Social Question

zensky's avatar

Upon your initial discovery of Google/Facebook/Twitter - whom did you first look up - and find?

Asked by zensky (13426points) January 10th, 2013

Google is not only ubiquitous and essential – it is fun to reverse search people by using their name and phone number or address and reverse image search.

FB – I hate it – but it has been a useful tool to seek out (remember ICQ – I seek you?) old friends and lovers. I don’t – but many people have done so.

Have you ever looked up the girl you were in love with 50 years ago? Ever try to seek out the old gang from the neighbourhood 30 years ago? Your first sweetheart?

Your old grade one teacher Mrs. Katofsky? What – you had her too? Are you my neighbour?

How disappointed were you?

How great was it?

Can one ever go home?

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9 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

I googled some old girlfriends. Then some friends. It was depressing. I found far more about everyone I know than I did about myself. In fact, the fake me—Wundayatta—has a gazillion more web presence than I do. Is that pathetic or what?

It’s not as if I tried to hide myself. It’s just that I don’t do anything that Google is interested in in real life.

zenvelo's avatar

I started looking for an old girlfriend on aol, yahoo, and netscape back the mid 90s. And of course on Google when it came to be. I finally found her in 2006.

dxs's avatar

I looked up the person with me who persuaded me to get one.

burntbonez's avatar

First person? Myself, of course! In all my google glory!

rojo's avatar

Google. Facebook came to me because of my kids and I still don’t know what twitter is.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Old school friends.

lightsourcetrickster's avatar

I did try to find any record of my Grandpa to see if there were any WW2 related stories in which he might have been involved in but sadly no. It’s all the really popular folks that get that kind of treatment – the sort that did daring raids or were superspies or belonged to really popular regiments (like the 101st Airborne or Montgomery’s 8th army) – not people that got bombed the shit out of and couldn’t do much in the way of fighting back – which kind of disappointed me a little. The only story I have ever known about him was when his airbase was bombed the hell out of by the Japs and his squadron had left him and a guy with a broken leg on the mend in the hospital tent. They had to walk TWO HUNDRED miles to catch up with the rest of them and all they had to keep themselves going was this guy’s tin of Horlicks. If that isn’t going through hell and keeping on going I don’t know what is.

Rarebear's avatar

I used FB long before I used G+ (although I was on long before either). The first time I went on Facebook I looked up the person who convinced me to join FB. I use Google Plus mostly for astronomy work and so I looked up the astronomers I work with.

rojo's avatar

I totally misread this question. I thought it was which of the three (Google, FB, Twit) did you first look up.

Sometimes I should just stay in bed.

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