oh, @gailcalled Milo should not being doing that. I think he needs kitty finishing school, so he can learn to be a good kitty.
I can’t understand people who hate any animals. I’m afraid of some animals, like pit bulls and certain bugs, but I always try to do right by them. I’ve helped many a bug into a cup and out into the garden.
When I think of people as hating cats or dogs or other animals, I think that they lack some type of compassion. It’s one thing to be afraid of them, because you’ve been bitten, but animals lack malice of intention (unlike people who can actively and intentionally hurt you).
If I was walking around in the jungle and I saw a tiger, I would certainly be afraid, but I could never hate a tiger. Why would I?
@tinyfaery: Since you not here in person to actually show rather than tell, I can only do my best ( which, at best, is only pretty good.)
@Kardamom: “When I think of people as hating cats or dogs or other animals, I think that they lack some type of compassion.”
What people really mean (I believe) when they state that they “hate cats” or “hate dogs” is that they hate situations in which these animals are brought into domestic situations. They don’t necessarily hate the animals. Rather, they are not a fan of having to deal with all that comes with being forced to be around them.
@Kardamom: “If I was walking around in the jungle and I saw a tiger, I would certainly be afraid, but I could never hate a tiger.”
Exactly. But if it became popular for people to keep tigers in their homes, you might hear more “I hate tigers” comments.
@tom_g I guess, but cats are domesticated animals, while tigers are not. It almost sounds like you are saying domesticated cats should not be brought into homes. I guess you could say the same thing about children, but that would be equally weird.
@Kardamom I often do say that about children. :)
@Kardamom: ”@tom_g I guess, but cats are domesticated animals, while tigers are not. It almost sounds like you are saying domesticated cats should not be brought into homes. I guess you could say the same thing about children, but that would be equally weird.”
I’m just trying to ease your mind. You seemed concerned that there was a vast reservoir of animal hatred out there that was reflected in comments like “I hate cats” or “I hate dogs”. What I was trying to say is that these are often people who don’t hate the animals. They have concerns with the proximity. For example, these are common complaints that might result in one of those “hate” comments:
- You live in suburbia and have to deal with barking dogs. You don’t hate the dogs. You might be disappointed with the owners who won’t let their dogs inside, but this might be expressed as “I hate dogs”.
– You live in suburbia and find dog poo on your lawn. Or you find it because your 2 year old has stepped in it and is now walking through the house with it.
– You are severely allergic to cats, and find that your friends and family are adopting cats, which means that you can no longer visit them.
– You have small children and are not comfortable bringing your kids around dogs.
There are other situations that might result in “I hate cats” or “I hate dogs”, but it’s really just an expression of some pet-related annoyance. That’s all I was trying to say.
@Kardamom: “I guess you could say the same thing about children, but that would be equally weird.”
Somewhat different topic in my opinion. Some people confuse pets and kids, and I have very strong opinions about such matters.
Haha…well, raising cats is a helluva lot easier than raising kid kittens. lol
Cats don’t need a college fund, braces or a car when they turn 16. lol
@livelaughlove21 Ha Ha, I was kind of thinking the same thing, myself. I’m always having to explain to people that I do not hate kids, I just prefer not to be in their company very often, because I don’t have the stamina to deal with the constant attention that they need and deserve. I have some wonderful neices and nephews, but I never wanted to have children of my own. I do not hate kids, though and some people have a hard time understanding the difference.
For me dogs and cats are a better fit.
@tom_g I think I know what you’re saying, and unfortunately people do use that as an expression, but I see a lot of real hatred towards cats online and in the news, when people say things like they’ll get a gun and shoot one. I see bumper stickers on cars that make awful statements like that too. You don’t generally hear people making those kinds of comments about dogs.
@Kardamom If an animal had a personal vendetta for you, and took every chance it had to make you miserable, no matter how loving and reasonable you were, would you still not feel hatred?
@Pingu I’m confused. What is it that you want to fight about? You think that if you beat me up, you can make cats stop hating me? You think you can make them stop making me sneeze? You can make them stop spitting hairballs on my porch or peeing in my basement or rubbing up against me whenever they see me?
I’m sorry. But your logic escapes me. Now if you wanted to be a personal cat barrier—and promised to take all the cats in my area for yourself, so I’d never even have to see one—that’s an offer I would take you up on!
As a side question, if an animal enters your yard unleashed and uninvited, like a squirrel or a feral cat or something, are you within your rights to dispatch that animal? Or do you have to call pest animal control or something?
Some of you guys would just die over here.
I had a mule nuzzling my neck in the hot tub the other night.
If you have allergies well…don’t come on out to my micro-farm
.Hay, horses, sheep, donkeys,cats, geese, deer, and every other damn thing that walks, waddles, slithers, crawls, gallops, baaas, brays, neighs.
The only thing missing are those sloppy stupid canines. haha
If someone is allergic to cats and it is general knowledge, but friends and relatives keep acquiring them anyhow, it could be a not too subtle message! I figure it is anyone’s privilege not to like dogs and it is their privilege not to visit my house because my dogs live there. If you want to get together without the company of my dogs, we can meet at a restaurant. I will leave my dogs at home and you can leave your kids at home! Sounds like a good plan to me!!!
@wundayatta I assume you are joking and playing with me, but animals don’t have personal vendettas. They’re not human. Although I think some animals do sense fear in some people and for whatever reason might be drawn to them for that reason.
@Kardamom I was going to say the same thing. Personal vendetta? An animal? I don’t think so. As if a cat is secretly plotting your demise.
@Kardamom Well, I don’t know what the animals are thinking. And if your argument is that since animals can’t think like humans, they can’t hate, and you can’t hate them, then I don’t know what to say. All I know is that cats do bother me, when they don’t bother anyone else. I am not kidding that cats that are very shy come out when I am around. It is as if they know I can’t stand them, and they show up to make me sick.
So I do not like them at all. It’s hard not to not take it personally. I think they do sense something in me and that cats are perverse creatures and do enjoy teasing and playing with other creatures before they kill them. I think it is part of their personality and nature, and it is a rather unpleasant thing. So I’m not really kidding. Cats definitely have it in for me. It has happened too many times for it to be an accident.
I’m happy to live and let live. They don’t come near me, and I won’t go near them. We can be happy. But cats don’t seem to be able to live that way. They seem to know I can’t stand them, and they crawl all over me whenever they get a chance. Now we have a neighbors cat that is constantly over at our house. Why? There are so many other places in the neighborhood it could go. But every time I go out, there is the cat. It’s enough to make you believe that there is some hive cat mind that makes them all behave the same way. I don’t believe that, but I do think there is something in cat nature that makes them try to harass or torture anything they can. That’s how they handle their hunting, and I’m just another kill.
@wundayatta – You must just have that animal magnetism!
There are quite a few guys that I know (usually the ones who have to flaunt their masculinity by always wearing fatigues, camo/hunting gear, etc when they’re not warranted) who are the biggest cat haters. It is politically correct for them to hate cats because they have block shaped brains, like the shape of their heads. I’d be wealthy if I had a dime for every guy that questioned me on why I (guy) like cats.
There are plenty of other types of guys and women that dislike cats too, and this doesn’t necessarily bother me in itself since we all have our likes and dislikes. It is the real men don’t like cats crowd that gets under my skin. Yes this element is still prevaliant in 2013 yet sadly.
Good lord! What a horrible idea! I don’t like “real men.” But I also don’t like cats. I hope that doesn’t put me in an impossible position.
They shed, they poop in a plastic box without a flush feature, they step on your furniture with “kitty litter paws”, they can be loud at inopportune times (like when you’re trying to sleep), they like to lick their asses on your pillows (again, when you’re trying to sleep).......
For the record, I have two completely insane cats who bitch and moan at shadows in the middle of the night and chase each other through the house, making enough noise for a herd of elephants…. but I frackin’ ADORE those furballs!
My answers many times may seem off the wall, but I can assure you that they’re based off of what I’ve seen and been around my entire life. Most people really do live to impress other people, or at least those peers who are the most important to them. I suppose this is why I’ve been obsessed with gender related questions on here, because I see a major conformist element within a world that still abides by the rules of gender role theories.
@wundy No I didn’t include everyone that dislikes cats as my last post clearly stated, but the real men element is still a very strong factor behind this hatred of cats.
I think many people who dislike cats don’t have experience with them and are content to simply believe what other cat-haters say. Take @woodcutter. He says they crap in the house. So do dogs, but unlike cats, they can’t be trained to use a litter box and have to be walked. As to the assertion that cats don’t care whether or not they please their owners and are there only to be pleased, nonsense. Any cat lover will disagree with that. But even if it’s true, so what? Isn’t that why we own any kind of pet: to take care and please them? My cat loves to sit in my lap and purr. That alone pleases me enough to make me want to do everything I can to please him.
@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Agreed.
My cats seek me out for greetings and attention all the time. Infact, they both make a huge point of finding me in the house when they have come in from their romp outside via the kitty door. It’s definitely a ” honey I’m home” please acknowledge me, greeting behavior. If I am engaged in something they jump up and head butt me and won’t stop trying to get my attention of their homecoming. haha
My cat has a giant hole in his face.
Yeah, @Coloma. Up until Friday he was a Tom Cat. He was FULL of holes. There was a big lump on the side of his face, too. We took him to the vet to get him neutered and checked over. Yeah…big lump=infection & gangrene=big hole. It’s hell trying to keep him from going outside for a couple of weeks! LOL! I put him in the bath room when I go out to smoke…and he sits in the window of the bath room glaring at me!
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