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zensky's avatar

Bowie at 66 has a new song - are you excited?

Asked by zensky (13426points) January 9th, 2013

Rock on dude – enjoy my little spiders.

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34 Answers

Pachy's avatar

I like it. Video’s odd, though.

zensky's avatar

I agree – not a great video.

He says a studio album is on the way. Yay!

ragingloli's avatar

I do not listen to satanist music.

Seek's avatar

THAT’s who it was. I was trying to remember who else had a birthday yesterday. I remembered Stephen Hawking (can you believe he’s 71!)

Oh dear sweet holy frak. That voice. Good song, and always a pleasure to hear from Bowie. ^_^

lightsourcetrickster's avatar

I won’t say I’m a die hard fan of Bowie, but his work in Labyrinth in 1986 is something that lives in my memory. He’s not the baby with the power anymore on this one I’m afraid. I didn’t like the track and the video was just not completely weird but weird enough to be off-putting. Too modern artsy for me. Shame really because otherwise I like everything else he’s released.
Thanks for the link Ziggy er..Zensky.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Interesting song, I’ll have to listen a few times to make a judgement. Cool to see seniors rocking on. I think Jimmy Page has a birthday today. Maybe 69? Thanks Zensky.

zensky's avatar

@lightsourcetrickster LOL.

Edited: You’re welcome Adirondack.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Love the new song! I just love David Bowie, period.

And I’d like to add that he’s the sexiest villain, ever, but he was sexier before he had his teeth fixed.

Seek's avatar

Who the fuck touched his teeth? I will slay them.

Shippy's avatar

Very nice, he does look slightly Amoeba-esque

ETpro's avatar

Ah the man of a thousand faces puts on yet another persona. I very much like the song and am looking forward to the release of the Album. Kudos to Bowie for releasing the first track free in the wild. Of course, there are already YouTube rips posted, but since it’s free for the taking, why not view it on the artist’s site? Each visit is a way of saying happy birthday to the man with the Frank Sinatra voice and style.

ucme's avatar

Well a lot of us brits clearly are, the song just went number 1 in the mid-week charts.
I only own one Bowie album, Scary Monsters…when he’s good he’s fucking awesome.

zensky's avatar

Nice catch @ETpro

Pachy's avatar

I like it even more after a few more listenings.

Pachy's avatar

Call me weird, but I still love the 1977 Crosby-Bowie Christmas duet. It still entertains and touches me after all these years.

ucme's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Okay, you’re weird…that’s okay though, but that song!!

El_Cadejo's avatar

Grabbed this song when it went online yesterday. Good song, creepy fuckin video. I’m looking forward to the album release.

Pachy's avatar

One thing that strikes me about this song is how lazily it unfolds, which I like very much. It has a plaintive quality that’s not so much sad as resigned.

ETpro's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Thanks for the link. As much as I admire Bowie’s creativity, I’d missed this one. It’s an incredibly beautiful song. It takes two great artists to overlay songs so masterfully. Hats off to both.

flutherother's avatar

“He peers out from the face of a bag-headed doll, with the permanently anxious eyes of the elderly Duke of Windsor. Can this really be David Bowie?” Robert Everett-Green

I liked the song though.

Bellatrix's avatar

I like it! I hope his new album is out before March so I can buy it for my husband who loves Bowie.

Thanks for the question @zensky.

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SomeoneElse's avatar

I like the song, but don’t want to watch the video as the words just ‘paint the picture’ for me. I don’t usually like Bowie but this song is very good, with clever words so I have to give it a gold star and 10/10!

bob_'s avatar

No, I’m not.

ml3269's avatar

Great song of the world and its changes… CHANGES… well… he recognized the time changing in Berlin… so he wrote a song about that… a great one… odd… Bowie… I like it!

Pachy's avatar

I’ve loved this song the first time I heard it, which was the day before this question was asked… and I’ve been listening to it repeatedly ever since. Though I didn’t understand the lyrics at first, the music “got me” right away. Since then I’ve read the lyrics, even sung them to the song myself, and find my original analysis of the song was quite correct—that it’s a nostalgic looking back at Bowie’s own career. But it’s more than nostalgia, as this review points out. Wanted to share it with all of you.

zensky's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Ironically,squidoo is a fluther knockoff and rips off our questions. LOL. But thanks for the review.

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