I tend to lean towards the following: our culture is very sexist, many people are sexist (of all genders) and they can’t all really truly hate women. Funnily enough, as I’m writing up my mini-ethnography on cat-calling (as we speak), I am making an argument against some prominent feminists (that I really dislike anyway, like Mackinnon) which state that every person harassing women simply doesn’t know them well or hates them or is abusing power. The line, for me, between someone who harasses and doesn’t is FAR more blurred. I really don’t believe people who cat-call, for example, hate women. Some do, but that’s not specific to men. And the whole thing is far more complicated, in my opinion, than just saying ‘oh, you hate women, now let’s do xyz.’ When all of us, men and women and transpeople, are raised in a society that marks (in so many ways) women as less than men (even if, officially, on paper, that’s not how it looks), we can’t help but (consciously or not) devalue femininity and many things we link with women (even though we shouldn’t link those things to gender, in general).
Anyway, as a person perceived as a woman by most people who do not know me (I don’t identify as such), I experience lots of sexism but not a lot of misogyny (if we take your definition). I mean it’s hard to tell, I guess, if something happens because someone really hates an entire gender. They don’t really ever explain their actions that way.
Some people have no difficulty defining misogyny. I do because I go with nuance, rather than clear-cut generalizations. Even when it comes to horrific things like throwing acid on women when they ‘dishonor’ men or the family, it’s not just about (if at all) hatred of women though it seems, of course, like such a heinous act. There is a lot involved in that kind of thing, religion, tradition, culture, control, etc.
I also don’t think concluding something is sexist or misogynist is the end of the road. I don’t care what you think it’s about, I want to know how and why it happens and what it means and if there is anything we can do to change that it’s happening. I hate when groups (say men or women or black people) are placed somehow outside society and explained away without evidence. I say we’re all in this shithole of a world together, let’s figure out how we’re ALL responsible, instead of just placing blame. It’s so careless to do so and it doesn’t solve anything. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all about identifying where sexism takes place and who does what, but it’s not about making sure I can wag my finger at them, it’s about something more, beyond that.