NSFW - What is your most successful strategy of seduction?
How do you get someone to surrender to your…earthly desires-?
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32 Answers
I assume they like me, are curious about me, and think I am fun to begin with. Then when they ask me questions, I try and respond with something other guys likely would never say.
I need no strategy. I tell my husband if I’m in the mood and he’s naked before his ass hits the bed. Guys are so easy. :)
I look for women with a certain look. If I’m right, then we already know each other. We’ve had very similar life experiences. Then it’s just a question of establishing we know each other and it quickly moves on from there.
But mostly it’s about getting to know someone slowly through work or some activity we participate in, and then things move on to this and that. It’s not exactly a seduction. More like getting to know you in depth with a side helping of flirtation.
I listen to women. Most guys never think to try that.
Down, girls! I’m married!
Reminds me of the best advice I ever got about women. A girl I had a thing for when I was a Jr. in high school eventually friend-zoned me. But I asked her what women wanted, and she told me they wanted to be listened to. As @filmfann has said, it really works.
What’s weird, is you can talk about how well it works and broadcast it all over the place, and most men still wont’ do it. I don’t know if they don’t know how, or if they just aren’t interested enough.
But I love women, and hell, I even listen to my wife, who has told me everything five times over already. Doesn’t matter. Being heard makes her feel like I am present and I care, and that’s what I want her to feel.
I make sure to keep looking into her eyes and when I get the chance, I kiss her neck to make her weak in the knees. Sigh…I miss my ex.
Get undressed. LOL
Works like a charm every time.
It really depends. Point is I have to be interested in them, then I feel confident and sexy. And that generally works.
[NSFW] I tell them to close their eyes and then I say, “Now I want you to think about your grandfather completely naked. Think of his testicles. Try to envision every pore on his sack. Think of his liver spots and think of his wrinkly shriveled up penis. Now open your eyes and look at me.”
After them thinking about their grandfather naked in “High-Def,” when they get an eyeful of me, I won’t be quite as revolting. LOL
That’s the best you got, @Self_Consuming_Cannibal? Does it work? ‘Cause I’m having a real hard time imagining this. I think it’s more likely that they end up upchucking in your lap after going on that guided meditation.
I lob my penis right out!
I make good eye contact and listen well.
I talk about my passions and try to find interests in common.
I whip out my langue française. In America it works because French has sexy connotations, and in France it works because I have pretty sexy French for an American ;)
There is no consistency or magic – each woman I have been with is different and has been seduced (or wooed) in a different way.
I don’t see how their could be a standard seduction technique. The target woman is different in each case. You have to adapt yourself to her personality and her needs – one size does not fit all.
I wear just pantyhose, not stockings, pantyhose are more kinky, and dance sideways like a spider to this
@Shippy well that would help to cure any spider phobias thats for sure
@ucme – Oh yeah? Well, I detach my strap and throw it across the room at them XD
@wundayatta Yes. I guess this is the best that I’ve got. I’m sorry I’m still trying to earn my “Pimp Merit Badge” from you “O Mater Cub Scout!” Someday my ultimate goal is to try not only to sleep with as many women as you have, but to also sleep with the same women you have. You are my shining beacon of light in my dark, dark world of unrelenting, unseductive, masturbational nights. If we could all just be pimps like you!
“Pimping ain’t easy.” But I’m sure you already know that.
@Self_Consuming_Cannibal Ok, son. Here’s pimp lesson number one. Women like feeling good better than being grossed out. Ditch the grandfather. Buy a Corvette. Or a Maserati. Ok.
Then give me the Maserati.
I’m sure I can think of something else to tell you after that. ;-)
I tell them I have over 22k lurve.
@wundayatta Ok. So first I make a woman feel good, lose my grandfather then buy a Corvette or a Maserati. Cool I’m on it.
Ok step 1: Make a women feel good, not grossed out:
Ok, I slipped a laxative into her drink and now she has to shit. When I hear that familiar rumbling and see that familiar look on her face, just like 30 seconds into this video, I invite her to use my bathroom and say, “Don’t worry I just cleaned it this morning.”
Step 1: complete
Step 2: Ditch the grandfather:
(the sound of a gun being cocked) BOOM!
Step 2: complete
Step 3: Buy a Corvette and give you a Maserati.
Ok. My Corvette is in my living room and soon you should receive your Maserati, courtesy of me, the Hotwheels corporation and of course UPS. Let me know how you like it when you receive it.
Step 3: complete
Wow you’re so right! Thanks to you I have climbed the “Stairway to Studliness” and now I get more ass than Greyhound and White Castle Bathrooms put together and I owe it all to you; my hero!
How can I ever repay you?
Totally made my day, @Self_Consuming_Cannibal. I’m sitting here trying to keep from sounding like I’m a crazy laugher dude! Thanks. GA!
@wundayatta I’m glad to be of service and provide entertainment. You said you’re trying to keep from sounding like a “crazy laugher dude.” Are you in public by chance?
Here’s some GA right back at you.
Well, at work. There aren’t many people around, but they could hear me down the hall.
I’m rereading it and laughing again. That’s damn good! Almost no one gets me to reread, and even fewer make me laugh twice at the same thing. Thanks, again.
Wundayatta has a job? That blows my mind. I thought he was independently wealthy and lived on the internet.
Hee hee! You wouldn’t know I’m in the middle of a major project right now, would you. I’m so efficient, it’s unbelievable.
@wundayatta Once again you are quite welcome. It makes fluthering all worth while when I know I have entertained or made someone’s day.
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